And here comes Domer, like always. Everyday when I log in I see you quoting me.

How many times do I quote you Domer? Be honest.

I own you.

A legend in your own mind. Too stupid to know when your ass has been handed to you.

Now, tell me again how LWOP violates the 8th Amendment. Be specific.

I'll wait for your failure. It won't be long. I anticipate it's your next post.

Guesstimate? Where did you find that in the article? Science really isn't your strong suit, is it, "big plants! big bugs!" boy?

“From 1973 to 2004, 1.6 percent of those sentenced to death in the U.S. — 138 prisoners — were exonerated and released because of innocence,..." Where's the "guesstimate" there, dumbshit?

Is that an acceptable number for you to wrongfully execute? 1.6%? Higher? Lower?

But you're trying to use exonerations as a fact for those executed.

Where's the list of those executed, that were innocent?
A legend in your own mind. Too stupid to know when your ass has been handed to you.

Now, tell me again how LWOP violates the 8th Amendment. Be specific.

I'll wait for your failure. It won't be long. I anticipate it's your next post.

I never said anything about the 8th Amendment. And, you can stop quoting me.

See dumbass, when I log in a lot of people quote me but I only see the last 10 and if you're 5 of those 10 then I can't see real people. You're not interesting enough to take up that space and for the last damn time, stop copying me.
But you're trying to use exonerations as a fact for those executed.

Where's the list of those executed, that were innocent?

It's impossible to address such unbelievably stupid questions. I am simply unable to wrap my mind around such massive ignorance.

Exonerations are not pursued after the fact, you fucking idiot. Try thinking for once.
It's impossible to address such unbelievably stupid questions. I am simply unable to wrap my mind around such massive ignorance.

Exonerations are not pursued after the fact, you fucking idiot. Try thinking for once.

So once again, you have nothing. :good4u:
It's impossible to address such unbelievably stupid questions. I am simply unable to wrap my mind around such massive ignorance.

Exonerations are not pursued after the fact, you fucking idiot. Try thinking for once.

They're not? So you're saying they're pursued before the fact?

And you're calling him a fucking idiot?
I never said anything about the 8th Amendment. And, you can stop quoting me.

See dumbass, when I log in a lot of people quote me but I only see the last 10 and if you're 5 of those 10 then I can't see real people. You're not interesting enough to take up that space and for the last damn time, stop copying me.

Your little "like" with Don says you're in agreement with Frank's opinion of Cruel and Unusual Punishment.

Thanks for avoiding the question. That validates my prediction.
Your little "like" with Don says you're in agreement with Frank's opinion of Cruel and Unusual Punishment.

Thanks for avoiding the question. That validates my prediction.

Did you actually read that thread fuckstick? I posted in there you know. You're even dumber than I thought.
They're not? So you're saying they're pursued before the fact?

And you're calling him a fucking idiot?

Yeah, dumbfuck. I just posted the numbers.

Jesus, are you really that stupid?

When I say I'll wait for your failure, it truly is your very next post. Amazing
Did you actually read that thread fuckstick? I posted in there you know. You're even dumber than I thought.


You can take your little "like" away if you don't agree with Frank. You won't. Because you do. And that's makes you as provably wrong as Frankie.
#192, #200.

You know, exonerations BEFORE THE FACT.

Demonstrating your dumbshittery is becoming a habit for you. It's every post now.

Ah, conflation, the cry of the loser.

Btw, still waiting for you to point out my failings in that other thread. But we both know you won't, because you can't.