APP - Christians on Healthcare Reform

An Open Letter On Health Care to Conservative Christians in the U.S.

Dear Friends,

"...Now, in the debate about health care, I am similarly disheartened to see the relative silence of thoughtful Christian voices as counterpoint to the predictable rhetoric of the more reactive voices. Over the last few weeks, I’ve been getting mass e-mails and Web links from evangelical and charismatic organizations that present frightening and outlandish claims about what President Obama is planning to do regarding health care. I’ve checked into these claims, and in case after case, they are simply false. They’re based on rumors spread by certain dramatic radio and cable-tv personalities, but they are not based in truth."

Have a say in the discussion.

Honestly, Mr. Midcan, I’m uncomfortable with Obama’s socialist death panels. I can’t support death panels, as a Christian. I believe in the culture of life.

I really don’t think we need socialist healthcare here. I’ve found that prayer is ALWAYS the best medicine. And if I need cheap prescription drugs, I just jet across the border to Canada or Mexico and hook myself up. Problem solved!

So, unless Obama’s socialist government insurance covers sensual massage therapy sessions, or gay conversion consultation, I can’t support it as a God-fearing Christian.

God Bless,

once again midcan shows how ignorant he is....

there is nothing about christianity that says we must give the GOVERNMENT the power....christians all over the world give free healthcare....doctors without borders goes all over to help people....i could go on, but i have no doubt it will fall on deaf ears because those who have made up their minds about christians are blind and deaf as to any idea that does not comport with their preconcieved views

reminds me of the salvation army during the depression

the rule was soup first, shelter next and attempts at conversion last
Amazing how many excuses the mind can find for not helping the other person. If someone has no help, but then gets help from the government, how does the mind of some make that wrong? Boggles my mind. But consider that no one is running against social security, medicare, or vets benefits? Odd that the big bad government can do good things in those areas, huh?

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy." Proverbs 31:8-9

"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money." Matthew 6:24
I find it odd that the liberals present a plan that leaves the poor saddled with a $10k family deductible and a 30% copay when they know the poor can't afford it....meanwhile, the liberals make sure they get the same coverage the poor can't afford, even if the liberals have the money to pay for it......strange way to "help their fellow man", isn't it........must be self-proclaimed progressives.....

I've only read the thread up to this point, so forgive me if this has been addressed:

I think you're confusing the words "liberals" and "democrats" because trust me, as a liberal amongst liberal friends, this health care plan is fucking awful. Sure, it's awful for different reasons than yours, but to call this plan liberal is really really off.
Honestly, Mr. Midcan, I’m uncomfortable with Obama’s socialist death panels. I can’t support death panels, as a Christian. I believe in the culture of life.

I really don’t think we need socialist healthcare here. I’ve found that prayer is ALWAYS the best medicine. And if I need cheap prescription drugs, I just jet across the border to Canada or Mexico and hook myself up. Problem solved!

So, unless Obama’s socialist government insurance covers sensual massage therapy sessions, or gay conversion consultation, I can’t support it as a God-fearing Christian.

God Bless,


EDIT: Nevermind, this post rules.
WTF The reserves isn't even a full-time job. I have met a handful of Guardsmen who are full-time businessmen.

Oh, so what's your full-time business then? You're a student getting your school paid for by my tax dollars in Washington state, aren't you?
Honestly, Mr. Midcan, I’m uncomfortable with Obama’s socialist death panels. I can’t support death panels, as a Christian. I believe in the culture of life.

I really don’t think we need socialist healthcare here. I’ve found that prayer is ALWAYS the best medicine. And if I need cheap prescription drugs, I just jet across the border to Canada or Mexico and hook myself up. Problem solved!

So, unless Obama’s socialist government insurance covers sensual massage therapy sessions, or gay conversion consultation, I can’t support it as a God-fearing Christian.

God Bless,



Thanks for your input, I recognize completely your concern with death panels, as helping families make end of life decisions would be a Christ-like act and completely out of character with the modern Christian.

And prayer is cheap so you'll be able save for those massages and conversion consultations. Good luck with that by the way, I've heard your Gawd is vengeful and if he hears you're gay he may stick your ass in that place with all the fire.

