Breastfeeding in public


OK, qualify that, please, by saying "native Texans"! We transplants have nothing to do with that image! :o

I think she was referring to hair not transplant boobs! Plastic or otherwise...then again maybe not...boobs are cool!:cof1:
OK, qualify that, please, by saying "native Texans"! We transplants have nothing to do with that image! :o

True, I apologize, but if you stay too long, your mental health and fashion senses may be greatly affected!

True, I apologize, but if you stay too long, your mental health and fashion senses may be greatly affected!

Alaska the capital of fashion..let me count the ways...Polar Bear rugs,coats,seal skin top hats and Jackets,the original moo moos...:cof1: Hawaii has not a up on Alaska...the moomoo was originated in Alaska...only God knows how many skins it takes to cover the body...
Breast were created for breast feeding and people need to deal with it...

Good grief what do Americans do when they travel aboard and see how free Europe and others are about nudity and how uptight Americans are about natural things.

It never never ceases to amaze me.

well dont expect me to live to eroupen standerds. i think its grose.

dont get me wrong, i think breast feeding is a good thing, but i also think there is a time and place for it, and in the middle of a public place or place of business just aint the place. if you kid starts cring get up and move to a more privet place, like a bathroom or somthing. not that hard
True, I apologize, but if you stay too long, your mental health and fashion senses may be greatly affected!
Actually I have known of a few recovered texicans...not many though and the DFW area is plumb full of transplants.

It is funny they will mover there form NY or somewhere, buy the boots, hats and pickup truck and play coyboys and republicans.
well dont expect me to live to eroupen standerds. i think its grose.

dont get me wrong, i think breast feeding is a good thing, but i also think there is a time and place for it, and in the middle of a public place or place of business just aint the place. if you kid starts cring get up and move to a more privet place, like a bathroom or somthing. not that hard

Feeding in a bathroom ? Nasty....

besides a republican might get ya.
well dont expect me to live to eroupen standerds. i think its grose.
dont get me wrong, i think breast feeding is a good thing, but i also think there is a time and place for it, and in the middle of a public place or place of business just aint the place. if you kid starts cring get up and move to a more privet place, like a bathroom or somthing. not that hard

You are starting to worry me Bob...way too many camping trips with the guys?:cof1:
You are starting to worry me Bob...way too many camping trips with the guys?:cof1:

you dont have to worrie about me, i am just real shy, i would express my opinion on what your getting at but its not needed, nor do i want to piss off anyone, so i keep thoes opinions to myself.
You just have to control thwe jealousy over small kids....

ahh ... lol... no. not jellous, just makes me uncomfutable...

i aint one to complain about it, besides here, its not like i would walk up to a mom and say "put the tit away you might hurt someone" or somthing stupid like that, but if i could i would move, or just sit there and be bothered. unless they make a huge deal out of it. witch has never happened to me
I may get in trouble for this but I don't believe that I have ever objected to a bare breast. Even if someone else is sucking on it.


ya i demented, my wife to be always messes with me about that crap,

i cant stand it when people are making out in public either.

call me weird, stupid or what you well, but thats where i stand
Not me bob..........

i never said i perfer bathroom feeding!! lol it was simpily a sugestion.

maybe you might get arested for doing it in there...

I stay outta public toilets for that...I do love the boobs and girls...but I do not practice this in toilets as some or in a toilet is just 'gross'...using your term...carry on bob...I am no longer worried about are as you said just shy!:cof1: