APP - Christians on Healthcare Reform

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." Gandhi

Conservative Christians? said:
"One thing we know, since you don't actually support a theocracy, is that you are certainly working to fit the religion into your political ideology.

"Its simple - liberals aren't Christians. I laugh at any who call themselves such.

"God does not condescend to human political platforms dork. I align myself with that political platform which best fits my world view.

"...only if you pretend you have some good drag christ into these petty and stupid arguments is stupid...because liberals don't have any of the qualities they claim they share with Christ.....

"and he promoted the killing of unborn children, favored the legalization of drugs and same sex marriage, and demanded that courthouses not display the Ten Commandments.....all sorts of liberal characteristics......

liberals merely exploit the poor so they can garner their votes.....they never do anything to actually help would destroy their voting base.....

no, he was God and he was a good man who did good things....calling him a liberal is an insult....."

I thought the replies so telling I had to copy some for comment.

First, notice how conservatives play Gawd, they know what she wants and they know what she dislikes! Arrogant, you say!

Then they tell you Gawd isn't a part of this conversation, but then bang you over head with their Gawd's judgments! Hypocrite, you say.

Then they tell you what liberals do for the poor is bad, (perversity) as they do nothing at all. Phony, you say!

Then they tell you what Gawd did as man conforms with their beliefs and not yours! Presumptuous, you say!

Notice not one of the so called Christians addressed the original post which was written by a prominant Christian. How can one argue with such a lack of logic? As Barney Frank said so eloquently, "[Guys], trying to have a conversation with you would be like trying to argue with a dining room table. I have no interest in doing it,"

"Christianity has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and not tried." Gilbert K. Chesterton

[ame=""] Why Jesus Would Never, Ever Vote Republican (9781419697593): Richard John Siviur: Books[/ame]
the hypocrisy and stupidity of some liberals like madcan is humorous....they want religion left out of politics and government, yet use religion and jesus to make political points regarding how the government should be run.....

Hey Midcan, did you bother to read any of the posts I made about how I reconcile being a Catholic in a country founded by secular protestants?

And yes, as to your quoting me poking fun at liberal Christians, I happen to believe its not possible for a liberal to follow the Christian religion. I don't presume to assume how God will judge Protestants and Orthodox, and even non-Christians, nor even how He will judge the millions of Catholics with whom I disagree on various issues of faith (and I imagine that you all are better off being judged by an all-knowing God rather then by me, who has only my faith that the scriptures say what ought to be believed).

Liberals have a most un-Christian view of the importance of the family, of the proper role of the Church in one's life, of how a person ought to submit to tradition and the authority of elders, of the value of human life, of the importance of material happiness vs. eternal happiness, and a whole host of issues. Liberal mores about sexuality will always be viewed by my Church as a disgrace and as a childish attempt to profane God.

I doubt many liberals even disagree with me on this. Most of you could care less about my faith and about Christianity, and yet here you go Midcan, being completely irrelevant as always.

Where myself and most other people on this board can see eye-to-eye, is that Americans need to live up to certain levels of morality, courage, principle, and character, because these things can be rationalized and because they promote the ideals of the American republic. It is only people that fight against such principles as Natural Rights, federalism, constitutionalism, Real Whig Ideology, and American sovereignty that I have hatred for.
/mumbles something about it being easier for a rich man to pass through the eye of a camel than for a true liberal to enter into the kingdom.....
Please take note anyone who comes here and can think and reason. Still no answers from the so called Christians on the original premise of this thread posed by a Christian. But personal comments, ad hominem, and off the wall comments abound.

Threedee, to say liberals are not Christians is equivalent to the woman saying Frank is supporting Nazi policy. It is just too dumb for real thought.

Seems 150 million people disagree with the few oddball wackos on JP.

"We created this website because we believe the historical, Biblically documented teachings of Jesus
Christ clearly show that Jesus is a Liberal. His philosophy, based in compassion, equality,
inclusion, forgiveness, tolerance, peace and - most importantly - love, is 100% Liberal.

For 20 years we have seen the growing domination of the radical right wing evangelicals on TV, on
the radio and in the news, newspapers and magazines and in politics - claiming to own a virtual
monopoly on Jesus. They have redefined what He meant and used His name to advance their
radical right wing social, business, governmental, political and military agenda - or as President
Bush calls it their just and righteous Crusade. We strongly object and disagree.

We reflect the views of over 150 million Liberal, Progressive, Tolerant and Independent thinking
Christians, Catholics, and others of all spiritual paths, religions and traditions in the USA and
Canada. Together, we reject the radical right wing Republican evangelicals' claims that they alone
represent the will, expression and blessing of Jesus Christ. We believe it is high time someone
stand up for the Liberal, Progressive, Tolerant and Independent thinking majority's position that any
plain reading of His words, any genuine interpretation of His intent, outline a Liberal, Progressive,
Tolerant, Loving and holistic world view."

