Choose my next name (Contest Finished)

Zugzwang (German for compulsion to move) when having to move a chess piece because it's your turn degrades your position.
"he was winning the debate until zugzwang made him say dumb stuff"
can some of you retards thank some posts in this thread so I know which name to choose instead of just giving me your own shitty ideas and then fucking off? thank you.

I hope that is not directed towards me. I already picked the name I like, gave it a 'Thanks' AND a 'Thumbs Up'.
can some of you retards thank some posts in this thread so I know which name to choose instead of just giving me your own shitty ideas and then fucking off? thank you.

Are you really surprised some
Of these waterheads can’t figger it out?

I think my next name is going to be Legion ll

Just need to have original Legion sign off
As long as the chosen name doesn't break the rules/have formatting that would fuck up JPP I will do whatever is suggested

slurs and no-no words strongly discouraged. lol at me having to make this disclaimer.

Make a suggestion, whichever post gets the most thanks is what I will choose.

I am giving everyone till monday.
Does it matter? We will still call you Grind.