Christmas Dinner

Anyone who has read the thread beginning here would see that he was exposed for his true self, as well as his antics on other boards.

And anyone reading your feud on at least 3 threads knows you were accused of being a child molester.

Doesn't seem like you have made much progress.
And anyone reading your feud on at least 3 threads knows you were accused of being a child molester.

Doesn't seem like you have made much progress.
Actually I've made great progress. I've since learned is real name, home address, home phone number, and have links to his church, where he is a interim pastor, as well as his photograph. I've also learned that he changed his moniker several times on a BB that I used to frequent, and had to leave that board in shame after some posters contacted his fellow parishioners and exposed his double life full of disgusting, hateful and baseless accusations.
Actually I've made great progress. I've since learned is real name, home address, home phone number, and have links to his church, where he is a interim pastor, as well as his photograph. I've also learned that he changed his moniker several times on a BB that I used to frequent, and had to leave that board in shame after some posters contacted his fellow parishioners and exposed his double life full of disgusting, hateful and baseless accusations.

You are advocating or considering using his personal information to take an online feud into real life and screw up his career??

And you are talking about defending your honor?? What honor? That is despicable.
You are advocating or considering using his personal information to take an online feud into real life and screw up his career??

And you are talking about defending your honor?? What honor? That is despicable.
I didn't do it. I am, however, amused that he pissed off the wrong person. It had to have happened sooner or later, and couldn't have happened to a better person.
I didn't do it. I am, however, amused that he pissed off the wrong person. It had to have happened sooner or later, and couldn't have happened to a better person.

Wrong person?

Exactly what is it that you plan to do with his real name, home address, home phone and the name of his employer? What, that you would consider honorable, could you do with this info??
Wrong person?

Exactly what is it that you plan to do with his real name, home address, home phone and the name of his employer? What, that you would consider honorable, could you do with this info??
The fact that I've got all that information has changed his attitude dramatically. Anyone who has been harmed by him and can prove it can also PM me and obtain the info. :)
Wrong person?

Exactly what is it that you plan to do with his real name, home address, home phone and the name of his employer? What, that you would consider honorable, could you do with this info??


this should stop. I apologize for ever implying or hinting at the the fact that southern man did anything untoward with his kids. I did so once, a long time ago after he had accused me of being a liar when I wasn't. I used an attack that toby and dixie had used against me along time ago and I am ashamed for having done so. It was wrong. I have no reason to belive that southern man is anything other than a wonderful caring and loving father. I came back to this board after a long absence and the very first thing that southern man does is call me a liar when I am not and did not... and the first thing I did was react and insinuate sexual misconduct on his part as a retaliation for his calling me a liar. I dunno... for me, being called a liar is the most offensive thing anyone could ever say, and when someone calls me that, I guess my first and immediate reaction is to respond by attacking them with the most offensive thing from their perspective. So... once and for all: Southern man, or Yadkin or Glockmail or whatever he choses to call himself, has given me no reason to believe that he is anything other than a good father to his children. He has called me a liar, which I am not, and that had pissed me off to the point that I reacted inappropriately and for that, I apologize.

I will not, however, hold my breath and wait for an apology from HIM. I am the better man and I can sleep easy knowing that.
The fact that I've got all that information has changed his attitude dramatically. Anyone who has been harmed by him and can prove it can also PM me and obtain the info. :)

You are messing with someone's real life here, SM. You giving that info away could result in someone vandalizing him home or doing violence to his person. Putting his career in jeopardy is not a joke.

This is crossing a line. There are lots of internet trolls and jerks online. It goes with the territory. But to take those internet insults and turn them into actual harm in the real world is about as dishonorable as it gets.

It is risking someone's livelihood and life over your bruised ego.

If you see honnor in that, then we have very different definitions of the word.
You are messing with someone's real life here, SM. You giving that info away could result in someone vandalizing him home or doing violence to his person. Putting his career in jeopardy is not a joke.

This is crossing a line. There are lots of internet trolls and jerks online. It goes with the territory. But to take those internet insults and turn them into actual harm in the real world is about as dishonorable as it gets.

It is risking someone's livelihood and life over your bruised ego.

