Frankie, the topic is going so far over your head that I don’t think I can dumb it down for you.

Fuck you very much for trying.

The point is that those 4% do not deserve to be on death row, either. Those 4%, which you are willing to execute, have no chance to prove their innocence.

You want the 96% to languish in prison for life with a chance at that a few can get an opportunity to "prove their innocence."

Why do you hate people so much that you want to promote torture and unbearable circumstances.

Just put them out of their misery.

They shoot horses, don't they?

Why to you promote the execution of innocent people, Frank?

Why do you promote torturing people for the entirety of their lives? Why are you willing to put minors in prison and leave them there to languish for decades upon decades?

Why are you so cruel to humans...when you would not be to a pet? An innocent pet!

Can we execute one of your innocent relatives?

Can we put one of yours into prison for the rest of his/her life to live like a caged animal until natural death?

Just one out of 25 constitues your acceptable 4%.

Poor liberal jerk-off. Spouting the liberal bullshit. Not paying any attention to reality...just doing what liberals do.

Poor, poor Domer.
The Washington state Supreme Court on Thursday unanimously struck down the death penalty there as unconstitutional.**

The final order decreed that any death sentences currently in force in the state be converted to life in prison.

This is conceived by many as a move toward a greater respect for life…and as an adjustment that removes what they see as “cruel and unusual punishment.”

There seems to be majority opinion that “life in prison without the possibility of parole” is less cruel and unusual.

I suppose some people can actually think that…but I consider it nuts to the point of bat-shit crazy.

Putting any human in a cage for the remainder of his/her life with no hope of being released…no matter what that person has supposedly done to deserve it…is FAR from “less cruel” than simply ending that person’s life.

I cannot imagine any sane person wanting to be caged for the remainder of his/her life…rather than finally being put out of his/her misery by a relatively peaceful death.

If the people arguing for the end to capital punishment want to be authentic and consistent…they ought also to be arguing for a maximum sentence for ANY crime of no more than ten years confinement.

A far better move, in my opinion, would be to stop arguing for the end to capital punishment…and instead arguing for easier access to more efficient drugs to carry out humane executions.

I imagine one or two people here may disagree.

Okay…let’s hear from you.

**Reported in several newspapers including:

LOL I suppose if you are a humanitarian you could say that people should be given the *option* for a humanitarian execution if they're guilty af and don't want to sit in prison for 80 years. However it should never be mandatory. You will wind up killing innocent people. Innocent people should be allowed to keep on carrying out their appeals, from prison, however long is necessary for them to prove their case. And there's no way to tell them 100% apart from the guilty people.
Being "left alive" gives one the possibility of killing again...including killing fellow prisoners, guards and attendants. Execution prevents that.

Lots of "the rest of the civilized world" has also caught on that "life in prison without the possibility of parole" is inhumane and should not be used. Here are some interesting statistics:

We lead the world in the number of "life without parole" for individuals convicted as minors.

The states of Florida and Pennsylvania each have more people serving life without possibility of parole than ANY OTHER COUNTRY outside US.

In my opinion (which is all I am giving here) a sentence of over 15 years is inhumane. If a person is deemed to be worthy of that long a time of confinement IT IS MY OPINION that they should be executed. AT VERY LEAST, they should be allowed to select execution over lengthy confinement.


Most drug companies are worried about the bottom line...and only about the bottom line. If they thought providing the drugs would mean more profits, they'd sell them in a second. They suppose selling them for use in this way will hurt their bottom line...and that is the reason they do not...NOT BECAUSE THEY ARE CATCHING ON.

Pennsylvania has a lot of people on death row because they have stupid laws regarding life sentences. Even third degree murder nets life in prison without parole, even the least aggravated of murder, a murder that was arguably self-defense but just didn't qualify, nets death in prison. Expanding the death penalty would not fix this. The supreme court has already ruled that it will not allow mandatory death penalty for murder, and most juries would not find these murders aggravated enough to warrant execution. Pennsylvania needs to fix its laws and allow non-life sentences for second and third degree murder, not just execute them all.
Fuck you very much for trying.