[ame=""] Jesus Was a Liberal: How the Conservative Agenda Is a Rejection of Christ's Teachings (9780965761062): Jerry Wilde: Books[/ame]

[ame=""] Jesus Was a Liberal: Reclaiming Christianity for All (9780230614291): Scotty McLennan: Books[/ame]

[ame=""] Perfect Freedom: Why Liberal Christianity Might Be the Faith You're Looking For (9781905047185): Brian Mountford: Books[/ame]

"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness." John Kenneth Galbraith

Hey Midcan, did you bother to read any of the posts I made about how I reconcile being a Catholic in a country founded by secular protestants?

And yes, as to your quoting me poking fun at liberal Christians, I happen to believe its not possible for a liberal to follow the Christian religion. I don't presume to assume how God will judge Protestants and Orthodox, and even non-Christians, nor even how He will judge the millions of Catholics with whom I disagree on various issues of faith (and I imagine that you all are better off being judged by an all-knowing God rather then by me, who has only my faith that the scriptures say what ought to be believed).

Liberals have a most un-Christian view of the importance of the family, of the proper role of the Church in one's life, of how a person ought to submit to tradition and the authority of elders, of the value of human life, of the importance of material happiness vs. eternal happiness, and a whole host of issues. Liberal mores about sexuality will always be viewed by my Church as a disgrace and as a childish attempt to profane God.

I doubt many liberals even disagree with me on this. Most of you could care less about my faith and about Christianity, and yet here you go Midcan, being completely irrelevant as always.

Where myself and most other people on this board can see eye-to-eye, is that Americans need to live up to certain levels of morality, courage, principle, and character, because these things can be rationalized and because they promote the ideals of the American republic. It is only people that fight against such principles as Natural Rights, federalism, constitutionalism, Real Whig Ideology, and American sovereignty that I have hatred for.

why would you go this far, i always thought you were joking when you said that.....

the term is earthly and often one foisted upon us and sometimes not true at all....consider postidiotprofit calling me a liberal because i disagree with his understanding of the h/c bill....

further, there are many issues i am so called liberal on that do not necessarily mesh with many christians....homosexuality, drugs, meat, sex....i'm pretty liberal socially...i wouldn't lump a group and proclaim they cannot be christian....and you do realize you are calling your best friend maineman a non christian
....consider postidiotprofit calling me a liberal because i disagree with his understanding of the h/c bill....

????, I called you a liberal because you kept refusing to answer a simple question...remember?....I said you were turning into just another had nothing to do with your beliefs regarding the bill.....
????, I called you a liberal because you kept refusing to answer a simple question...remember?....I said you were turning into just another had nothing to do with your beliefs regarding the bill.....


I'm sorry, Yurt....I just don't consider the issues of acupuncture and chiropractic as big deals in the health care debate...if you think it's okay to surrender free enterprise to the government just because private companies can still write chiro and acupuncture policies so be it....but don't pretend you're not a liberal from here on've sold out for free aspirin.....

[ame=""]Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - APP - Emergency Rooms as Healthcare[/ame]
and from twelve pages earlier....

Originally Posted by Yurt View Post aint got squat

you have enough time to tell me you're not into wasting your time, but you don't have enough time to actually answer my post with cites.....

amazing....especially given the largesse of the bill

??...dude, I've spent five pages trying to explain it to you....all I've gotten from you is "I don't believe it" or "you haven't convinced me"....what is this, channel a liberal week?... [ame=""]Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - APP - Emergency Rooms as Healthcare[/ame]
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nice unambiguously claimed i was a liberal for selling out for an aspirin.....

your words convict you....your other words do nothing to alter your reasons in that post....

nice unambiguously claimed i was a liberal for selling out for an aspirin.....

your words convict you....your other words do nothing to alter your reasons in that post....


you are turning into a stupid pile of crap....I guess you ARE a liberal.....
take it however you want it, but it was a comment on your debating style.....what did you expect, were playing tag team with IBBIE! was like reading a script excerpt from Dumb and Dumber.....
take it however you want it, but it was a comment on your debating style.....what did you expect, were playing tag team with IBBIE! was like reading a script excerpt from Dumb and Dumber.....


yurt is right, i'm just to dishonest to admit it......

and seriously, just because ib1 and i agree on some things, doesn't make me a liberal or him a are fucking moron for even saying such got your ass handed to you on the facts....that is the truth....i don't care if ib1 worships satan, if it just so happens that him and agree on the truth, doesn't mean i'm his camp, nor does it mean he is in my camp.....

you're like a 5 year old in a sandbox....oh noze joey agrees with johnney so their evil because they don't agree with me

and one more time to prove you're a liar (and if you would have said i forgot about that, i would have recanted, but you did not):

but don't pretend you're not a liberal from here on out
mit it......

and seriously, just because ib1 and i agree on some things, doesn't make me a liberal or him a conservative....

I agree....but failing to face an argument up front and wasting time playing silly gotcha games about minimums and acupuncture made you his equal....and it wasn't because you lifted him up......

you got your ass handed to you on the facts...
lol, neither of you ever even understood the facts....

and one more time to prove you're a liar

oh look, another "gotcha" can't play gotcha, when you don't get it.....
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