If you see honnor in that, then we have very different definitions of the word.

you are complaining after the horse has already left the barn... whether provided by southern man or someone else, SOMEONE has already contacted my employer and put my continued employment at risk. I do not think it was southern man who did so, but I do not know for certain... it may very well have been yurt, who was the first person to announce his knowledge of my identity and my employer. It doesn't matter.... it is all a terribly inappropriate consequence of internet discussions.... very sad...very sad indeed.

this should stop. I apologize for ever implying or hinting at the the fact that southern man did anything untoward with his kids. I did so once, a long time ago after he had accused me of being a liar when I wasn't. I used an attack that toby and dixie had used against me along time ago and I am ashamed for having done so. It was wrong. I have no reason to belive that southern man is anything other than a wonderful caring and loving father. I came back to this board after a long absence and the very first thing that southern man does is call me a liar when I am not and did not... and the first thing I did was react and insinuate sexual misconduct on his part as a retaliation for his calling me a liar. I dunno... for me, being called a liar is the most offensive thing anyone could ever say, and when someone calls me that, I guess my first and immediate reaction is to respond by attacking them with the most offensive thing from their perspective. So... once and for all: Southern man, or Yadkin or Glockmail or whatever he choses to call himself, has given me no reason to believe that he is anything other than a good father to his children. He has called me a liar, which I am not, and that had pissed me off to the point that I reacted inappropriately and for that, I apologize.

I will not, however, hold my breath and wait for an apology from HIM. I am the better man and I can sleep easy knowing that.

so why did you lie about not accusing him of molestation?
Total bullshit

Anyone who cannot handle insults, trolling or ugly arguments has no business being on this forum.

To the guys (and I am including both sides) involved in this feud, if you are not man enough to fight fire with fire and keep an internet battle online, then you are not worth your tiny jockstrap.
you are complaining after the horse has already left the barn... whether provided by southern man or someone else, SOMEONE has already contacted my employer and put my continued employment at risk. I do not think it was southern man who did so, but I do not know for certain... it may very well have been yurt, who was the first person to announce his knowledge of my identity and my employer. It doesn't matter.... it is all a terribly inappropriate consequence of internet discussions.... very sad...very sad indeed.

liar, you have told people you do not believe it was me....

i was not the first person either, another lie
so why did you lie about not accusing him of molestation?

Why does ANYONE think a lie online (amoung people who do not know each other in real life) is a valid reason for screwing up someone's real life??

This is completely unacceptable. This is the lowest thing I could imagine.
Why does ANYONE think a lie online (amoung people who do not know each other in real life) is a valid reason for screwing up someone's real life??

This is completely unacceptable. This is the lowest thing I could imagine.

wtf? i never said that...

MM already knows i don't support ruining anyone's livelihood......he begged me to do it, said i would be a nutless pussy if i didn't...he is lucky i have more character than he does...
Well someone has. And at least one other person has bragged about having all his personal info.

You are right, anyone doing that would be a nutless piece of shit.

This bullshit feud is getting out of hand.
Well someone has. And at least one other person has bragged about having all his personal info.

You are right, anyone doing that would be a nutless piece of shit.

This bullshit feud is getting out of hand.

i actually wonder if MM is full of crap about this alleged outing...there a few who believe that he made the whole thing up...he gets the board owner to change his username, comes back as someone else and repeatedly claims not to be mfm...when no one believes him, he leaves...

i woudl be careful about believing whether anyone said anything to his employer

this should stop. I apologize for ever implying or hinting at the the fact that southern man did anything untoward with his kids. I did so once, a long time ago after he had accused me of being a liar .....
This is a lie as well. What ticked you off the first time was losing a political debate. It's also a piss-poor excuse for bringing an innocent family member into a conversation.
You are messing with someone's real life here, SM. You giving that info away could result in someone vandalizing him home or doing violence to his person. Putting his career in jeopardy is not a joke.

This is crossing a line. There are lots of internet trolls and jerks online. It goes with the territory. But to take those internet insults and turn them into actual harm in the real world is about as dishonorable as it gets.

It is risking someone's livelihood and life over your bruised ego.

If you see honnor in that, then we have very different definitions of the word.
Maineman should have thought of that before he brought my young son into this. Its not my ego, but my family honor. I he happens to piss off the wrong person by employing the same or similar tactics then so be it.
Total bullshit

Anyone who cannot handle insults, trolling or ugly arguments has no business being on this forum.

To the guys (and I am including both sides) involved in this feud, if you are not man enough to fight fire with fire and keep an internet battle online, then you are not worth your tiny jockstrap.
It appears that it may be you who cannot handle the battle.