"Can't Take It Anymore": Residents of Springfield Ohio Beg for Help After 20,000 Haitians Overwhelm City, Eat Local Wildlife

There is no joke. Racist MAGAts are accusing Black immigrants of eating pets and other people. Just another rung on the endless ladder of Trump, his supporters, and the abject stupidity that binds them.
Eating cats and dogs is not particularly unusual...it is simply something that whites of European extraction dont allow.
No. He's just an angry misogynist. Maybe his wife is just a petite, submissive little thing that praises his manhood and never questions his decisions. That doesn't mean his kids will do believe the same. LOL

OTOH, it's also possible his wife is tired of his shit and is divorcing him. Hence his hatred of "feminists" AKA upppity women.
you really should be writing fantasy novels. your imagination is incredible
He does seem to have a problem with outspoken females and with males who see no problem with them.

I'm not sure what he meant by "traditional wife." Is she part of a group of sister wives like in the Old Testament or with some religious groups? Was she a virgin when she got married? Does it mean she doesn't have a paying job outside (or inside) the home? Does it mean a woman who does literally everything to keep the household running while his only tasks are pay the bills and mow the grass? Does it mean that she will only have sex in the bedroom and only missionary style? Is she like one of those fundie ladies who aren't allowed to wear shorts or pants, makeup, cut their hair, dance, or play cards?
and you should help dutch write those fantasy novels............you could add the weird sci fi aspect to his idiocy
Mayor Robert Rue, Springfield, Ohio, recently stated that there were no cats/animals being eaten in Springfield and that the City was a great place to live, while attacking Pres Trump for telling the truth. The rumor is that Rue is renting his properties to illegals, which is not yet verified.

After doing research on Clark County website this is what I found:

Mayor Rob Rue seems to own quite a bit of rental properties in Springfield under the name LITTLETON PROPERTIES OF SPRINGFIELD LLC, images attached. He directly owns these properties based on a County business search.

If Mayor Rue is renting out his properties to illegals the public should know. He should recuse himself from any vote on the Commission because he directly benefits financially from any federal funds received to support the illegals.

No surprise...city "government" is one of the things that will be investigated...
(People were displaced from properties they had rented for years....)
you really should be writing fantasy novels. your imagination is incredible
Denies he's a misogynist even though he routinely demeans any women who stands up for her rights.

DtM, you proved your were a traitor when you renounced your oath and supported bombing federal buildings. You proved you were a coward when you denied being a member of the Oath-Keepers and Threepers after 1/6 despite bragging about it for over a decade. You proved you were a misogynist when you attack any women who disagrees with you or men who support their rights as Americans.
Denies he's a misogynist even though he routinely demeans any women who stands up for her rights.

DtM, you proved your were a traitor when you renounced your oath and supported bombing federal buildings. You proved you were a coward when you denied being a member of the Oath-Keepers and Threepers after 1/6 despite bragging about it for over a decade. You proved you were a misogynist when you attack any women who disagrees with you or men who support their rights as Americans.
we don't let misogynists define misogyny

keep writing your rantasy novels
Well, if Springfield is in such awful shape Let's just get a couple of buses and move all the Haitians just NE of Columbus to a much nicer area... They'd be welcomed, right ? With open arms... Springfield doesn't want them or need them...
What makes you think you have the right to “round up” Haitian’s and move them?
This is why they tend to be far more religious -- or so they claim anyways -- and far more desirous of authoritarianism and fascism. They never grew up inside and need a strong daddy figure whether that's a god or a dictator.
Yes on "claim". LOL They need the religious crutch but don't abide by the tenets of their religion. It's weird.

It's also probably tied to anxiety and, of course, fear. Both of which are often exploited by politicians on both sides but most strongly on the Alt-Right. Harris's message of hope and joy may resonate with most Americans since it rises above fear. Hope alleviates anxiety.

People Drawn to Conspiracy Theories Share a Cluster of Psychological Features​

Baseless theories threaten our safety and democracy. It turns out that specific emotions make people prone to such thinking

...The Anxiety Connection
In May 2018 the American Psychiatric Association released the results of a national survey suggesting that 39 percent of Americans felt more anxious than they did a year ago, primarily about health, safety, finances, politics and relationships. A 2017 report found that 63 percent of Americans were extremely worried about the future of the nation and that 59 percent considered that time the lowest point in U.S. history that they could remember. Such feelings span the political spectrum. A 2018 Pew Research Center survey found that the majority of both Democrats and Republicans felt that “their side” in politics had been losing in recent years on issues they found important.

Such existential crises can promote conspiratorial thinking....

...Feeling alienated or unwanted also seems to make conspiratorial thinking more attractive....

...It is not just personal crises that encourage individuals to form conspiratorial suspicions. Collective social setbacks do so as well....

...When feelings of personal alienation or anxiety are combined with a sense that society is in jeopardy, people experience a kind of conspiratorial double whammy....
What makes you think you have the right to “round up” Haitian’s and move them?
I'm just suggesting they would be happier with those who fully and unconditionally support them... Don't you agree? (Btw...there's a warning here in Columbus for people to particularly keep an eye out for kitties in their neighborhoods...Unfortunately, there's been some horrific...and oonfirmed...incidents...)