Can Internet Flirtations Lead to a Dangerous Liaison?

This thread made me suddenly realize why there are no straight hairdresser guys for women out there...imagine coming home to one of these ladies smelling of perfume, shampoo and with plenty of long hair that is not yours.

Also cutting hair is gay.

Yeah, I cut hair and it makes me very gay...:p
Yeah, I cut hair and it makes me very gay...:p
I like going in and letting the girls wash my hair. I don't know why but it is quite soothing. However when it is a guy, I just get a haircut. It wouldn't be quite as soothing for some reason...

Maybe I'll contemplate my belly button and see if I can drag up a reason on that one... But I don't think I will.

I like going in and letting the girls wash my hair. I don't know why but it is quite soothing. However when it is a guy, I just get a haircut. It wouldn't be quite as soothing for some reason...

Maybe I'll contemplate my belly button and see if I can drag up a reason on that one... But I don't think I will.


I'm looking forward to my next hair appointment, now that I think of it.

Actually, I kind of would feel uncomfortable if a straight guy washed my hair. I don't know why. Maybe because it's so personal?
I'm looking forward to my next hair appointment, now that I think of it.

Actually, I kind of would feel uncomfortable if a straight guy washed my hair. I don't know why. Maybe because it's so personal?

Thats not what your hubby said...he said ya get goosebumps when he adds shampoo to the mix...:eek:
I'm looking forward to my next hair appointment, now that I think of it.

Actually, I kind of would feel uncomfortable if a straight guy washed my hair. I don't know why. Maybe because it's so personal?

Right, keep the flirting for the net and not the hairnet.

(How's that for a uscitizen impression?)
I love the internet! It's almost as good as sex. But I got to thinking, being that I'm a married woman, is it proper to be chatting it up and getting flirtatious with other men on messageboards. I do it for fun, but I'm wondering if this is going overboard and could it lead to something harmful.

Only if you flirt with women or men. :cof1:
Internet flirting is harmless.

Hell, so is flirting in person. My wife and I went to dinner tonight. At the next table was a group of soldier in uniform. My wife caught one of them staring and her. There was nothing said between them, but between a man in uniform and an attractive women there was a definite air.

Did wonders for her ego. She is still smiling.
Internet flirting is harmless.

Hell, so is flirting in person. My wife and I went to dinner tonight. At the next table was a group of soldier in uniform. My wife caught one of them staring and her. There was nothing said between them, but between a man in uniform and an attractive women there was a definite air.

Did wonders for her ego. She is still smiling.

When your wife smiles, I bet you smile as well.
I think I turn off the other women on the board when I flirt.

I don't know why. They must think I'm a light weight not capable of intellectual conversation.

On this board for the most part, me too. Wish they'd have a recipe forum. My views are too minority, so I try to keep them to myself or on other boards that are a tad more balanced. I still love reading the political things from the other side, gives me some balance and there are really thoughtful posters, even if I don't always agree.
I think I turn off the other women on the board when I flirt.

I don't know why. They must think I'm a light weight not capable of intellectual conversation.

Well, the truth is that most of them are just really bothered that you're flirting with BB...he's considered the hot number around these parts.

You know how jealous some people can act.
On this board for the most part, me too. Wish they'd have a recipe forum. My views are too minority, so I try to keep them to myself or on other boards that are a tad more balanced. I still love reading the political things from the other side, gives me some balance and there are really thoughtful posters, even if I don't always agree.

Are your views really that minority around here? It seems to me we have a fair number of conservatives, dont' we?
Are your views really that minority around here? It seems to me we have a fair number of conservatives, dont' we?

Not among the most active posters, definitely not.

Desh, uscit, yourself, Onceler, Dungheap, Jarod, LadyT, Watermark.