You're just insistent about being on the stupid end of this, Frankie. I really am leaning towards you suffering some sort of dementia.

No dementia.

Just using my brain. You ought to try using yours for a change.

Tell us why you want innocent people executed.

Only a fucking moron would ask that question of me.

I do not want innocent people executed...any more than I want innocent people killed during wars.

It happens.

In any case, YOU keep ducking the essential point of my comments:

It is my opinion that "life in prison without the possibility of parole" is INHUMANE...much more inhumane than capital punishment.

A question you might ask yourself is why you keep avoiding that.

It may be just cowardice on your part...but it might be something else.
How many innocent people that are executed have a chance for freedom, Frankie?

Now, just answer that simple question instead of going on some sort of dementia-related rampage about so-called inhumane treatment.

Respond to the comments above...

...and stop the evasion bullshit.
There is the termination vs. life imprisonment argument

and the humane euthanasia vs punitive execution argument.

I can't imagine anybody who knows anything about our barbaric prisons not thinking that life or even long term imprisonment is hideously draconian punishment.

Why do you suppose so many prisoners kill themselves when the state doesn't do it?

I personally think that the state's duty is not to deal revenge but to protect society.
(Evangelicals may disagree, but I wouldn't use the Old Testament for toilet paper.)

That's why I would promote humane euthanasia over both long term imprisonment and punitive execution.

As for anybody insufficiently nuanced to recognize the difference, humane euthanasia might be the kindest solution for them as well.
There is the termination vs. life imprisonment argument

and the humane euthanasia vs punitive execution argument.

I can't imagine anybody who knows anything about our barbaric prisons not thinking that life or even long term imprisonment is hideously draconian punishment.

Why do you suppose so many prisoners kill themselves when the state doesn't do it?

I personally think that the state's duty is not to deal revenge but to protect society.
(Evangelicals may disagree, but I wouldn't use the Old Testament for toilet paper.)

That's why I would promote humane euthanasia over both long term imprisonment and punitive execution.

As for anybody insufficiently nuanced to recognize the difference, humane euthanasia might be the kindest solution for them as well.

Okay. That fits into what I have been saying...


Life in prison without the possibility of parole...IS FUCKING INHUMANE...on a cosmic scale.

For me it comes down to almost anything but that.

If "humane euthanasia" is what it has to be called...fine with me.
There is the termination vs. life imprisonment argument

and the humane euthanasia vs punitive execution argument.

I can't imagine anybody who knows anything about our barbaric prisons not thinking that life or even long term imprisonment is hideously draconian punishment.

Why do you suppose so many prisoners kill themselves when the state doesn't do it?

I personally think that the state's duty is not to deal revenge but to protect society.
(Evangelicals may disagree, but I wouldn't use the Old Testament for toilet paper.)

That's why I would promote humane euthanasia over both long term imprisonment and punitive execution.

As for anybody insufficiently nuanced to recognize the difference, humane euthanasia might be the kindest solution for them as well.

Humane Euthanasia for convicted death row felons? Calling it something different sure will make them feel better about it.

You win today's Orwell Award.
Humane Euthanasia for convicted death row felons? Calling it something different sure will make them feel better about it.

You win today's Orwell Award.

I believe that Capital Punishment should be used; but only when the evidence is absolutely conclusive.
No dementia.

Just using my brain. You ought to try using yours for a change.

Only a fucking moron would ask that question of me.

I do not want innocent people executed...any more than I want innocent people killed during wars.

It happens.

In any case, YOU keep ducking the essential point of my comments:

It is my opinion that "life in prison without the possibility of parole" is INHUMANE...much more inhumane than capital punishment.

A question you might ask yourself is why you keep avoiding that.

It may be just cowardice on your part...but it might be something else.

Frankie, you’ve already admitted it’s acceptable that 4% of innocents are executed. Dementia leads to forgetfullness, ya’ know. I’m merely asking why you are in favor of executing innocents. I understand why you won’t answer. That makes you in favor of murder.

Try to avoid that lame comparison of war to our justice system. It makes you look more stupid than you already do on this topic.

There you go again, saying the same “inhumane” bullshit that YOU believe, but others don’t.

You’re way past the stupid level on this one, Frank. And digging yourself in deeper.

Now, once again. Why are you in favor of executing innocent people?.
Frankie, you’ve already admitted it’s acceptable that 4% of innocents are executed. Dementia leads to forgetfullness, ya’ know. I’m merely asking why you are in favor of executing innocents. I understand why you won’t answer. That makes you in favor of murder.

I never said that...and even if it had been said...murder is the illegal killing of a human being by another human being.

A state execution cannot be murder.

Get you shit right. Don't let the liberal rules lead you astray.

Try to avoid that lame comparison of war to our justice system. It makes you look more stupid than you already do on this topic.

If it is necessary for you to think of me as stupid...go for it.

You are talking about innocents being killed. Well...innocents are killed all the war, in traffic accidents, in accidents.

BOTTOM LINE...I consider "life in prison without the possibility of parole" to be inhumane...MUCH MORE INHUMANE THAN CAPITAL PUNISHMENT.

You apparently do not. Okay...we have savages like you in our midst...and we tolerate them.

There you go again, saying the same “inhumane” bullshit that YOU believe, but others don’t.

I don't do "believing." It is my OPINION that "life in prison without the possibility of parole" is inhumane to a cosmic degree...MUCH MORE INHUMANE THAN CAPITAL PUNISHMENT.

You apparently are unable to deal with all you do is dismiss it. you are unable. We can tolerate unable savages to live among us.

You’re way past the stupid level on this one, Frank. And digging yourself in deeper.

Amateur line, Domer. Pick up your game. You are making me look like I am in conversation with an incompetent.