It's so good that you can fly over to those other socialist nations and get your highs. You may want to consult with Mr Rush Limbaugh, he is very knowledgeable in illicit drug use and he is definitely on your side when it comes to trashing those bad socialists and healthcare for sinful poor Americans.

So good to hear you're still fearing your Gawd, that helps keep the proletariat in line and under corporate power. No need to hope for a better world here, that comes next after you suffer through this short existence. Religion is the opiate and the excuse for all sorts of wonderful suffering in this world. Ain't that vengeful Gawd something!

Good luck and hope you find clouds and not fire on exiting this world.

Mr. midcan
It's amazingly how liberals defy God with abortion, gay marriage and socialism then ask conservatives to give up freedom in the name of Christ. It does show a consistent lack of understanding of Christianity though.
Oh, so what's your full-time business then? You're a student getting your school paid for by my tax dollars in Washington state, aren't you?
Right. We should then maintain that every person should immediately upon birth begin to create riches. :rolleyes:

He's following his own plan and will get there, how 'bout you?
Leaning. How about this.
Expand medicaid to cover anyone up to 50K income. With a graduated premium deducted from their pay, etc if they join. Lets say you pay $80 a month if you make 35K just fo instance and $250 if you mke 50K.

Roll CHIPS in there as well. This would just be an expansion of an existing program.

I expect what we wind up with out of the current "reform" debacle is not going to benefit much of anyone except the medical and drug industry.

Might work. At least it sounds more plausible than what we've been hearing.
Leaning. How about this.
Expand medicaid to cover anyone up to 50K income. With a graduated premium deducted from their pay, etc if they join. Lets say you pay $80 a month if you make 35K just fo instance and $250 if you mke 50K.

Roll CHIPS in there as well. This would just be an expansion of an existing program.

I expect what we wind up with out of the current "reform" debacle is not going to benefit much of anyone except the medical and drug industry.

Might work. At least it sounds more plausible than what we've been hearing.

Yeah, this is what I've been pushing myself.

I would expressly write into the legislation a "task force" or whatever you want to call it that has the goal to find out where this unprecedented increase in cost is coming from and resolve it.

I would also make it so that small companies could band together and create a larger pool for cheaper insurance. However, this is temporary. We need to decouple insurance from your employer to begin with, that's one of the worst deals that unions brought us, it keeps you stuck at your current employment for fear your "pre-existing conditions" wouldn't be covered.
An Open Letter On Health Care to Conservative Christians in the U.S.

by Brian McLaren

Dear Friends,

"...Now, in the debate about health care, I am similarly disheartened to see the relative silence of thoughtful Christian voices as counterpoint to the predictable rhetoric of the more reactive voices. Over the last few weeks, I’ve been getting mass e-mails and Web links from evangelical and charismatic organizations that present frightening and outlandish claims about what President Obama is planning to do regarding health care. I’ve checked into these claims, and in case after case, they are simply false. They’re based on rumors spread by certain dramatic radio and cable-tv personalities, but they are not based in truth."

Have a say in the discussion.

Brian McLaren is NOT a conservative Christian. He is the leader of the "emergent" movement a very liberal ideology. His teachings are considered heretical. If he has an opinion about Health Care he is entitled to it. If he is speaking for mainstream christianity he has no platform.
Right. We should then maintain that every person should immediately upon birth begin to create riches. :rolleyes:

He's following his own plan and will get there, how 'bout you?

Ever buy Baby stuff, toys, etc. Babys create lots of riches.
toys R Us? Babys R Us?
Ever buy Baby stuff, toys, etc. Babys create lots of riches.
toys R Us? Babys R Us?
Babies' parents create riches. If you go by this then 3D is creating riches by attending college, it's expensive.

ib is trying to say 3D is hypocritical because he is following the regular path that most successful people follow rather than creating riches now. The idea is to make it so that he seems unreasonable in suggesting that the government doesn't make it more "holy" if you are following anything.

This whole idea smacks of hypocrisy. Christians should use the government to fulfill their personal obligations? Please.
Babies' parents create riches. If you go by this then 3D is creating riches by attending college, it's expensive.

ib is trying to say 3D is hypocritical because he is following the regular path that most successful people follow rather than creating now.

Babies create riches, the question is for whom do they create the riches.