Cackles McKneepads - If somebody breaks in my house, they're getting shot." - she told Oprah, then cackled about it

I thought magats supported the castle doctrine.

A castle doctrine, also known as a castle law or a defense of habitation law, is a legal doctrine that designates a person's abode or any legally occupied place (for example, an automobile or a home) as a place in which that person has protections and immunities permitting one, in certain circumstances, to use force (up to and including deadly force) to defend oneself against an intruder, free from legal prosecution for the consequences of the force used.
White libs scream that know one needs a gun.

And that Kamala bought a gun because she has a tiny penis.
Sept 19 (Reuters) - Vice President Kamala Harris on Thursday issued a warning to any potential home intruder: "If somebody breaks in my house, they're getting shot."

The Democratic presidential candidate and gun owner made the seemingly unguarded comment in an interview with Oprah Winfrey before a live studio audience when the conversation turned to gun laws.

"I probably should not have said that. But my staff will deal with that later," Harris said, laughing."

Right now I'm imagining what the response of the leftist cockroaches would have been.if trump had uttered the exact same words.
White libs scream that know one needs a gun.

And that Kamala bought a gun because she has a tiny penis.
No, you just resort to sweeping generalizations about anything liberal.

If trump wins the election I may decide to get a gun. I don't trust magats one bit.

Edit: I should have said whether trump wins or loses. Just on JPP there's a lot of violent rhetoric from trump supporters.
Sept 19 (Reuters) - Vice President Kamala Harris on Thursday issued a warning to any potential home intruder: "If somebody breaks in my house, they're getting shot."

The Democratic presidential candidate and gun owner made the seemingly unguarded comment in an interview with Oprah Winfrey before a live studio audience when the conversation turned to gun laws.

"I probably should not have said that. But my staff will deal with that later," Harris said, laughing."

We all know that "Heels Up" Harris has problems with the English language. Her spoken English is an incomprehensible "word salad". But the way she has mis-Ipronouncied the word "SUCKED" as "SHOT" (above) means her difficulties with the English language are even worse than I thought ! ?

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
She's running to the centre right because her PR people know that:s where most Americans reside politically and she needs more votes. Pretty simple really.

It’s not a well-kept secret, but it is a truth that partisans on either end of the political spectrum dare not acknowledge: Kamala Harris’s wholesale makeover is aimed at convincing voters she’s not the woman of the Left she once made herself out to be. For now, Democrats are letting her get away with it. They know that the presidential race is a dead heat, and they’re not inclined to make demands of Harris until she can deliver the goods. Republicans can also be counted on to keep this observation to themselves. Their theory of the case against Harris is that the years she spent crafting a reputation for herself as a doctrinaire progressive is her biggest liability. But the fact is that Harris is running to the right of her own record because she’s trying to meet the median voter where he lives.

She's running to the centre right because ...
Nope. Kriminala is not budgeing from her Marxist leftist position, this is why she refuses to explain any of her positions, except for the Marxist price controls which she inadvertently blurted out.

Kriminala remains firmly fixed on the far left. She talks about owning guns, but when she implements a total ban on guns for law abiding citizens and the abolition of the 2nd Amendment, she doesn't mean that her guns should be confiscated.

Kamala Harris’s wholesale makeover ...
It's not a makeover and the DNC has no intention of having Kriminala change any of her positions. Everybody in the world has been put on notice that Kriminala's values have not changed. Your claim that she somehow has changed is totally baseless.
Another one of your many lies on JPP. He even makes fun of himself.

Why did you post this?

He doesn't even give one of his gruff, short, mirthless chuckles in this clip. He doesn't laugh at all.

And you even implied that it proved that I lied. What's the scoop? I claimed the man doesn't laugh - and he doesn't laugh. He did not laugh in that clip at all.