free mind and open heart
I grow pot and smoke it
No, you hunt for ditch weed along the side of the highway in your bathrobe, slippers, and hair-rollers.
I grow pot and smoke it
No, you hunt for ditch weed along the side of the highway in your bathrobe, slippers, and hair-rollers.
fuck that economic short bus site
are libertarians Austrian school of economics adherents?
you are a Austrian school idiot grind
Simplistic worldview. Just like CFM. See, I am right when I say people on both sides are guilty of that.
No, civil libertarians do not necessarily prescribe to the Austrian school of economics. Pure libertarians do, civil libertarianism focuses on civil liberty issues. Bernie Sanders, self-described socialist, was literally a civil libertarian. The ACLU is civil libertarian. Get your head out of your ass. And while you're at it, help your buddy CFM get his out too.
In the end they are the tool of the wealthy
Left-libertarians (social and individualist anarchists, libertarian Marxists and left-wing market anarchists) argue in favor of socialist theories such as communism, syndicalism and mutualism (anarchist economics). Daniel Guérin writes that "anarchism is really a synonym for socialism. The anarchist is primarily a socialist whose aim is to abolish the exploitation of man by man. Anarchism is only one of the streams of socialist thought, that stream whose main components are concern for liberty and haste to abolish the State".[68]
Right-libertarians are economic liberals of either the Austrian School or Chicago school and support laissez-faire capitalism.[69]
Says the woman who voted for the former board leader of Walmart.
They prohibit it. They don't stop me from doing it.
formally forbid (something) by law, rule, or other authority.
I do it inside my home. But since the penalties for growing my weed are absolutely mental, I do have to pick it up.
You said for only growing pot, not for only one offense. Which one is it?
The Austrian School is a school of economic thought that is based on methodological individualism – the concept that social phenomena result from the motivations and actions of individuals.[1][2][3] It originated in late-19th and early-20th century Vienna with the work of Carl Menger, Eugen Böhm von Bawerk, Friedrich von Wieser, and others.[4] It was methodologically opposed to the Prussian Historical School (in a dispute known as Methodenstreit). Current-day economists working in this tradition are located in many different countries, but their work is still referred to as Austrian economics.
Among the theoretical contributions of the early years of the Austrian School are the subjective theory of value, marginalism in price theory, and the formulation of the economic calculation problem, each of which has become an accepted part of mainstream economics.[5]
Since the mid-20th century, mainstream economists have been critical of the modern day Austrian School and consider its rejection of mathematical modelling, econometrics and macroeconomic analysis to be outside mainstream economic theory, or "heterodox".[6][7][8] Austrians are likewise critical of mainstream economics.[9] Although the Austrian School has been considered heterodox since the late 1930s, it attracted renewed interest in the 1970s, after Friedrich Hayek shared the 1974 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.[10]
no says the facts if you are willing to read facts
then why do you stay here
the founders NEVER intended what you just said there fool
they wrote the post office right into the constitution and made no buts about it being paid for by the people through the government.
you have bought into right wing stupid
no says the facts if you are willing to read facts