Civil War museum gets rid of Confederate flag on new logo

A flag intimidates you, well I suppose that does not surprise me, in today's world most fly it to show they are redneck, beer drinking, truck driving, gun toting fishing pole in the back of the truck, good ole boys, and has nothing to do with slavery! Quit being a victim, and have a beer with them you would probably find out they are decent folks, and have no animosity towards you!

The problem with that dumb explanation is twofold:

1) It implies the people who wave that flag for "southern pride" are ignoramuses and dumbasses, in which case I think it's an even stronger case to ban it and burn it.
2) You've already said it represents slavery, so trying to make the flag about something else erases the history you are so adamant we protect.

What a fucking idiot.
BUT YOU JUST SAID it represents slavery.

Now, you're changing your own definition of what it represents.

If the flag didn't represent racism and slavery, why do European racists wave it about? From where could they possibly have gotten the idea that it represents white supremacy?

Can you read?

In today's world most fly it to show they are redneck, beer drinking, truck driving, gun toting fishing pole in the back of the truck, good ole boys, and has nothing to do with slavery!
Taking confederate monuments and flags down doesn't erase the Articles of Secession, which the traitors clearly laid out their grievances.

How about instead of Confederate monuments and flags, we have just Union monuments and Union flags? Don't those serve the same "historical" purpose?

I'm assuming we have plenty of Union monuments as well.

The way the Germans handled the aftermath of WW2 with Nazi monuments is they put them in museums and other contexts where people were able to learn about them. They also didn't tear down all of the concentration camps. If they had, then German culture wouldn't likely be as cognizant of their dark past.

Compare how the Germans have moved on to how Japanese Imperialist nostalgia has risen. Japan did basically downplay their dark past, and they've lurched back towards some of that mindset.

If we completely erased Confederate monuments and such, we'd probably actually see a rise in Confederate sentiments eventually, instead of an understanding of past mistakes and struggles.
The problem with that dumb explanation is twofold:

1) It implies the people who wave that flag for "southern pride" are ignoramuses and dumbasses, in which case I think it's an even stronger case to ban it and burn it.
2) You've already said it represents slavery, so trying to make the flag about something else erases the history you are so adamant we protect.

What a fucking idiot.

Where did I say it represented ignoramuses and dumbasses, oh I see just because they have fun different than you! Just go away!

I said it used to be a symbol of the South which was Democrat pro Slavery, now it means something different!
Originally it did, I do not support slavery, which is why I do not vote Democrat.

This sophistry is not clever.

They still have you just different circumstances now you are in the urban city setting and get payed to vote for them to hand out just enough to keep you from dying, while not working.
Meanwhile., Trump just handed unemployed farmers $30B to buy their votes after ruining their businesses with the Trade War. That bailout is more than double the auto bailout.

It's your life continue to be a victim if you desire. Go get a good job and make something out of yourself quit bitching about flags.

You're the one who wet his pants over a logo being changed.
Actually it's History!

How? How is the Confederate Flag history? You're the one who first said it represents slavery, but then you decide to erase that history by saying it represents something else now.

So you erased history when you changed the representation of that dumb flag.

Congratulations for doing the thing you hysterically accuse others of doing.
So you're erasing history by pretending the flag now represents something else.

No, I swear their is nothing more I can do for you you, are a bigoted black asshole, who just wants to argue against everything, have a nice life. Keep being a dumbass victim, I just can't handle your level of stupidity anymore.
This sophistry is not clever.

Meanwhile., Trump just handed unemployed farmers $30B to buy their votes after ruining their businesses with the Trade War. That bailout is more than double the auto bailout.

You're the one who wet his pants over a logo being changed.

Those farmers did more before they were 4 than you have your entire life and he was protecting them! Good for him at least he wasn't bailing out overpaid union fucks
In today's world most fly it to show they are redneck, beer drinking, truck driving, gun toting fishing pole in the back of the truck, good ole boys, and has nothing to do with slavery!