You want the 96% to languish in prison for life with a chance at that a few can get an opportunity to "prove their innocence."

Why do you hate people so much that you want to promote torture and unbearable circumstances.

Just put them out of their misery.

They shoot horses, don't they?

Why do you promote torturing people for the entirety of their lives? Why are you willing to put minors in prison and leave them there to languish for decades upon decades?

Why are you so cruel to humans...when you would not be to a pet? An innocent pet!

Can we put one of yours into prison for the rest of his/her life to live like a caged animal until natural death?

Poor liberal jerk-off. Spouting the liberal bullshit. Not paying any attention to reality...just doing what liberals do.

Poor, poor Domer.

What do you call killing an innocent person, Frankie? It's called murder.

C'mon Frankie. Certainly you have a relative, like that asshole Uncle Ted, that you can sacrifice. Only 1 out of 25 of your relatives is needed to match tat 4%.

But of course, you are against that. It's only OK to execute an innocent someone you don't know.

Pretty fucking sad that you can't deal with reality, Frankie. Dementia must be hitting you pretty hard right now.
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There is that.

Over here we sometimes (rarely, but occasionally) find that someone has spent 40 years in prison and has had a conviction reasonably questioned.

If you would take 40 years in prison...or 10 rather than death...okay. But if you are going to try to sell me the idea that "life in prison without the possibility of parole" is somehow less cruel than death...I am going to laugh at you.

For is a no-brainer. If I were wrongly convicted and given "life in prison without the possibility of parole...or death" I would choose death without thinking for a full minute. I'd hate the wrongful conviction with a passion...but I would choose death.

Patrick Henry put it best: Give me freedom...or give me death.

Both Germany, and The Netherlands, have shown that capital punishment does not work:
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LOL I suppose if you are a humanitarian you could say that people should be given the *option* for a humanitarian execution if they're guilty af and don't want to sit in prison for 80 years. However it should never be mandatory. You will wind up killing innocent people. Innocent people should be allowed to keep on carrying out their appeals, from prison, however long is necessary for them to prove their case. And there's no way to tell them 100% apart from the guilty people.

The notion of allowing people convicted of capital crimes to ELECT life in prison rather than execution is not ruled out by anything I have said. There are people who would be sorely bothered by allowing such a right of election...but I would accept it as an alternative to: Do away with capital punishment and use "life in prison without the possibility of parole" as a replacement.

I suggest that even if that election option is allowed...SOME innocent people will still be convicted and end up spending a life time caged. Eliminating the death penalty does not eliminate the injustice of some people being convicted erroneously.
Pennsylvania has a lot of people on death row because they have stupid laws regarding life sentences. Even third degree murder nets life in prison without parole, even the least aggravated of murder, a murder that was arguably self-defense but just didn't qualify, nets death in prison. Expanding the death penalty would not fix this. The supreme court has already ruled that it will not allow mandatory death penalty for murder, and most juries would not find these murders aggravated enough to warrant execution. Pennsylvania needs to fix its laws and allow non-life sentences for second and third degree murder, not just execute them all.

Okay...there are things that have to be fixed in our legal system. I agree.

I also think "life in prison without the possibility of parole" IS MUCH MORE INHUMANE than the death penalty.

You, and some of the others here, seem to think I should not have that opinion.
What do you call killing an innocent person, Frankie? It's called murder.

Happens all the time, and in war, it often it is called collateral damage, not murder.

A person being executed by the state in accordance with the laws of that state in the United States is only called "murder" by idiots who are fanatics about the death penalty.

Thank you for asking.

C'mon Frankie. Certainly you have a relative, like that asshole Uncle Ted, that you can sacrifice. Only 1 out of 25 of your relatives is needed to match tat 4%.

You seem to want to kill one of my relatives. I'm wondering if you are truly a nut case...or just a stupid poster making a stupid pretend equivalence.

My guess are just a stupid poster.

