Civil Libertarians?

Where Do You Stand On Civil Liberties?

  • Slightly Civil Libertarian

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Strong Civil Authoritarian

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Slightly Civil Authoritarian

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • On The Fence/IDK/Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Definition of laissez-faire
: a doctrine opposing governmental interference in economic affairs beyond the minimum necessary for the maintenance of peace and property rights argued that the problem with oil prices was too much laissez-faire
: a philosophy or practice characterized by a usually deliberate abstention from direction or interference especially with individual freedom of choice and action the university has a policy of laissez-faire regarding nonacademic student activities

You said that the laws prohibited you from doing something. Now, you say you do it. Which one is it?

How do you get it? That's not my problem. You're the pothead. I was addressing your inaccurate claim that it was inside your home. That wasn't a true statement.

None of those examples are serving a life sentence because it's the only time they ever did what they did or don't have a criminal record.
"We are all Keynesians now" is a famous phrase coined by Milton Friedman and attributed to U.S. president Richard Nixon. It is popularly associated with the reluctant embrace in a time of financial crisis of Keynesian economics by individuals such as Nixon who had formerly favored less interventionist policies.
History of the phrase and variations[edit]
Carl Turner in his 1969 book[1] cites a Russian article by I.G. Blyumin from 1947, referring to what was already the 'famous remark'. The phrase was later attributed to Milton Friedman in the December 31, 1965, edition of Time magazine.[2] In the February 4, 1966, edition, Friedman wrote a letter clarifying that his original statement had been "In one sense, we are all Keynesians now; in another, nobody is any longer a Keynesian."[3]
Friedman's expression was purportedly a rejoinder to the 1888 claim of British politician William Vernon Harcourt that "We are all socialists now";[4] a declaration that was reprinted for a Newsweek magazine cover story in 2009.[5]
In 1971, after taking the United States off the gold standard,[6] Nixon was quoted as saying "I am now a Keynesian in economics",[7] which became popularly associated with Friedman's phrase.
In 2002, Peter Mandelson wrote an article in The Times declaring "we are all Thatcherites now", referring to the acceptance among the other political parties of Margaret Thatcher's economic policies.[8]
The phrase gained new life in the midst of the global financial crisis of 2008, when economists called for massive investment in infrastructure and job creation as a means of economic stimulation.[9][10]
Ok, I don't know why I even dignified your post with a response. Or allowed you to post in this thread at all. Call it a lapse in judgement.

Either you're trolling, you have serious mental issues, or you're illiterate. I don't really care. Last time I forget to threadban you though, your other illiterate troll friends also, or your right-wing counterparts for that matter. I'm done. You clearly can't follow even the simplest of discussions.

Good day. Have fun smoking your ditch weed. :fu:

Welcome to the board, I see you've met Desh. We've all had this same realization and experience you just had
The right fucks us up with laissez-faire economic policy and then we have to clean up the mess their ideas made with Keynesian policy to save us

lets stop using ideas that have proven NOT TO WORK

libertarians are trying to repackage the idiot ideas again


because they are stupid as fuck OR they are Cons
Keynesian economics (/ˈkeɪnziən/ KAYN-zee-ən; or Keynesianism) comprises various macroeconomic theories about how in the short run – and especially during recessions – economic output is strongly influenced by aggregate demand (total spending in the economy). In the Keynesian view, aggregate demand does not necessarily equal the productive capacity of the economy; instead, it is influenced by a host of factors and sometimes behaves erratically, affecting production, employment, and inflation.[1]
The theories forming the basis of Keynesian economics were first presented by the British economist John Maynard Keynes during the Great Depression in his 1936 book, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money.[2] Keynes contrasted his approach to the aggregate supply-focused classical economics that preceded his book. The interpretations of Keynes that followed are contentious and several schools of economic thought claim his legacy.
Keynesian economists generally argue that, as aggregate demand is volatile and unstable, a market economy will often experience inefficient macroeconomic outcomes in the form of economic recessions (when demand is low) and inflation (when demand is high). These can be mitigated by economic policy responses, in particular, monetary policy actions by the central bank and fiscal policy actions by the government, which can help stabilize output over the business cycle.[3] Keynesian economists generally advocate a managed market economy – predominantly private sector, but with an active role for government intervention during recessions and depressions.[4]
Keynesian economics served as the standard economic model in the developed nations during the later part of the Great Depression, World War II, and the post-war economic expansion (1945–1973), though it lost some influence following the oil shock and resulting stagflation of the 1970s.[5] The advent of the financial crisis of 2007–08 caused a resurgence in Keynesian thought,[6] which continues as new Keynesian economics.
we are all Keynesians now

every time the right fucks us with Austrian school stupid and laissez-faire economic policy
Welcome to the board, I see you've met Desh. We've all had this same realization and experience you just had

but youb NEVER accept the facts I give you huh

why does your shit economic ideas always fucks us ?

why does it take Keynesian ideas to save us?

you repeat stupid

repeating stupid is stupid
My work prohibits the use of any recreational drugs and many prescription medications while on the job. Since there is currently no way to test whether the marijuana is from today or last night, my employer rightfully restricts the jobs by drug testing.

I believe in the individual freedoms. I do not believe those freedoms come without responsibility.

No, you choose to abide by the rules set by your work. Your work can't prohibit you from doing it unless YOU choose to abide by them.
You said that the laws prohibited you from doing something. Now, you say you do it. Which one is it?

They prohibit it. They don't stop me from doing it.

formally forbid (something) by law, rule, or other authority.

How do you get it? That's not my problem. You're the pothead. I was addressing your inaccurate claim that it was inside your home. That wasn't a true statement.

I do it inside my home. But since the penalties for growing my weed are absolutely mental, I do have to pick it up.

None of those examples are serving a life sentence because it's the only time they ever did what they did or don't have a criminal record.

You said for only growing pot, not for only one offense. Which one is it?
From Wikipedia:

How many of you identify as civil libertarians? I'm curious and want to get a feel for who all identifies with this political mindset, since it tends to be bipartisan.

Edit: By civil authoritarian I mean support for a security state, safety at the expense of some rights. Someone who believes in continuing the drug war, internet censorship, the TSA, domestic survelliance, harsher criminal penalties, and such would fall under this category.

learn the FACTS

stop being the wealthys tool
I grow pot and smoke it

All perfectly legal in my Keynesians driven state of cali

no idiot Austrian school clowns run anything there
Welcome to the board, I see you've met Desh. We've all had this same realization and experience you just had

Oh, believe me. This isn't the first time. I just forgot to threadban her like I usually do. That is not a mistake I will quickly make twice.
see what libertarians do when faced with COLD HARD FACTS

they hide their heads just like republicans