APP - Christians on Healthcare Reform

and he promoted the killing of unborn children, favored the legalization of drugs and same sex marriage, and demanded that courthouses not display the Ten Commandments.....all sorts of liberal characteristics......

He was a liberal for his time.

He sure as heck was not conservative. He never promoted wealth or war. He was truely compassionate. Provided free health care to the sick.

No he does not meet the current definition of liberal, but shares more traits than with conservatives.
Btw he may have been gay ;)
by the way, you may be even dumber than you look...

Dumber than my avitar?

Have you seen my actual picture? some on here have.
Christ claimed to preach Absolute Truth. Liberals preach there is no such thing as truth, in hopes that their motives and actions cannot be labeled wrong, immoral, and unjust. He was definitely not a liberal. He believed in the scriptures, and actually followed a spiritual path. He actually was charitable - not just preaching from on high.
Christ claimed to preach Absolute Truth. Liberals preach there is no such thing as truth, in hopes that their motives and actions cannot be labeled wrong, immoral, and unjust. He was definitely not a liberal. He believed in the scriptures, and actually followed a spiritual path. He actually was charitable - not just preaching from on high.

No such thing as absolute truth. If you didn't at least believe in reasonable guesses, you couldn't do anything.
Actually, I know some classical liberals who are Christian's. Of course classical liberals are a rare kind of political bird. The Thomas Jefferson types.

And he wasn't much of a Christian. He was a serial hypocrite who often created his own doctrine. I really find him a difficult man to respect, if at all.
once again midcan shows how ignorant he is....

there is nothing about christianity that says we must give the GOVERNMENT the power....christians all over the world give free healthcare....doctors without borders goes all over to help people....i could go on, but i have no doubt it will fall on deaf ears because those who have made up their minds about christians are blind and deaf as to any idea that does not comport with their preconcieved views

Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, give to g(G)od what is g(G)od's?

Not all Christians aren't of the Golden Rule kind, they have their own brand.
I find it odd that the liberals present a plan that leaves the poor saddled with a $10k family deductible and a 30% copay when they know the poor can't afford it....meanwhile, the liberals make sure they get the same coverage the poor can't afford, even if the liberals have the money to pay for it......strange way to "help their fellow man", isn't it........must be self-proclaimed progressives.....

This is the liberal plan, guess, I missed this one in the manual.

My current insurance company, the one the company chose for us, has a very high copay and deductible that most of the young families must pay for everything out of pocket, a real hardship for most of them.

Aren't our Congress people the ones who free health care, though most can afford to pay for it?

Aren't some companies being staggered by the cost of supplying good insurance for their employees and are passing the cost on to their employees?

I rather like the idea of Medicare for all with the private insurance agencies bidding for the plan! (Alaska state employees). It makes things very competitive! and a better deal for all!
And he wasn't much of a Christian. He was a serial hypocrite who often created his own doctrine. I really find him a difficult man to respect, if at all.

Sorry, I did not mean to imply that Jefferson was a Christian, only that he was a classical liberal.

I know a few Christians who would also define themselves as classical liberals/libertarians. Their views are interesting and compelling.
Yeah, this is what I've been pushing myself.

I would expressly write into the legislation a "task force" or whatever you want to call it that has the goal to find out where this unprecedented increase in cost is coming from and resolve it.

I would also make it so that small companies could band together and create a larger pool for cheaper insurance. However, this is temporary. We need to decouple insurance from your employer to begin with, that's one of the worst deals that unions brought us, it keeps you stuck at your current employment for fear your "pre-existing conditions" wouldn't be covered.

Why aren't people fighting for this, because most don't understand the insurance they currently have and how it operates!
The government in this case would be the means to force people to give alms in whatever proscribed manner that the government deems "holy". You may believe you have a personal responsibility to help others, but it cannot be fulfilled through the faceless bureaucracy, even if you think you are absolved of that responsibility because of it.

IMO, this is what happened to the nuclear family after SS became the norm. The retirees were now "cared for" by that faceless bureaucracy, the next generation, now absolved, did not take care of them as the past generations had of their retirees, instead they were foisted into government subsidized housing and ignored. Yaaay government! Nowadays it is far more rare for a grandmother/grandfather to be in the house passing on the wisdom they used to share, it makes this generation foolhardy...
Sorry, I did not mean to imply that Jefferson was a Christian, only that he was a classical liberal.

I know a few Christians who would also define themselves as classical liberals/libertarians. Their views are interesting and compelling.

I actually don't care about Jefferson's theology. He did at least turn over federal buildings to Christian services on sundays during his presidency. I simply fucking hate him is all, for other reasons...

Jefferson creating his own doctrine was simply him being a product of the times, being an Enlightenment hobby for educated elites, just as Masonry was all the rage back then.