But of course, you are against that. It's only OK to execute an innocent someone you don't know.

I am saying that "life in prison without the possibility of parole" is much less humane than a humanely carried out execution.

Why do you keep avoiding dealing with creating absurd scenarios to detract?

Pretty fucking sad that you can't deal with reality, Frankie. Dementia must be hitting you pretty hard right now.

I am dealing with reality (which right now is that I am dealing with a jerk-off in you)...and I am not suffering from dementia. It must be sad to have to resort to that kind of thing just because you are losing this argument big time.

"Does not work" for what?

Preventing murders?

Imprisonment does not work; pleading does not work; praying does not work; entreating does not work.

Murders will happen.

But, as I mentioned earlier...there is no record of a murderer being executed...and ever murdering again. There are records of people serving terms of "life without the possibility of parole" who have murdered again.

So if preventing a murderer from murdering again is the punishment DOES WORK.
If we ever get to a sufficiently advanced level of technology maybe work release could be an option. You can go to death row or you can spend 10 years mining an asteroid for minimum wage.
Happens all the time, and in war, it often it is called collateral damage, not murder.

A person being executed by the state in accordance with the laws of that state in the United States is only called "murder" by idiots who are fanatics about the death penalty.

Thank you for asking.

You seem to want to kill one of my relatives. I'm wondering if you are truly a nut case...or just a stupid poster making a stupid pretend equivalence.

My guess are just a stupid poster.

I am saying that "life in prison without the possibility of parole" is much less humane than a humanely carried out execution.

Why do you keep avoiding dealing with creating absurd scenarios to detract?

I am dealing with reality (which right now is that I am dealing with a jerk-off in you)...and I am not suffering from dementia. It must be sad to have to resort to that kind of thing just because you are losing this argument big time.

Frankie, you certainly aren’t trying to compare our justice system to war, are you? Don’t embarrass yourself.

Nope, don’t want to kill one of your relatives. I don’t want to kill an innocent person. You do. The logic is lost on you. That means the stupid is on you for being unable to comprehend that. Or dementia.

You keep making the same “humane” comment as if it applies to everyone. Ad nauseam. It doesn’t. I have to keep pointing that out to you. Just another fact that escapes you.

Franke, I am kicking your ass on this one. Why? Because you are willing to kill innocent people. A reasonable person rejects that premise. On this topic, you fail that test.
"Does not work" for what?

Preventing murders?

Imprisonment does not work; pleading does not work; praying does not work; entreating does not work.

Murders will happen.

But, as I mentioned earlier...there is no record of a murderer being executed...and ever murdering again. There are records of people serving terms of "life without the possibility of parole" who have murdered again.

So if preventing a murderer from murdering again is the punishment DOES WORK.

Except when they are innocent of murder, huh, Frankie?

If it’s not your Uncle Ted you want to offer up? Aunt Mabel, perhaps?

You know the phrase. What’s good for the goose? You’re willing to kill an innocent someone. Why not one of your asshole relatives?
"Does not work" for what?

Preventing murders?

Imprisonment does not work; pleading does not work; praying does not work; entreating does not work.

Murders will happen.

But, as I mentioned earlier...there is no record of a murderer being executed...and ever murdering again. There are records of people serving terms of "life without the possibility of parole" who have murdered again.

So if preventing a murderer from murdering again is the punishment DOES WORK.

Ever hear of "copy cat" murders? How many murders have been committed so that one can get the same attention as the original murderer?

You speak of the things that do not work. Did you even bother to read the reports I posted to see what does work?
Frankie, you certainly aren’t trying to compare our justice system to war, are you? Don’t embarrass yourself.

I am not embarrassing myself. I am getting you to embarrass yourself.

You called capital punishment "murder."

You are wrong.

Murder is the illegal taking of a human life by another human.

Capital punishment is not illegal.

Nope, don’t want to kill one of your relatives. I don’t want to kill an innocent person. You do. The logic is lost on you. That means the stupid is on you for being unable to comprehend that. Or dementia.

Stop getting so upset because I am knocking the doors off your car.

