Christmas only discussion.

I don't have any plans, and work will be quite a festive atmosphere, so I don't really have anything to grumble about.

That's the way I look at it. I've worked Christmas before. A novel experience. You have to make up your own 'Traditions'. :)
Talk about Christmas plans, etc and keep the drama outside.
I remember very few presents I received as a child, but I have distinct memories of midnight mass, the pine smell of the christmas tree, and of trying very hard to stay awake to listen for the sound of sleigh bells.
I sure hope so too. Guess when you move you'll have to start up new relationships with new physicians all over again. :~(

Well, I have plenty of family back in Ohio and they should be acquainted with those details. Now the problem is finding the right house. After that, we'll be back to celebrating Christmas with the family. It used to be a tradition each year that we traveled down for Christmas but the chaotic weather has made Mom uneasy about making the journey. We instead have gone down a few times in October
I remember very few presents I received as a child, but I have distinct memories of midnight mass, the pine smell of the christmas tree, and of trying very hard to stay awake to listen for the sound of sleigh bells.

I for some reason can remember those types of details from long ago. However, I tend to have a lousy short term memory. I can remember the toy front end loader I got as a little kid but I can find my self questioning if I just did something recently. Where I put the remote is a big one.
We do what the majority of Jews do on xmas day: Chinese food then the movies

The history of Jews, Chinese food, and Christmas, explained by a rabbi

When Jews began to settle on the Lower East Side of Manhattan between the 1880s and the 1920s, they were poor immigrants. They worked in sweatshops and lived in tenement housing. In their time off, they would go to the newly opened nickelodeons. For between one cent and five cents, they could see a very early form of a movie. By 1909, there were 42 nickelodeons adjacent to the Lower East Side and 10 uptown in Jewish Harlem. Christmas was just another day off, so these early movies attracted big crowds.

We know from the Yiddish press that Christmas became a popular day for the opening of new Yiddish theater productions. It was a day off from work, so what do you do? You can stay home, or you can go to the nickelodeons, or the Yiddish theater. Eventually, decades later, you could go have a meal in a Chinese restaurant.


We do what the majority of Jews do on xmas day: Chinese food then the movies

The history of Jews, Chinese food, and Christmas, explained by a rabbi

When Jews began to settle on the Lower East Side of Manhattan between the 1880s and the 1920s, they were poor immigrants. They worked in sweatshops and lived in tenement housing. In their time off, they would go to the newly opened nickelodeons. For between one cent and five cents, they could see a very early form of a movie. By 1909, there were 42 nickelodeons adjacent to the Lower East Side and 10 uptown in Jewish Harlem. Christmas was just another day off, so these early movies attracted big crowds.

We know from the Yiddish press that Christmas became a popular day for the opening of new Yiddish theater productions. It was a day off from work, so what do you do? You can stay home, or you can go to the nickelodeons, or the Yiddish theater. Eventually, decades later, you could go have a meal in a Chinese restaurant.
We generally celebrated Christmas on January 7 in the Christian Orthodox tradition.

My mother imbued in me a sense that Christmas is more about family and religious tradition rather than a consumer orgy.

Collectively it is a reminder to me that I consider Jesus of Nazareth to be one of the great moral philosophers of antiquity along with Confucius, the Buddha, and Muhammad.

"Before Abraham I Am"
No. I think that is an 'Indian Reservation' Casino heading North? Too far to drive. (Thanks, maybe I'll look into it?)

All I know is that it's in northern (I think) Mississippi. My boss used to go there on weekends sometimes. It's a 4-5 hour drive from STL. She got all kinds of comps like free lodging, meals, etc.
I remember very few presents I received as a child, but I have distinct memories of midnight mass, the pine smell of the christmas tree, and of trying very hard to stay awake to listen for the sound of sleigh bells.

I loved the Xmas Eve candlelight services too. And then we got to open one present when we got home, but only if we ate dinner first.
All I know is that it's in northern (I think) Mississippi. My boss used to go there on weekends sometimes. It's a 4-5 hour drive from STL. She got all kinds of comps like free lodging, meals, etc.

OK. You made me look. WAYYY up in Mississippi. More like a suburb of Memphis, Tennessee. 8 Casinos.
I'm about 11 miles from the State Line, and the first Casino is about a 30 minute drive. There's probably a dozen Casinos between there and Biloxi.

Sooo, you? Curled up on a bear rug in front of the woodstove ... drapes spread wide open with a magnificent view through the window wall ... watching Hubby feverishly chopping MORE firewood?
OK. You made me look. WAYYY up in Mississippi. More like a suburb of Memphis, Tennessee. 8 Casinos.
I'm about 11 miles from the State Line, and the first Casino is about a 30 minute drive. There's probably a dozen Casinos between there and Biloxi.

Sooo, you? Curled up on a bear rug in front of the woodstove ... drapes spread wide open with a magnificent view through the window wall ... watching Hubby feverishly chopping MORE firewood?

Owl. Look. Don't over think this. It was just a friendly question about your plans for Christmas. :|
OK. You made me look. WAYYY up in Mississippi. More like a suburb of Memphis, Tennessee. 8 Casinos.
I'm about 11 miles from the State Line, and the first Casino is about a 30 minute drive. There's probably a dozen Casinos between there and Biloxi.

Sooo, you? Curled up on a bear rug in front of the woodstove ... drapes spread wide open with a magnificent view through the window wall ... watching Hubby feverishly chopping MORE firewood?

Nah, we chopped, split, and stacked four cords last summer. We celebrated the solstice yesterday. And a fine warm (for us) sunny day it was yesterday and today both.
Nah, we chopped, split, and stacked four cords last summer. We celebrated the solstice yesterday. And a fine warm (for us) sunny day it was yesterday and today both.

It feels like spring up here and every bit of snow is melting fast. A White Christmas is not likely.
It feels like spring up here and every bit of snow is melting fast. A White Christmas is not likely.

We're going to see 'Black Christmas' tonight with my granddaughter.
And, no ... it's not about a Black family at Christmas time. It's a scary movie.
She likes scary movies.
Me, my son, my DiL, and my granddaughter.

We could have went and saw 'Jumanji II', but she wanted to go see the 'scary movie'. (Maybe later in the week?)
It feels like spring up here and every bit of snow is melting fast. A White Christmas is not likely.

It's been warm here too the last few days. We'll still have a white Christmas, but all the snow on the trees fell off.

Meanwhile, in other parts of the country...
