
Except what in the name of Christ Almighty would bring me to a podunk town?
Is there some attraction of which I'm not aware?

Come see me Mr. Niblick. I’ve got a pot of squirrel and dumplings in the slow cooker. That’s a pretty good attraction. ;)

Seriously, it’s my native side of the family reunion time. It’s my job to make this for them.
Piss off the KKK? After they murder innocent people and drag their victim's bodies through the streets, then what?

no more perfect example of your racism and racist attitudes than this............your racist belief that there were NEVER black people, or even hispanic people ,that EVER lived in a small town............

kudos to you for your acknowledgement of being a racist
But back to the bullying thing, that is the hardest thing to detect and enforce.

It's really hard to figure out for you guys, I'm sure, but yet you have to try.

My son took his practicum as a teacher and added it to his Army stretch on his list of "Why did I do that? experiences.
He sought alternate endeavors, needless to say.

I do remember our walking through the mall once, many years ago, to meet the Gestapo in a restaurant
when some little kid came up and called him "Mr. Niblick."
In as much as my dad had already left this world,
I looked around to see who the kid was addressing.
You remember the first time you hear your son called "Mister."

Actually he didn't mind the little ones, but they don't get parental permission slips in our area to crown the older ones.
My boy may have understood your point better than I did!
I tend to think along these lines on the two scenarios as well.

Here is where I am kind of going with this… Teachers are expected to police every exchange nowadays but the first exchange took place out of the hearing of the elementary teachers. Girl went home, told her mother and mom is on FB complaining about teachers. It is bullying, IMO, but somehow those teachers have to be made aware of the exchange.

The second was an exchange among high school boys last year. Nothing ever grew out of it but that exchange was used as an example of bullying and IMO it was just some banter and self-check on self-awareness among those HS boys.

To your last paragraph, nowadays most kids seem to have to be taught to do almost everything. I had a beard when I wanted one from the time I was a sophomore until I graduated. Around here when October rolled around it was time to grow a beard to get ready for deer season. I was one of two in HS at the time who could do it. My parents didn’t care.

Now my boy has a beard, pony tail and ear ring. Probably have a tattoo next. I would never have the latter three (nor do I condemn them) but I’m not him and his generation is much different than mine. It’s not my world anymore.

But back to the bullying thing, that is the hardest thing to detect and enforce.

I don't envy your position because it's tough. Kids (and adults) say mean things to each other. No school, workplace, team etc. is just kumbaya. We can't monitor, and punish, every single potentially hurtful thing someone says. At the same time you certainly want to be aware in case it's not a one off comment rather a trending behavior.

Not to derail the thread but my daughter is going into first grade. She came home from kindergarten a couple of times and said 'some boy said something mean to me'. Of course I'm very protective of my daughter but at the same I realize even at that age kids say (mean) things to each other and if it's some one off comment I'm not going to fly off the handle. Her learning to deal with it is part of growing up. But as always, there is a lot of nuance there.
no more perfect example of your racism and racist attitudes than this............your racist belief that there were NEVER black people, or even hispanic people ,that EVER lived in a small town............

kudos to you for your acknowledgement of being a racist
Does that mean you'll kill me and mine as "collateral damage" in your civil war?
you may not be my target, but if you and yours end up dead, it doesnt matter. the sad part is that you'll blame me even if you government friendly fire did it for me.

Thanks for confirming, once again, your intent to murder Americans who get in your way.
thanks for confirming, once again, that you have absolutely zero ability to comprehend english ROFL

Did I misunderstand these posts, DtM?
i'm not out to overthrow the constitution, just the men who pervert it.

i'm gonna work on putting together something like 'NFL red zone'..............where all the highlighted shots and kills of important people are nationally broadcast
you were never taught the difference between innocent civilian and collaberator...............and it shows....

...my new unit has been together a while...we'd know if there was a traitorous government fuckstick among us....he'd have been disappeared already
this is precisely why I don't have a huge problem with collateral damage.
I've got a serious question. Please don't let it devolve into some perverted mess or I'll delete the thread.

Does calling a 5th - 6th grade kid "Chewbacca" because her mom (parent, guardian, etc.) hasn't taught her to shave her legs constitute "bullying?"

Does calling a 9th - 10th grade boy "Shaggy" (as in from Scooby Doo) constitute bullying because his dad hasn't taught him to shave yet constitute "bullying?"

Serious answers only, please.

If what you are after is actually "Should I report this?" then my answer is no in both cases.
What a nut he is

He's a White Nationalist seeking to overthrow the United States government and committing mass murder along the way. Just like his hero Timothy McVeigh whom he has supported.

Do you feel Timothy McVeigh was justified in his bombing of government property and employees?
yes. I simply disapprove of his target.
he had great intentions, just piss poor target selection