Challenging Hume to a Debate #2 - Physics of the Global Warming Faith : Is Greenhouse Effect Even Possible?

When I hit "reply", no text comes up because you keep it in quotes. Change your post.
For the 11th 12th 13th 14th time....

What component of the atmosphere prevents the high temperatures from being as high and the low temperatures being as low and how does the aforementioned component do this?
What component of the atmosphere prevents the high temperatures from being as high and the low temperatures being as low and how does the aforementioned component do this?
You haven't fixed the erroneous wording that renders the question ambiguously invalid, ergo, you need to either make the required correction or ask this same question 36 more times (each in individual posts).
You haven't fixed the erroneous wording that renders the question ambiguously invalid, ergo, you need to either make the required correction or ask this same question 36 more times (each in individual posts).
Nope. The question is valid how it is. You are still avoiding.
Nope. The question is invalid for the reasons I have detailed. Fix it or ask 36 more times.
It is not invalid. The atmosphere keeps highs from being as high and lows from being as low. This is common knowledge.

You are still avoiding.
It's totally ambiguous and thus totally invalid.

The highs are exactly what they should be ...

... and the lows are exactly what they should be as well.

This is common knowledge. You are still avoiding.
The highs and lows are exactly as they should be based on the characteristics of the atmosphere. IF there were no atmosphere WE BOTH KNOW the highs would be higher and the lows would be lower.

You are playing dumb and playing word games to avoid answer the question.
The highs and lows are exactly as they should be based on the characteristics of the atmosphere. IF there were no atmosphere WE BOTH KNOW the highs would be higher and the lows would be lower.

You are playing dumb and playing word games to avoid answer the question.

The worst part is if we had an atmosphere of JUST N2 and O2 likely the lows would be MUCH MUCH lower. In fact the average global temp would be something like 20-30degC LOWER than it is. That's the GLOBAL average (!!!!!!)

Such is the power of molecules with a dipole moment and the ability to absorb IR photons.
The worst part is if we had an atmosphere of JUST N2 and O2 likely the lows would be MUCH MUCH lower. In fact the average global temp would be something like 20-30degC LOWER than it is. That's the GLOBAL average (!!!!!!)

Such is the power of molecules with a dipole moment and the ability to absorb IR photons.
Whoa... you're getting way ahead of the game here. I can't even get IBDaMann to acknowledge a known fact - the Earth's atmosphere keeps highs lower and lows higher.

Gotta walk before we run.
Whoa... you're getting way ahead of the game here. I can't even get IBDaMann to acknowledge a known fact - the Earth's atmosphere keeps highs lower and lows higher.

Gotta walk before we run.

Oh you'll never get IBDaMann to the table. It's been tried ad nauseam. God bless you for giving it another go! But IBDaMann simply doesn't understand much of the science.

I wish you the best of luck with convincing him that science is real and doesn't comport with his imagination.

I totally agree. You still need to fix your question if you want a concrete answer.
No I don't. Asking if the atmosphere keeps the highs low and lows high is a perfectly reasonable question. You, for obvious reasons, are intentionally avoiding answering it.
No I don't.
Yes you do. Your question is incoherently ambiguous. Let's open it up to all of JPP.

@JPP - ZenMode Koan: How does the atmosphere's temperature differ when there is no atmosphere?

Asking if the atmosphere keeps the highs low and lows high is a perfectly reasonable question.
Nope. You don't know what the fuck you are asking. When I try to help you and tell you how to correct your question, you ignore me. You're an idiot that way.

Anyway, I'll answer any valid question you ask. I won't be answering any koans.
Yes you do. Your question is incoherently ambiguous. Let's open it up to all of JPP.

@JPP - ZenMode Koan: How does the atmosphere's temperature differ when there is no atmosphere?
More lies... you're like a fully automatic, lie super soaker.
Nope. You don't know what the fuck you are asking. When I try to help you and tell you how to correct your question, you ignore me. You're an idiot that way.

Anyway, I'll answer any valid question you ask. I won't be answering any koans.

Here's what I asked, and you ignored, at least 10 times:

What component of the atmosphere prevents the high temperatures from being as high and the low temperatures being as low and how does the aforementioned component do this?

Then, when it was clear that you were going to intentionally avoid answer that question, I changed to some variation of:

Do you agree that the Earth's atmosphere keeps the high temperatures from being as high as they would be with no atmosphere?

Eventually, I started referencing low temperatures, also.

It's embarrassing because you know you know the answer to both questions and you know I know you know the answer to both, but you won't answer because it opens a door to an area of discussion that doesn't align with your political views.
What component of the atmosphere prevents the high temperatures from being as high...
So, in this part of the question, you are asking what provides this Global Cooling, yes? We recognize that the atmosphere makes it so much cooler and prevents the ocean from boiling away, and you are asking why the atmosphere acts as radiator fluid, right?
So, in this part of the question, you are asking what provides this Global Cooling, yes? We recognize that the atmosphere makes it so much cooler and prevents the ocean from boiling away, and you are asking why the atmosphere acts as radiator fluid, right?

"and you are asking why the atmosphere acts as radiator fluid, right?"

That's part of it, yes.

I am asking what component/characteristics, etc makes up the atmosphere that keeps the high temps lower AND the low temps higher AND how does that component (those components if they are different) perform that function.
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@JPP - ZenMode Koan: How does the atmosphere's temperature differ when there is no atmosphere?

Without an atmosphere containing greenhouse gases the surface of the earth would average about 30degC lower than it does now. It would radiate at the blackbody temperature of the planet.

WITH greenhouse gases our average global temperature is about 20-30degC HIGHER than without.

This is basic.