Just stop. Orwellian. And you know it. Fuckwit.

Sorry, dumbfuck. You, Tweedledee and Tweedledumbfuck can't find anything that considers LWOP Cruel and Unusual Punishment. Except in your own empty, cavernous skulls.

Checkmate, motherfucker.
Sorry, dumbfuck. You, Tweedledee and Tweedledumbfuck can't find anything that considers LWOP Cruel and Unusual Punishment. Except in your own empty, cavernous skulls.

Checkmate, motherfucker.

No one gives a crap about your opinion shitpickle. Get over it.

And I am saying it does...if the thing you are attempting to "work" to prevent that person from ever murdering again.

How many murders do we have each year? You stop one, and so what? We going to do the "one step a a time" bull shit for another 200+ years?

Life in prison without the possibility of parole...DOES NOT DO THAT!

Fucking liberals. Every bit as much controlled by the "agenda" as the asshole American conservatives.

Hey dumb fuck, did you even bother to get your head out of your ass, and read the articles I posted? I understand how a simpler solution might ruin your fucked up delusions, but, all you are looking for is an excuse to kill.
I gave you the site that contains the pertinent info for the numbers I cited, dumbfuck. Try to teach yourself something for once.

Are you really as stupid as you seem? Fucking pathetic.

Domer, stop using words like "pertinent"...way too many syllables for you.
"... be estimated that 4.1 percent..."

So like I said, it's a guesstiment.



Guesstimate? Where did you find that in the article? Science really isn't your strong suit, is it, "big plants! big bugs!" boy?

“From 1973 to 2004, 1.6 percent of those sentenced to death in the U.S. — 138 prisoners — were exonerated and released because of innocence,..." Where's the "guesstimate" there, dumbshit?

Is that an acceptable number for you to wrongfully execute? 1.6%? Higher? Lower?