Canada, Mexico Steelmakers Refuse New US Orders

It takes time to ship steel. If you thought you were going to buy your steel from Canada, and have to buy it from China, you are getting your steel several months later than you thought you would.

We are losing a lot of high paying jobs, in an attempt to get a few low paying jobs.
Make it here.
We do not have the capability. The ownership society mothballed and leveled our manufacturing plants when they moved manufacturing to Mexico and China. They ended worker training and apprenticeships.
It's easy to make steel, Sybil, as long as get a fire hot enough.
Yes...steel is made in the United States.
it won't take long at all.
It won't take long to get funding to build a steelworks, design it, build it, and train its staff? I can see you have never built anything.

In the real world, Nippon steel, the most efficient maker of steel in the world, offered to buy US steel, the least efficient maker of steel. As part of that purchase, they would transfer technology to the US, and invest heavily in the US. That will not happen. It looked doubtful Biden would let it happen, but it is completely impossible that trump will let it happen.

So either US Steel will circle the drain for a few years, or will be bought out by Cleveland-Cliffs. If it circles the drain for a few years, there will be much less investment, and no research to develop the more efficient processes. If it is bought out by Cleveland-Cliffs, both will be even worse.

With tariffs, or even the threats of tariffs, it looks like the steel industries collapse might actually kill the car industry, and even construction.
It's easy to make steel, Sybil, as long as get a fire hot enough.
And that is why US Steel is the least efficient makers of steel; they think that you just have to get a hot fire.

Here is a hint, the very productive makers of steel are mostly switching to electric furnaces.
And that is why US Steel is the least efficient makers of steel; they think that you just have to get a hot fire.

Here is a hint, the very productive makers of steel are mostly switching to electric furnaces.
For scrap yes.

Making you more right than usual.
For scrap yes.
For scrap metal, without doubt. And given the amount of scrap metal in the USA, it is just criminal we are not using more electric furnaces.

For raw ore... A few years ago, I would say that electric furnaces might not be the best... But Nippon Steel seems to be using electric furnaces well with that too.

Making you more right than usual.
One good thing about my sojourn into finance is I have been surrounded by people intensely interested in EVERYTHING. Finance people study everything from suburban Californian teen style to Ghana cocoa production looking to make a buck. It rubs off on me.

Being a specialist in fintech has made me a generalist in tech tech.
And we added trillions in debt to keep from going into a deep recession.
We have to break the cycle of outsourcing everything to save a buck. It's fool's gold.

We're in deep now so it's going to hurt. Better now than later.

America has something most countries do not. The ability to be self sufficient if we need to be. Yes the spoiled generations who have never known anything else will complain but it has to be fixed.