OK, so what you just described there is erasing history because you're attributing what that flag represents to something different than what it originally did.

By making this dumb excuse, you're arguing that we should erase the history of that flag to make you feel better for flying it.

What a fucking hack.
How can we repeat something no one knows about?

A lack of awareness makes repeated mistakes more likely.

Think about how science works. We learn from experimentation. Sometimes, we make actions that fail or have an undesirable outcome. If we didn't record failures or bad outcomes, then we'd probably make the same bad decisions over and over again.
I'm assuming we have plenty of Union monuments as well.

Those should be the only ones we have. Losers don't need participation trophies.

The way the Germans handled the aftermath of WW2 with Nazi monuments is they put them in museums and other contexts where people were able to learn about them. They also didn't tear down all of the concentration camps. If they had, then German culture wouldn't likely be as cognizant of their dark past.

Right, but the difference with this is that you and your ilk, like Wolverine, are erasing the history of that flag to make it represent something different than what it did.

So you accuse us of wanting to erase history by removing monuments and flags, even though the Articles of Secession still exist and can be read by anyone to teach history, while you erase the history of the flag by pretending it represents something else.

You don't even realize you're doing that because you're stupid.
Compare how the Germans have moved on to how Japanese Imperialist nostalgia has risen. Japan did basically downplay their dark past, and they've lurched back towards some of that mindset.

What a load of horseshit.

Complete and total crap.

They ban the Nazi flag in Germany, but no one forgets who the Nazis were and are.

You want to erase history by pretending the Confederate Flag means something new than what it had represented before.

Why are you so adamant about erasing history?
If we completely erased Confederate monuments and such, we'd probably actually see a rise in Confederate sentiments eventually, instead of an understanding of past mistakes and struggles.

What an idiot.

Those flags and monuments are the rise in Confederate sentiments already. That's why they were erected.

Wow. What a dumbass.

What cannot be learned by reading the Articles of Secession, that is learned by these glorification monuments and that dumb flag?
Those should be the only ones we have. Losers don't need participation trophies.

So we shouldn't have museums that educate us about the Civil War? That sounds rather anti-academic, particularly for someone on the left.

Right, but the difference with this is that you and your ilk, like Wolverine, are erasing the history of that flag to make it represent something different than what it did.

So you accuse us of wanting to erase history by removing monuments and flags, even though the Articles of Secession still exist and can be read by anyone to teach history, while you erase the history of the flag by pretending it represents something else.

You don't even realize you're doing that because you're stupid.

Once again, you jump directly to ad hominems and vast assumptions. Just because I'm conservative doesn't mean I'm an apologist for the Confederacy. I'm saying that there are plenty of Confederate era monuments and memorabilia that can be archived for all of society to see and learn about. It's not about glorification -- it's about understanding why the Civil War happened and what the repercussions were.
Where did I say it represented ignoramuses and dumbasses, oh I see just because they have fun different than you! Just go away!


You are the one who said the flag represents slavery...then you say, "hahah jk the flag actually represents being a redneck".

So you erased the history of the flag and replaced it with a new history, ad hoc.

You don't even realize you're doing it.
I said it used to be a symbol of the South which was Democrat pro Slavery, now it means something different!

No, what you said originally was that it represents slavery.

Now you're erasing that history and replacing it with a new history about the flag representing being a redneck piece of trash.

So in your ad hoc redefinition, you erased the history of that flag.
What a load of horseshit.

Complete and total crap.

They ban the Nazi flag in Germany, but no one forgets who the Nazis were and are.

You want to erase history by pretending the Confederate Flag means something new than what it had represented before.

Why are you so adamant about erasing history?

Ok, I gave you a second chance, but I won't ever again. You tricked me into thinking you wanted an honest discussion, but you really have no interest whatsoever in that.

I'm not even going to go into why you're wrong about this, because you clearly are looking more for trading in insults.