Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker bashes Pride Month, tells women to stay in the kitchen

I voted for the HNIC TWICE...thought he was one of the really good ones,
but I could never stand his old lady and her prissy Bill Maher-like health eating propaganda.
People don't eat just for nutrition. Thy eat for pleasure as well.

She wasn't running for anything though.
Other than seeing her on TV, she was no problem at all.
She was talking about kids, not adults. Also the food supplied by taxpayer money in schools, the not adult dumbasses who have a Big Mac for lunch and dinner every day.

Can we agree that adults are free to eat whatever they like but children should be nurtured?

He's not really forcing anybody into anything, thankfully.
He's just shooting off his mouth.
Still an asshole, though.
He's advocating it just like many college kids are advocating labeling Biden and the Israelis as committing genocide and supporting Hamas.
Oh yes, I remember that. There's a wannabe-"teacher" here who beat Mrs. Obama's "Let's Move" and school nutrition advocacy like a rented mule. Yet the same hypocrite constantly virtue-signals about how SHE allegedly advocated for exercise/PE and making sure school kids didn't go hungry. I guess the difference is that one is a (D) president's wife and the other's just a bimbo hater. lol
Once a liar, always a liar. It didn't take me long to figure out she's not to be trusted. Same for her "friends"
I voted for the HNIC TWICE...thought he was one of the really good ones,
but I could never stand his old lady and her prissy Bill Maher-like health eating propaganda.
People don't eat just for nutrition. Thy eat for pleasure as well.

She wasn't running for anything though.
Other than seeing her on TV, she was no problem at all.
Mrs. Obama's focus was on child nutrition, not adults'. I think we're all aware of the childhood obesity problem in this country. She tried to bring awareness to and inspire kids to get exercise and make healthy food choices. The Reichwingers, of course, turned this into some nefarious campaign to force broccoli on all Americans, and shame kids for being fat. Gods.
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Remember how Michelle was slammed for pushing good nutrition for kids? The fucking morons slamming her favored calling catsup a vegetable and fatty foods.
Except her program was neither good nor nutritious. Its calorie balance was geared towards anorexic teen girls hoping to be twigs and obese doughboys that did nothing but play video games. For active teens and athletes, it was wholly inadequate. The quality of the meals was so bad that students in mass refused to even eat any of it dumping the whole thing in the garbage.

It ended up being more expensive, less nutritious, and incredibly unpopular with students. It was an unmitigated disaster coming from a top down, dictatorial, initiative that completely neglected to take any local or student concerns into account.
Agreed; everyone has unalienable rights and freedom of choice is one of them. Those who oppress and force others into limited areas are assholes.

The only rule should be to not hurt others and this asshole is hurting women by forcing them into the kitchen and out of the professional workplace.
That's more fascism than anything else. Or Communism, in a sense. Nazi Germany, Red China, and the USSR forced citizens into jobs they didn't want and/or were not qualified for, based on the needs of the government. Here we have conservative religionists trying to use scorn and dogma to do the same with women. If they could get the govt. to mandate it, they would.
Except her program was neither good nor nutritious. Its calorie balance was geared towards anorexic teen girls hoping to be twigs and obese doughboys that did nothing but play video games. For active teens and athletes, it was wholly inadequate. The quality of the meals was so bad that students in mass refused to even eat any of it dumping the whole thing in the garbage.

It ended up being more expensive, less nutritious, and incredibly unpopular with students. It was an unmitigated disaster coming from a top down, dictatorial, initiative that completely neglected to take any local or student concerns into account.
Awesome link, Terry. I loved the first sentence of the Newsweek article: "Former first lady Michelle Obama's dictates on school lunches were thrown out on Monday by one of President Donald Trump's Cabinet members."

This last sentence was interesting too: "Patricia Montague, CEO of the School Nutrition Association, a national nonprofit with more than 57,000 members that provides meals to students across the nation, praised Perdue's leadership.

"I commend Secretary Perdue for taking this important step," Montague said. "We have been wanting flexibility so that schools can serve meals that are both nutritious and palatable. We don't want kids wasting their meals by throwing them away. Some of our schools are actually using that food waste as compost. That shouldn't be happening.""

I understand the point about kid's tossing food because it's not like the sugary carb loaded crap their parents feed them. Kids want soda pop and pizza. You favor giving it to them, Michelle favored whole grains, less refined sugar and carbs. Is it really any wonder why obesity is a major problem in the US along with all of its accompanying factors like high blood pressure, high cholesterol (read Heart Attacks) and diabetes.

