APP - Christians on Healthcare Reform

Oh, so what's your full-time business then? You're a student getting your school paid for by my tax dollars in Washington state, aren't you?

No, as a part-time Guardsmen, almost all of the tuition is coming out of pocket, because we get shitty benefits compared to Reserves, Active Guard, and Active Duty. I will get most of my student loans paid off by Student Loan Repayment Program and I have been collecting GI Bill every month during the school year, but I think it just ran out on me, so I will have to check into that further.

Now, since I don't want to be disengenuous, my full-time job will be non-productive, as I will be teaching. Of course, this fall, I will be doing the teaching for free, since we don't get paid to student teach. :cool:

Anyway, I fail to see how taking on a helping role by working within the government discredits the American principles I wrote about. Someone has to do these jobs, and being a civil and military servant does tie into Midcan's anti-Christian/anti-American rant.
No, as a part-time Guardsmen, almost all of the tuition is coming out of pocket, because we get shitty benefits compared to Reserves, Active Guard, and Active Duty. I will get most of my student loans paid off by Student Loan Repayment Program and I have been collecting GI Bill every month during the school year, but I think it just ran out on me, so I will have to check into that further.

Now, since I don't want to be disengenuous, my full-time job will be non-productive, as I will be teaching. Of course, this fall, I will be doing the teaching for free, since we don't get paid to student teach. :cool:

Anyway, I fail to see how taking on a helping role by working within the government discredits the American principles I wrote about. Someone has to do these jobs, and being a civil and military servant does tie into Midcan's anti-Christian/anti-American rant.
Good teachers create the most wealth, it just isn't their own. (Well, at least not until the back-end of their career it isn't).
Babies' parents create riches. If you go by this then 3D is creating riches by attending college, it's expensive.

ib is trying to say 3D is hypocritical because he is following the regular path that most successful people follow rather than creating riches now. The idea is to make it so that he seems unreasonable in suggesting that the government doesn't make it more "holy" if you are following anything.

This whole idea smacks of hypocrisy. Christians should use the government to fulfill their personal obligations? Please.

I agree, American principles of government prohibit me from forcing people to be charitable, from forcing them to join the Church and observe its feastdays/sacraments/etc., and from forcing them to generally care about their neighbors and fellow man.

As a republic, we are dependent upon each individual holding themselves to a high code of honor, morals, and patriotism, so that charity and care get attended to nevertheless. If I wanted to live under a theocracy, I could move to the Vatican, or to Saudi Arabia, but, again, I maintain that the liberals on this board also do not want to live under a theocracy, so they should stop trying to use government to force people to do their bidding. Especially since its un-American either way you look at it.
I agree, American principles of government prohibit me from forcing people to be charitable, from forcing them to join the Church and observe its feastdays/sacraments/etc., and from forcing them to generally care about their neighbors and fellow man.

As a republic, we are dependent upon each individual holding themselves to a high code of honor, morals, and patriotism, so that charity and care get attended to nevertheless. If I wanted to live under a theocracy, I could move to the Vatican, or to Saudi Arabia, but, again, I maintain that the liberals on this board also do not want to live under a theocracy, so they should stop trying to use government to force people to do their bidding. Especially since its un-American either way you look at it.

Brian McLaren is NOT a conservative Christian. He is the leader of the "emergent" movement a very liberal ideology. His teachings are considered heretical. If he has an opinion about Health Care he is entitled to it. If he is speaking for mainstream christianity he has no platform.

I wouldn't consider him "heretical", unless I am also heretical....he's my favorite author and the inspiration for most of my theological positions....
Brian McLaren is NOT a conservative Christian. He is the leader of the "emergent" movement a very liberal ideology. His teachings are considered heretical. If he has an opinion about Health Care he is entitled to it. If he is speaking for mainstream christianity he has no platform.

Too funny so Christians are both sides of the fence, what side is God on, do you know? Or are you just following your ideological platform and religion really doesn't matter.
One thing we know, since you don't actually support a theocracy, is that you are certainly working to fit the religion into your political ideology.

Its simple - liberals aren't Christians. I laugh at any who call themselves such.

God does not condescend to human political platforms dork. I align myself with that political platform which best fits my world view.
What does Christ being a liberal have to do with me having good qualities?

I do of course , but I still do not see how that impacts Christ being a liberal?

christ had neither liberal or conservative qualities as we call them today.....

to drag christ into these petty and stupid arguments is stupid
christ had neither liberal or conservative qualities as we call them today.....

to drag christ into these petty and stupid arguments is stupid

the conservatives at his time were the Jewish Church leaders who you had to pay in one for or another to gain favor with God.
Jesus offered a way around them. did not shun tainted ladies, let the children come unto me, etc. He even opened god/heaven to Gentiles. He was a liberal and it got him crucified.
His final liberal act of running the moneychangers out of the temple was the final straw that got him crucified.
the conservatives at his time were the Jewish Church leaders who you had to pay in one for or another to gain favor with God.
Jesus offered a way around them. did not shun tainted ladies, let the children come unto me, etc. He even opened god/heaven to Gentiles. He was a liberal and it got him crucified.
His final liberal act of running the moneychangers out of the temple was the final straw that got him crucified.

and he promoted the killing of unborn children, favored the legalization of drugs and same sex marriage, and demanded that courthouses not display the Ten Commandments.....all sorts of liberal characteristics......