Civil War museum gets rid of Confederate flag on new logo

No, I swear their is nothing more I can do for you you, are a bigoted black asshole, who just wants to argue against everything, have a nice life. Keep being a dumbass victim, I just can't handle your level of stupidity anymore.

Look man, if you can't keep your argument straight, that's not my problem.

You say one thing, then erase it to say another.

By saying the flag now represents being a redneck piece of shit, you erase the history of the flag that represents slavery.

You can't have it both ways.

You are the one who said the flag represents slavery...then you say, "hahah jk the flag actually represents being a redneck".

So you erased the history of the flag and replaced it with a new history, ad hoc.

You don't even realize you're doing it.

I am done, young men who drive around with it on their truck are not celebrating slavery, They are just good ole boys enjoying life, try it some time. I did not erase History I simply said it doesn't mean what it used to, the History is obviously not erased! Ban it don't ban it I do not give a rip but make sure you do not say a word to anyone protesting the queer flag, because the Rainbow means something to Christians before the queer movement stole it.
Those farmers did more before they were 4 than you have your entire life and he was protecting them! Good for him at least he wasn't bailing out overpaid union fucks

Fuck that, most of them got paid to grow nothing.

Now, they're handed welfare (which you say is slavery) by Trump in order to buy their votes after he ruined their businesses.

Maybe they should wave some Confederate flags to let everyone know they're fucking idiots.
So we shouldn't have museums that educate us about the Civil War? That sounds rather anti-academic, particularly for someone on the left.

Never said that...but your education isn't hindered by removing a part of a logo.

Secondly, you want to erase history by pretending the flag now represents something different than it did before.

Why are you all about erasing history?
Once again, you jump directly to ad hominems and vast assumptions. Just because I'm conservative doesn't mean I'm an apologist for the Confederacy.

Yes it does. Because Conservatives were the Confederacy. Back then, Democrats were the Conservatives.

Secondly, you're the ones who are trying to erase history by pretending the flag represents some bullshit heritage thing. Your own dude on this thread, Wolverine, said the flag represented slavery. By saying it represents something else now, that is precisely erasing history.

So again, I must ask; why are you so adamant that we erase history?

I'm saying that there are plenty of Confederate era monuments and memorabilia that can be archived for all of society to see and learn about.

What is learned from them? That's the question none of you have been able to answer. The design of the flag teaches what? The monuments teach what?

What is learned from those that can't be learned from reading the Articles of Secession?

It's not about glorification -- it's about understanding why the Civil War happened and what the repercussions were.

So explain how the design of the Confederate flag helps people understand what they were fighting for? Explain how monuments that glorify those traitors help people understand what they were fighting for? Because on some of those monuments, they say that they were fighting to preserve white supremacy.

Why do the Articles of Secession not teach you why the war happened?

And how do the monuments serve what the "repercussions" are?

Face it, you just like having those things because you feel insecure in your own shitty inherent racism, and don't want to admit it.

So you erase history and pretend those things represent something else, when one of your own idiotic allies said plainly they represent slavery.

By pretending the flag and monuments represent something else, you are erasing history.

So you are accusing us of doing the thing you are actually doing.

Well done, dumbass.
Ok, I gave you a second chance, but I won't ever again. You tricked me into thinking you wanted an honest discussion, but you really have no interest whatsoever in that.

I'm not even going to go into why you're wrong about this, because you clearly are looking more for trading in insults.

You stepped in it when you realized that your revision of what the flag represents is the very erasing of history you scream about.

You can't handle your own cognitive dissonance.

You're a very fragile person. Take a time-out, crybaby.
I did not erase History I simply said it doesn't mean what it used to, the History is obviously not erased!

Yes, it is! By saying the flag no longer represents slavery and now represents something else, that is you erasing the history of the flag!

I am done, young men who drive around with it on their truck are not celebrating slavery, They are just good ole boys enjoying life, try it some time. I did not erase History I simply said it doesn't mean what it used to, the History is obviously not erased! Ban it don't ban it I do not give a rip but make sure you do not say a word to anyone protesting the queer flag, because the Rainbow means something to Christians before the queer movement stole it.

So, I checked the Bible for references to rainbows and whatever it is they represent, and here's what came up:

Genesis 9:12-13: And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations: I have set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth.

Genesis 9:16: When the bow is in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.”

So rainbow doesn't represent anything for represents God's connection to every living creature on the earth.

Nothing about sexuality. In fact, it has nothing to do with you.

So it would seem you are once again erasing history by pretending the rainbow represents something to Christians that is different from what's in the scripture.

Hoist, meet petard.
I'm assuming we have plenty of Union monuments as well.

The way the Germans handled the aftermath of WW2 with Nazi monuments is they put them in museums and other contexts where people were able to learn about them. They also didn't tear down all of the concentration camps. If they had, then German culture wouldn't likely be as cognizant of their dark past.

Compare how the Germans have moved on to how Japanese Imperialist nostalgia has risen. Japan did basically downplay their dark past, and they've lurched back towards some of that mindset.

If we completely erased Confederate monuments and such, we'd probably actually see a rise in Confederate sentiments eventually, instead of an understanding of past mistakes and struggles.

We have the second Confederate President
Look man, if you can't keep your argument straight, that's not my problem.

You say one thing, then erase it to say another.

By saying the flag now represents being a redneck piece of shit, you erase the history of the flag that represents slavery.

You can't have it both ways.

Wait so being a redneck is bad, why is that, as long as they work hard, and pay taxes that pay for your food stamps, you should thank them, they work hard they play hard. You are a Black Bigot!

During the Civil war that flag was representative of the Democrat Southerners who wanted to keep slavery, that was bad! Now for most it does not represent that, for better or worse people fly it I wouldn't, I am not from the South! Why don't you just mind your own business like I do with the queer flag!
Free Speech! Not one person was hurt. Ya can't just decide what free speech is, based on sexual orientation that is some serious B.S. Unequal protection and all. In my opinion burning the American flag is a hate crime!

The supreme court doesn't care what your uneducated opinion is.
Americans have the right to protest,the government,the flag represents the government.
Burning a Rainbow Flag,because you hate gays,is a hate crime!
So, I checked the Bible for references to rainbows and whatever it is they represent, and here's what came up:

Genesis 9:12-13: And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations: I have set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth.

Genesis 9:16: When the bow is in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.”

So rainbow doesn't represent anything for represents God's connection to every living creature on the earth.

Nothing about sexuality. In fact, it has nothing to do with you.

So it would seem you are once again erasing history by pretending the rainbow represents something to Christians that is different from what's in the scripture.

Hoist, meet petard.

The fact that you do not see the connection is not at all surprising! You need to go get a job so that the first time you ran off at the mouth someone could teach you some manners! Oh, and so I can stop supporting you! You are just really angry, because no one taught you to fend for yourself, because I guarantee you grew up in the ghetto, blaming whitey for everything wrong with you,, and for your Father knocking up your Mom because she put out and, then abandoned her. Now I am finished with you grow up and go get that job at Mcdonalds!