Childhood obesity is a problem that is certain to lead to adult obesity. What did Trump do to fix that....or didn't he care? His focus was on ripping up Michelle's programs and her WH garden.


  • Approximately 1 in 5 U.S. children and adolescents have obesity.
  • Obesity affects some groups more than others, including adolescents, Hispanic and non-Hispanic Black children, and children in families with lower incomes.
  • Health care for obesity is expensive for patients and the health care system.
Awesome link, Terry. I loved the first sentence of the Newsweek article: "Former first lady Michelle Obama's dictates on school lunches were thrown out on Monday by one of President Donald Trump's Cabinet members."

This last sentence was interesting too: "Patricia Montague, CEO of the School Nutrition Association, a national nonprofit with more than 57,000 members that provides meals to students across the nation, praised Perdue's leadership.

"I commend Secretary Perdue for taking this important step," Montague said. "We have been wanting flexibility so that schools can serve meals that are both nutritious and palatable. We don't want kids wasting their meals by throwing them away. Some of our schools are actually using that food waste as compost. That shouldn't be happening.""

I understand the point about kid's tossing food because it's not like the sugary carb loaded crap their parents feed them. Kids want soda pop and pizza. You favor giving it to them, Michelle favored whole grains, less refined sugar and carbs. Is it really any wonder why obesity is a major problem in the US along with all of its accompanying factors like high blood pressure, high cholesterol (read Heart Attacks) and diabetes.

Childhood obesity is a problem that is certain to lead to adult obesity. What did Trump do to fix that....or didn't he care? His focus was on ripping up Michelle's programs and her WH garden.


  • Approximately 1 in 5 U.S. children and adolescents have obesity.
  • Obesity affects some groups more than others, including adolescents, Hispanic and non-Hispanic Black children, and children in families with lower incomes.
  • Health care for obesity is expensive for patients and the health care system.
:hand: :hand: :hand:

Thank you for taking the time to break down that biased bullshit Gardner posted.
I ❤️ Being Proved Correct. LOL

FWIW, I currently weigh 160. Fat Boy continues to prove he's a fucking moron and the dumbest and laziest of three brothers. :)
Thats still pretty heavy for 5-7 though. You need to drop some of that weight. You could drop ten ugly pounds pretty fast if you wanted to cut your own head off. :)
Thats still pretty heavy for 5-7 though. You need to drop some of that weight. You could drop ten ugly pounds pretty fast if you wanted to cut your own head off. :)
Fat Boy giving advice on dropping ugly pounds.

My advice to his brothers: drop 250 ugly pounds by firing letting him go with a severance.

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What, exactly, does this have to do with telling a bunch of women university grads that they've been lied to and should be getting excited about marriage and having kids -- but not the male grads? The subtext, of course, is that they should be focusing on marriage/children rather than on their future careers that they just got done studying for. :rolleyes:
Sounds like the kind of thing he'd hear watching Fox News. Some kind of caricature/exaggeration/conspiracy theory related to feminist movement.
:hand: :hand: :hand:

Thank you for taking the time to break down that biased bullshit Gardner posted.
It was neither biased nor bullshit. Dork Doc ignores most of what I posted, cherry picking a single sentence out of it.

School kids around the country are tweeting rather unfortunate pictures of the meals they're being served at lunchtime, and thanking first lady and healthy school food advocate Michelle Obama for their bowls of mush and mystery proteins.

The tweets, which have carried the not-so-subtle #ThanksMichelleObama hashtag, were being sent out at a rate of 40 per minute late last week, but started to gain momentum some 10 days back and are still continuing to be posted as of this morning.

That's the WaPo! They're usually nothing but cheerleading shills for the Democrats.

The CNN piled on:

Students unhappy with school meals are taking it out on the first lady by sharing images on social media of lunches sarcastically tagged #ThanksMichelleObama.

Some of the images depict formless, mushy blobs on a lunch tray. Others show patties on whole-grain buns accompanied by an apple where one could imagine a pile of tater tots residing in earlier times.

Caitlin Tagner, a high school sophomore from North Carolina, is very clear about who she blames for her school's "nasty" lunches: "I blame Michelle Obama."

That article states that kids are tossing 85% of their lunches out creating an incredible amount of waste. If the kids won't eat the shit Michelle Obama has forced on them, then they aren't getting ANY nutrition whatsoever.

Seems the House voted 330 to 99 in an overwhelmingly bipartisan move to end Michelle Obama's program, something Trump subsequently signed into law.

It seems NOBODY like Michelle Obama's school lunch program outside the far Left and Vegans.