Challenging Hume to a Debate #2 - Physics of the Global Warming Faith : Is Greenhouse Effect Even Possible?

Great! International Space Station. How hot (sunny side) and how cold (shady side) does the ISS get, since it has no atmosphere to protect it?
Shift your focus away from the ISS ... to the top of the daytime atmosphere ... now, proceed ...
Shift your focus away from the ISS ... to the top of the daytime atmosphere ... now, proceed ...
Nope. Support your claim. I've said nothing about the temperatures at the outer edge of the atmosphere.

What are the temps on the sunny/shady side of the USS, which has no atmosphere?
Nope. Support your claim.
Let's relish this moment. You are pushing the limits of stupidity.

I made no claim. I was mocking you. Just when I think you won't post anything more stupid than what you have previously posted, you rise to the equation. Now you are insisting that the atmosphere doesn't have any atmosphere. This assertion alone exceeds my weekly entertainment quota.

I've said nothing about the temperatures at the outer edge of the atmosphere.
You absolutely did refer to earth's high temperatures (plural), many times. And now you are claiming to have forgotten! Too funny! I hope the fun police don't cite me for exceeding my quota.

What are the temps on the sunny/shady side of the USS, which has no atmosphere?
What is the temperature range of the top of the atmosphere, which has atmopshere, daytime and nighttime?

So, you're telling me that no one ever taught you that the atmosphere has atmosphere? Way too funny!
Let's relish this moment. You are pushing the limits of stupidity.

I made no claim. I was mocking you. Just when I think you won't post anything more stupid than what you have previously posted, you rise to the equation. Now you are insisting that the atmosphere doesn't have any atmosphere. This assertion alone exceeds my weekly entertainment quota.

You absolutely did refer to earth's high temperatures (plural), many times. And now you are claiming to have forgotten! Too funny! I hope the fun police don't cite me for exceeding my quota.

What is the temperature range of the top of the atmosphere, which has atmopshere, daytime and nighttime?

So, you're telling me that no one ever taught you that the atmosphere has atmosphere? Way too funny!
Nope. Here's your claim:

Apparently you are so ignorant as to believe that the side of the International Space Station that faces the sun never gets very, very hot

First, everything I've been saying about the atmosphere is that it keeps the high temps lower and low temps higher. Have you already forgotten YOUR radiator fluid comparison. I can remind you if you'd like.

So, I'm since we agree that the ISS has higher high temps and lower low temps, because it has no atmosphere to protect it, when are you going to explain what component of the atmosphere prevents the low temps from being lower than they normally would and how the component(s) does this?
Nope. Here's your claim:

Apparently you are so ignorant as to believe that the side of the International Space Station that faces the sun never gets very, very hot
It's absolutely self evident that no one ever taught you this. Similarly, no one ever taught you that the atmosphere has a top, i.e. that the atmosphere does not reach infinitely far out.

So yes, you are that ignorant.

First, everything I've been saying about the atmosphere is that it keeps the high temps lower and low temps higher.
... but it doesn't. The top of the atmosphere, where you will find earth's highest and lowest temperatures, has a much wider delta than at the bottom of the atmosphere, and you never learned this, because you never learned that the atmosphere has atmosphere. Did you ever go to school?

Have you already forgotten YOUR radiator fluid comparison.
I'm still waiting for an answer. What component(s) of radiator fluid make(s) radiator fluid act as radiator fluid?

So, I'm since we agree that the ISS has higher high temps and lower low temps, because it has no atmosphere to protect it, when are you going to explain what component of the atmosphere prevents the low temps from being lower than they normally would and how the component(s) does this?
You need to follow instructions. Focus on the top of the atmosphere, which you now know exists because I just taught you, and explain how its wide temperature swings is a result of the atmosphere not having any atmosphere.

TOO FUNNY! I'm looking forward to your answer. Please don't forget to answer the "radiator fluid" question too.
It's absolutely self evident that no one ever taught you this. Similarly, no one ever taught you that the atmosphere has a top, i.e. that the atmosphere does not reach infinitely far out.

So yes, you are that ignorant.

... but it doesn't. The top of the atmosphere, where you will find earth's highest and lowest temperatures, has a much wider delta than at the bottom of the atmosphere, and you never learned this, because you never learned that the atmosphere has atmosphere. Did you ever go to school?

I'm still waiting for an answer. What component(s) of radiator fluid make(s) radiator fluid act as radiator fluid?

You need to follow instructions. Focus on the top of the atmosphere, which you now know exists because I just taught you, and explain how its wide temperature swings is a result of the atmosphere not having any atmosphere.

