But they're subject to the same shitty conditions.
Um, yeah. There's alot of victimless crimes. Smoking cannabis doesn't create victims. Prostitution doesn't create victims. Gambling doesn't create victims. I could go on. Maybe you could argue these things hurt the people involved. But if they engaged in a consensual act, no real victim. The problem with these types of laws is the government is playing mommy and daddy and making sure we don't hurt ourselves. We're fucking adults, and we need to start acting like we are. Protecting us from others who seek to steal, rape, murder, and put our children in porn videos is one thing. But prohibition is absolute bullshit.
Ok? I don't see what that has to do with me.
It's called grey area. People with libertarian-leaning beliefs tend to like to think for themselves, rather than following a hive-minded ideology. It exists on a spectrum.
And it's correct in that. Civil libertarianism only addresses matters of civil liberty. It does not involve budgets, business regulation, foreign policy and such.
No, the world is definitely far more gray. I know you have a simplistic worldview, and I will give you credit for at least admitting to that. Most don't.
What I meant specifically by you thinking in black & white terms is that you assumed, just because STY and I both identify with a sort of civil libertarian mindset, that we must believe all of the exact same things. I see you do the same thing to those that identify as liberals. That's frankly ignorant.