
I don't envy your position because it's tough. Kids (and adults) say mean things to each other. No school, workplace, team etc. is just kumbaya. We can't monitor, and punish, every single potentially hurtful thing someone says. At the same time you certainly want to be aware in case it's not a one off comment rather a trending behavior.

Not to derail the thread but my daughter is going into first grade. She came home from kindergarten a couple of times and said 'some boy said something mean to me'. Of course I'm very protective of my daughter but at the same I realize even at that age kids say (mean) things to each other and if it's some one off comment I'm not going to fly off the handle. Her learning to deal with it is part of growing up. But as always, there is a lot of nuance there.

Yes, it was very much the same when my boy was in elementary. You try to tell them (your own kids) to deal with it the best they can because … well, real life. At the same time you don’t want them to go through unnecessary teasing.

And, as the dad of a boy, I resisted the urge to tell him to punch the guy’s lights out and if he get whipped he gets whipped, but I bet he quits teasing him. But that’s not a “grown up” option.
Yes, it was very much the same when my boy was in elementary. You try to tell them (your own kids) to deal with it the best they can because … well, real life. At the same time you don’t want them to go through unnecessary teasing.

And, as the dad of a boy, I resisted the urge to tell him to punch the guy’s lights out and if he get whipped he gets whipped, but I bet he quits teasing him. But that’s not a “grown up” option.

Martial arts is mainly for self-discipline and provides the confidence to withstand bullying. Most bullies are cowards which is why they often need to outnumber those they are bullying. Sometimes a punch to the face is necessary, but mainly just the willingness to fight is enough. It also teaches them that getting punched looks worse than it is, so they won't fear being punched. :)

TBH, most people punch like girls. A nice solid punch in return often produces desirable results. LOL
I've got a serious question. Please don't let it devolve into some perverted mess or I'll delete the thread.

Does calling a 5th - 6th grade kid "Chewbacca" because her mom (parent, guardian, etc.) hasn't taught her to shave her legs constitute "bullying?"

Does calling a 9th - 10th grade boy "Shaggy" (as in from Scooby Doo) constitute bullying because his dad hasn't taught him to shave yet constitute "bullying?"

Serious answers only, please.

Sure, but so what?

Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.
Anti-Truth: Not just not the truth.....the exact opposite of the truth.......the purpose of which is to scramble your brain.
The truth is you're a drunken, anti-American loser drowning in your life's sorrows. Man up and buckle up, dumbass.