TOO FUNNY! I'm looking forward to your answer. Please don't forget to answer the "radiator fluid" question too.
Radiator fluid has nothing to do with this beyond the generic comparison.

And, no, you aren't going to deflect and change the conversation.

So, back to what you are now blatantly trying to avoid...

The Earth's atmosphere keeps the high temperatures from being as high and the low temperatures from being as low.

Explain what it is about the atmosphere that does this and how it does it.
Radiator fluid has nothing to do with this beyond the generic comparison.
Good for you! You noticed that I'm drawing a direct comparison to your question. Perhaps you'll figure out that your answer to my question is going to be my answer to your question. If you don't want me to answer your question then don't answer my question.

And, no, you aren't going to deflect and change the conversation.
You don't dictate my comments or questions. Answer my question if you expect an answer to your question.

So, back to what you are now blatantly trying to avoid...
Answer my question(s) (plural) first.
Good for you! You noticed that I'm drawing a direct comparison to your question. Perhaps you'll figure out that your answer to my question is going to be my answer to your question. If you don't want me to answer your question then don't answer my question.

You don't dictate my comments or questions. Answer my question if you expect an answer to your question.

Answer my question(s) (plural) first.
Exactly. Pages upon pages of avoidance because every time I try to bring the conversation back to the ACTUAL topic, you can't answer the questions without undermining your political beliefs.

When (if) you want to have a real conversation, I'll be here.
... which is clearly yours.

FTFY. Learn to heed guidance.

FTFY. I know.
Post #166 on page 9 is where I first tried to get you to admit a simple truth about the impact of the Earth's atmosphere on high and low temperatures. For 7 pages you have tap danced your way around answer that question....

..for reasons that even Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder can see.

Game Over

Post #166 on page 9 is where I first tried to get you to admit a simple truth
I'm happy to admit simple truths. You just can't express any science correctly to save your life.

about the impact of the Earth's atmosphere on high and low temperatures.
... and I have been trying for even longer to get you to stay on the thread topic of the average global equilibrium temperature.

Get back to the thread topic. I acknowledge all truths and I reject all of your physics violations. There, let's move on.

For 7 pages you have tap danced your way around answer that question....
Nope. For roughly 15 pages you have wasted bandwidth and people's time.
I'm happy to admit simple truths. You just can't express any science correctly to save your life.

... and I have been trying for even longer to get you to stay on the thread topic of the average global equilibrium temperature.

Get back to the thread topic. I acknowledge all truths and I reject all of your physics violations. There, let's move on.

Nope. For roughly 15 pages you have wasted bandwidth and people's time.
BS. You don't care about science. You care about politics and feigning concern over staying on your specific topic is nothing more than a game to protect your political views from being tested.

It is a fact that the Earth's atmosphere keeps temperature with a range it otherwise wouldn't. IF you truly cared about intelligent conversation, you could have acknowledged that truth on page 9.

You aren't concerned about conversation or science. You're concerned about protecting political views at all costs.
BS. You don't care about science.
There you go again, pretending to speak for others. Dismissed.

It is a fact that the Earth's atmosphere keeps temperature with a range it otherwise wouldn't.
The atmosphere no longer has a temperature range once it is removed. Subjunctive failure.

I don't see any mention of the earth's average global equilibrium temperature. All of your arguments remain dismissed.

IF you truly cared about intelligent conversation, you could have acknowledged that truth on page 9.
If you truly cared about intelligent conversation, you would have heeded my advice to eliminate the egregious errors in your questions.

You aren't concerned about conversation or science. You're concerned about protecting political views at all costs.
There you go again, pretending to speak for others. Dismissed.

The atmosphere no longer has a temperature range once it is removed. Subjunctive failure.

I don't see any mention of the earth's average global equilibrium temperature. All of your arguments remain dismissed.

If you truly cared about intelligent conversation, you would have heeded my advice to eliminate the egregious errors in your questions.

You aren't concerned about conversation or science. You're concerned about protecting political views at all costs.
Thanks for confirming what I already knew. You're a professional tap dancer and exceptionally skilled at playing (being) dumb:

The atmosphere no longer has a temperature range once it is removed. Subjunctive failure.

My question is clear. When you want to stop playing games and answer it, I'll be here.
My question is clear.
Too funny. You don't even know what you are trying to ask.

* What component of radiator fluid causes radiator fluid to act as radiator fluid?
* What is the temperature range at the top of the atmosphere (hint: where there are the hottest and coldest temperatures on earth)?
* What is the temperature range of an absent atmosphere?

When you want to stop playing games and answer these, I'll be here.