Christmas Dinner

Went to the daughters house for Christmas dinner...she had rib roast and Ham with pineapple...mashed taters,gravy,green beans with Mushroom & onion topping(casserole)sweet potatoes,heineken beer,hot buttered rolls and apple pie with vanilla ice cream for dessert...was great to not have to cook for the flock for once...had a great Christmas!:)

sounds yummy. Merry Christmas to you BB.... let's let bygones be bygones between us, OK?
Don't buy it BB. Let your guard down for a second and this guy will put a knife in your back.

But it will be a virtual knife, which doesn't do any real damage.

Why not let someone mend fences without antagonizing them? I think BB is a big boy and can handle his own affairs.

Must you continue to try and keep the shit going??
So you wouldn't be offended if I suggested that you had anal intercourse with your young son? :cool:

I didn't say it wasn't an insult. I said it wasn't damaging.

But since you ask, no I wouldn't be insulted. I am a great Dad. That you try to attak that would just be a sign of your ignorance not a reflection on me.
I didn't say it wasn't an insult. I said it wasn't damaging. ....
I consider an attack on my family's honor to be well out of line, permanently damaging the reputation of he who fired the insult, and totally unforgivable by he who was attacked.
I consider an attack on my family's honor to be well out of line, permanently damaging the reputation of he who fired the insult, and totally unforgivable by he who was attacked.

And by perpetuating this feud you are making sure that even more people know you were once accused of diddling your young son.

I would never have know it, and I am sure that many people on this board would never have known it.

So by giving the attack on your family's honor a greater audience, aren't you as guilty as he is of damaging your family's honor?
And by perpetuating this feud you are making sure that even more people know you were once accused of diddling your young son.

I would never have know it, and I am sure that many people on this board would never have known it.

So by giving the attack on your family's honor a greater audience, aren't you as guilty as he is of damaging your family's honor?

That's like saying that a rapist shouldn't confront her attacker in open court.
Sticks and stones can break your bones but words can never harm you.

Rape is a crime of violence and not comparable with verbal insults.
Don't buy it BB. Let your guard down for a second and this guy will put a knife in your back.

Hey It's the Christmas season and a new year around the corner...I will always disagree with Mainemans political stances and military view but alas I will still wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year...who knows maybe some will see the light!:clink:
Sticks and stones can break your bones but words can never harm you.

Rape is a crime of violence and not comparable with verbal insults.
Then let me revise my argument: That's like saying one shouldn't confront a slanderer in open court.
Then let me revise my argument: That's like saying one shouldn't confront a slanderer in open court.

The reason you confront a slanderer in open court is to prosecute him.

This is not prosecution. This is perpetuating the issue and letting more people know about it, without any punishment going towards anyone.
The reason you confront a slanderer in open court is to prosecute him.

This is not prosecution. This is perpetuating the issue and letting more people know about it, without any punishment going towards anyone.
Letting people know the truth about someone is how you prosecute someone on a message board. So far its worked quite well on three boards now. Each one he's brought up the subject, by the way.
Letting people know the truth about someone is how you prosecute someone on a message board. So far its worked quite well on three boards now. Each one he's brought up the subject, by the way.

And what is it that has happened here?

How has he been punished?