Now, once again. Why are you in favor of executing innocent people?.

I am not in favor of executing innocent people...any more than I am in favor of innocent people being killed in war. seem intent on pretending I am saying that I am in favor of executing innocent, if it make you feel better about yourself to do so...go for it.

Whatever helps you get past your demons.
Respond to the comments above...

...and stop the evasion bullshit.

I have, multiple times, Dr. Dementia.

You've ranted ad nauseam about your OPINION of inhumane treatment.

Now, tell us why you're fine with 1 in 25 innocent people being executed. Don't use your absurd war bullshit, either. Our justice system has no comparison to that ridiculous analogy.

Then tell us why you're fine with some faceless innocent person being put to death versus your asshole brother-in-law Bill. Your sister must have that prick insured, doesn't she?
I have, multiple times, Dr. Dementia.

You've ranted ad nauseam about your OPINION of inhumane treatment.

Now, tell us why you're fine with 1 in 25 innocent people being executed. Don't use your absurd war bullshit, either. Our justice system has no comparison to that ridiculous analogy.

Then tell us why you're fine with some faceless innocent person being put to death versus your asshole brother-in-law Bill. Your sister must have that prick insured, doesn't she?

Frankie is kicking your ass

I would love to see you put to sleep
Frankie is kicking your ass

I would love to see you put to sleep

Frankie has dementia and is projecting his lame notion of what constitutes "inhumane" treatment to everybody. And is willing to allow innocent people to die.

But, I can see where an illiterate dumbfuck like you would buy that kind of bullshit.

Want to sacrifice one of your "innocent" relatives? Since you are obviously the asshole of the bunch, perhaps you can step forward.
There is the termination vs. life imprisonment argument

and the humane euthanasia vs punitive execution argument.

I can't imagine anybody who knows anything about our barbaric prisons not thinking that life or even long term imprisonment is hideously draconian punishment.

Why do you suppose so many prisoners kill themselves when the state doesn't do it?

I personally think that the state's duty is not to deal revenge but to protect society.
(Evangelicals may disagree, but I wouldn't use the Old Testament for toilet paper.)

That's why I would promote humane euthanasia over both long term imprisonment and punitive execution.

As for anybody insufficiently nuanced to recognize the difference, humane euthanasia might be the kindest solution for them as well.

You're going to have to find it first. Then, ensure that the error rate for convictions is ZERO. That is, unless you're like Dr. Dementia and are unconcerned about an innocent person being executed. He avoids discussing that notion. Want to step in on that?
I have, multiple times, Dr. Dementia.

You've ranted ad nauseam about your OPINION of inhumane treatment.

Now, tell us why you're fine with 1 in 25 innocent people being executed. Don't use your absurd war bullshit, either. Our justice system has no comparison to that ridiculous analogy.

Then tell us why you're fine with some faceless innocent person being put to death versus your asshole brother-in-law Bill. Your sister must have that prick insured, doesn't she?

So is 4% provable or is it a guesstimation?
Humane Euthanasia for convicted death row felons? Calling it something different sure will make them feel better about it.

You win today's Orwell Award.

There is a legal concept, dumbshit, called Evolving Standards of Decency concerning capital punishment. With the word "decency" in the concept, no wonder you're unaware of it.

For you morons that are either too lazy to look it up or too stupid to understand it, I'll try to explain it in simple terms.

As it applies to the death penalty it comes down to the 8th Amendment. There were times where the mentally impaired or even juveniles were executed. Standards have evolved to the point where those are considered a violation of the 8th Amendment.

Now let's see how those standards have applied to executions versus life without parole.

If you do just a little research, there is only one scenario of life without parole violating the Cruel and Unusual Punishment clause of the 8th. And that applies to juveniles only. So, old Frank, despite his ad nauseam invocations of that punishment being inhumane, gets blown out of the water. Sucks, huh, Frankie?

Yet, there are multitudes of case law on the death penalty, the way it's carried out and whom it's carried out upon. I don't need to touch upon that, because that hasn't been my issue. My issue is not Cruel and Unusual Punishment, but that false convictions lead to innocent people being given the death penalty. The fact that there have been so many exonerations is proof of that. Those are well documented. One can read the stats from The Innocence Project. They're all there.

So sorry, you flaccid trio of fools. Your argument of inhumane treatment doesn't pass legal muster. Only your moronic personal notions. Reasonable people have noticed how worthless those are.
There is a legal concept, dumbshit, called Evolving Standards of Decency concerning capital punishment. With the word "decency" in the concept, no wonder you're unaware of it.

For you morons that are either too lazy to look it up or too stupid to understand it, I'll try to explain it in simple terms.

As it applies to the death penalty it comes down to the 8th Amendment. There were times where the mentally impaired or even juveniles were executed. Standards have evolved to the point where those are considered a violation of the 8th Amendment.

Now let's see how those standards have applied to executions versus life without parole.

If you do just a little research, there is only one scenario of life without parole violating the Cruel and Unusual Punishment clause of the 8th. And that applies to juveniles only. So, old Frank, despite his ad nauseam invocations of that punishment being inhumane, gets blown out of the water. Sucks, huh, Frankie?

Yet, there are multitudes of case law on the death penalty, the way it's carried out and whom it's carried out upon. I don't need to touch upon that, because that hasn't been my issue. My issue is not Cruel and Unusual Punishment, but that false convictions lead to innocent people being given the death penalty. The fact that there have been so many exonerations is proof of that. Those are well documented. One can read the stats from The Innocence Project. They're all there.

So sorry, you flaccid trio of fools. Your argument of inhumane treatment doesn't pass legal muster. Only your moronic personal notions. Reasonable people have noticed how worthless those are.

Just stop. Orwellian. And you know it. Fuckwit.