It happens. I understand that you are obligated as a liberal to oppose capital punishment...but I am merely pointing out that "life in prison without the possibility of parole" is INHUMANE...much more inhumane, in my opinion, than capital punishment.

Let the message get through the concrete in your head.

You keep making the same “humane” comment as if it applies to everyone. Ad nauseam. It doesn’t. I have to keep pointing that out to you. Just another fact that escapes you.

If you think it is not inhumane to lock a person in prison for his/her entire life without the possibility of parole... shows me you are a savage. is okay for savages like you to live in our society.

Franke, I am kicking your ass on this one.

Dream on.

Why? Because you are willing to kill innocent people. A reasonable person rejects that premise. On this topic, you fail that test.

YOU are willing to be a savage. You are willing to lock people up in a prison for the entire of their lives without any hope of ever getting released.

That is barbarianism on a scale of pre-Neanderthal.

Anyone willing to do that should never lecture others about morals.

Keep coming back, Domer.

I'm actually enjoying the ass-kicking I am administering to you.
Except when they are innocent of murder, huh, Frankie?

If it’s not your Uncle Ted you want to offer up? Aunt Mabel, perhaps?

You know the phrase. What’s good for the goose? You’re willing to kill an innocent someone. Why not one of your asshole relatives?

If a murderer is put to death...he/she does not murder anyone else.

That works!

You still seem to want to kill a relative of mine. Maybe you should discuss that with your psychiatrist.

I'm sure you have one...right?
Ever hear of "copy cat" murders? How many murders have been committed so that one can get the same attention as the original murderer?

You speak of the things that do not work. Did you even bother to read the reports I posted to see what does work?


Some murderers who have suffered less than capital punishment...have murdered again.

If you disagree...state your case.

I can use the laugh.

Some murderers who have suffered less than capital punishment...have murdered again.

If you disagree...state your case.

I can use the laugh.

Laughing out your ass like any fool. I never said the one that was executed committed another murder. That is the kind of foolishness fools like you engage in. Have you ever heard of "copycat" murders that are done in the name of the one executed? Do you have a clue as to how many murders are committed due to the publicity given to the one executed? As to those in prison with life and no parole, they have killed others usually other inmates.

Now, why not quit the fools errand, and answer my question. Did you read the posts I posted, and seen how other countries address the problem? I realize that it makes your argument not worth a shit, however, it does work.
Laughing out your ass like any fool. I never said the one that was executed committed another murder. That is the kind of foolishness fools like you engage in. Have you ever heard of "copycat" murders that are done in the name of the one executed? Do you have a clue as to how many murders are committed due to the publicity given to the one executed? As to those in prison with life and no parole, they have killed others usually other inmates.

Now, why not quit the fools errand, and answer my question. Did you read the posts I posted, and seen how other countries address the problem? I realize that it makes your argument not worth a shit, however, it does work.

Look, Dickhead.

I have heard of copycat murders done in the name of one executed.

I've also heard of copycat murders done in the name of someone not even caught.

I am sure there are copycat murders done in the name of people in prison for life without a possibility of parole.

Get off your stupid.

Copy cats happen.


And I am saying it does...if the thing you are attempting to "work" to prevent that person from ever murdering again.

Life in prison without the possibility of parole...DOES NOT DO THAT!

Fucking liberals. Every bit as much controlled by the "agenda" as the asshole American conservatives.
If a murderer is put to death...he/she does not murder anyone else.

That works!

You still seem to want to kill a relative of mine. Maybe you should discuss that with your psychiatrist.

I'm sure you have one...right?

You're just insistent about being on the stupid end of this, Frankie. I really am leaning towards you suffering some sort of dementia.

Tell us why you want innocent people executed.

Some murderers who have suffered less than capital punishment...have murdered again.

If you disagree...state your case.

I can use the laugh.

How many innocent people that are executed have a chance for freedom, Frankie?

Now, just answer that simple question instead of going on some sort of dementia-related rampage about so-called inhumane treatment.