Oracle Of JPP 714
nazi/racist hunter
rw extremists are their own worst enemies their own words insult themselves.
The refined divorce rate has also declined. It is the number of divorces per 1,000 married women which only includes those at risk for divorce. Also, the decline in divorces is primarily among the college educated who are also the most likely to get married.
That doesn't account for the large fluctuations in the crime rate between in the early 1900s before leaded gas was used and between 1920's and 1970's when leaded gas was used. For example, the murder rate steadily climbed in the early 1900s (1907) and peaked about 1933 and began steadily declining until 1960 and then increasing sharply during the 1970s-1980s.
The fertility rate is not up, just fewer women who are giving birth are married. Republican attacks do not keep women from getting married.
Contraceptives have been readily available for many years. Few of the teens giving birth now or in the past use birth control because they choose not to, not because it is not available. Anybody has access to a fifty cent condom.
Are you disputing the link between the use of leaded gasoline and the crime rate? This link has been well established in studies all over the world, not just the USA. Crime rates dropped about one generation following the phase-out of leaded gasoline virtually wherever data is available.
I believe the pressures of capitalism are the culprit. Since it is more difficult to achieve the 'American Dream' of owning a comfortable home with secure retirement and healthcare, fewer people are choosing to form traditional families..
Teens don't want to screw up their lives by trying to start a family without the economy to support one. Times are tougher. Relentless capitalism eliminates opportunities for the disadvantaged. Most people are not born with a silver spoon in their mouth like Trump or Romney. Even Ted Cruz had many advantages handed to him upon birth. Private HS, Princeton, Harvard, etc. He was on the rich trajectory to become a multi-millionaire power junkie.
I am saying the use of leaded or unleaded gasoline does not explain drops and rises in the crime rate during the periods when unleaded gas was used or not used.
If there are such pressures then it makes less sense for women to choose to have children without a spouse because of finances and child care. An increasing percentage of women are obviously choosing to have family, just without getting married.
I guess the capitalistic pressures are even worse in European nations because their out of wedlock birth rate is higher than the U. S. France (53.7%), Sweden (54.4), Denmark (46.8%).
In the 1980s-1990s when the teen rate was much higher those teens were in the same situation. They were most likely high school drop-outs who had no spouse or no significant source of income.
It is not like the higher teen birth rate was among teenagers born with a silver spoon in their mouth. You make the mistaken assumption that they were making rational decisions to choose to use contraception based on their ability to earn a good living.
Weapons of mass destruction. Does that ring a bell? It was the beginning of the endless oil wars. This is well documented which I will show if you are to stupid to know. Of course your education came from learning from rote and reading the comics on bazooka bubble gum wrappers. See, I didn,t ever need to call you a nasty name to insult you, lol.
rw extremists are their own worst enemies their own words insult themselves.
Logic and human reproduction only partly coincide.
Perhaps there are other reasons for that statistic in Europe. And I wonder what the long-term trends in Europe might indicate.
How do you know that?
Certainly some of them are. The conservative position has been abstinence. The liberal position has been to make birth control methods more widely available. Liberals won that one. BC is more widely available and is being used by some.
True. Then why did the increase in out of wedlock births occur? Did women become less rational? I think it is more intentional because the increase in out of wedlock births occurred primarily among older women and not teenagers.
True, but even when were going through Bush's abstinence phase teen birth rates continued to drop.
Many times changes occur (divorce, marriage, teen birth, crime) due to societal changes that cannot be readily explained. Factors like gun control, sex education, availability of birth control, and economic system do not explain most of these events.
The U. S. did not suddenly become a capitalist nation in the 1960's when increases began in drugs, crime, divorce and did not become less capitalistic in the 1990s when they all began to decline. These factors were not high in the early 20th century when capitalism had much less regulation.
We have a lot of poor people who were prompted by Welfare to a) have children, and b) not be married. And you may rightly claim that this isn't capitalism doing this, it is socialism. To which I would argue that our capitalism depends on this socialism.
If it were not for some way to keep very poor people from revolting, the greatest capitalists would not be able to operate at the level they do, using their vast powers to starve the government of revenue as they add tremendous amounts to their own pockets.[/QUOTE
I don't think there is any evidence to support that social welfare keeps poor people from revolting. If it did, we should see revolts in those nations with much greater poverty than the U. S. with no social welfare system.
The founders did not trust corporations. They made them buy a corporate charter that limited their lifespan, drew boundries about what they could deal in. They also could lose their charters if they did harm. Corporations were absolutely not people.
As corporations became richer and more powerful, they eroded the protections we set up against them.
American families are clearly on the decline. Divorce rates and out-of-wedlock child birth rates are up. Capitalism has played a crucial role in this evolution.
Decades ago, it took just one income to support a family. That included a 40 hour week, full health care, vacations, savings and retirement. Unions won most of those family-enhancing struggles. This represented a bit of a loss for capitalism as many of those family-beneficial victories came at the expense of additional profits for the richest.
But capitalism relentlessly seeks to maximize the profitability of any situation. A war on unions and worker rights was the response from capitalism to all those family-enhancing detriments to profitability. Good jobs with family-supporting benefits have routinely been downsized, offshored, mechanized, computerized, and broken into several part time positions with no benefits.
The traditional male/female roles where he works, brings home the bacon, and she is the home maker have now been relegated to the rich who can afford nannies, cooks, gardeners, etc.
Family values have become luxuries only affordable to the rich. Capitalism is the culprit.
Clearly, in order to make America great again, families are going to need something more than empty words of support.
Capitalism is a wonderful and powerful wealth-generating tool, but it is also dangerous to American family values. The lesson is apparent: Capitalism must be balanced with the proper amount of socialism. Capitalism is like a powerful engine. The engine of capitalism, without socialism as a governor, and left to run at wide open throttle, is bound to blow up. Our challenge is not a choice between capitalism and socialism, it is clearly one of how to blend the two.
Our young nation is at a point where we are falling behind the other older nations which have already figured this out. It is now time for us to accept this challenge and show that we can do it better.
Capitalism rides on the vehicle of greed. Capitalism is like a parasite feasting on the host until it consumes the host and dies of starvation.
Capitalism rides on the vehicle of greed. Capitalism is like a parasite feasting on the host until it consumes the host and dies of starvation.
Yup! At least the crappy form of capitalism we've allowed to develop in the US is that.
Originally Posted by Liberalavenger:
"Capitalism rides on the vehicle of greed. Capitalism is like a parasite feasting on the host until it consumes the host and dies of starvation."
We can make changes that can incorporate the useful parts of the system.
But we have this virus called American conservatism which almost prevents any meaningful change.
Capitalism rides on the vehicle of greed. Capitalism is like a parasite feasting on the host until it consumes the host and dies of starvation.
We need conservatives to balance our liberal views and make sure we don't get too full of ourselves. America is great with diversity of views.
The problem seems to be that most conservatives are blind to the reality that we do not have to choose between capitalism and socialism. And we have not done that. We have plenty of socialism mixed in with our capitalism just like all other industrialized nations. Our challenge is to get the mix right.
Most conservatives are lost trying to imagine that we have to choose one or the other. They are totally hooked on this Conservative Myth that if you let some socialism in, then it grows and infects your capitalism and then takes over. That's just ridiculous. We are always going to have some capitalism and some socialism. We already do, and we are never going to have choose between the two.
We have to tax the rich more to pay for government assistance programs for the poor and disadvantaged. This gives everybody some spending money so they can participate in an active economy.
I said nothing about destroying unions. I said people should have a choice if they so desire regarding joining one. The reality is as we have moved from the industrial age to the information age the need for unions has become less.
No need for unions, indeed..