Civil War museum gets rid of Confederate flag on new logo

Congress gave Confederates amnisty, and recognition after the war. I'll go wit the contemporaries who lived through it instead of Cultural Revolution types like you why deny history

Again, tearing down their monuments doesn't erase the fact that they lost.

Particularly if you keep all the Union monuments up.
I said "Age of Exploration" and he was a leading figure of that period

No he wasn't! He was so dumb and racist, he thought the Caribbean was India. He never set foot in what would become America.

Amerigo Vespuci was the first European to do so, hence why it's called "North America" and not "North Columbus".

And before him, the Vikings set foot in North America centuries before.

Fuck, even the Chinese and Japanese and Pacific Islanders made expeditions as far as the Aleutian Islands and the Pacific coast before Europeans did.


You're not an American, are you?
the Civil war is much more then about who lost
It's about who we were, how we ended the original sin of slavery, and then became a modern nation-
all part of a continuuim

And how does the Confederate Flag teach any of that?
if they could do it, why cant we?


Union soldiers (left) and confederate soldiers (right) shake hands at Gettysburg on the 50th anniversary of the battle, 1913

Every single person in that photo is white.
you are the revisionist by purification and simplification .History is rich and complex -you deny it

How am I revisionist when you're the one arguing that we need to BoThSiDeS traitors and losers?

Let's compromise; we'll tear all the Confederate monuments down but keep all the Union ones up.

That way, you still get your history. Does that work?
ROFL..complete silliness from someone who has obviously never walked a battle field


You've never served in combat or a battle, and I think you're lying about visiting historic battlegrounds sites.

Besides, you don't need a Confederate flag or a monument to a loser to remember who won the war.

If you think monuments and flags are so important, why not argue to just keep the Union monuments and Union flags? Why do Confederates need participation trophies? Are they so fragile?
there are all kinds of monuments, some are really disgusting.
I think it was Tenn that had a monument to a slave auction building! they finally took it down.

But they are other markers like the generic one in Virginia with simply a Rebel soldier.

Back in Baltimore where I come from I recall a statue of Christopher Columbus that was in a park near
where I grew up.
It was recently vandalized and removed...damn shame
WTF is "racist" about the Age of Exploration? it's how this continent became populated by Europeans.

Point being "it was what it was" and historical revisionism by it's very definition is not historical accuracy.
Teach the Truth

Partially true, very difficult to appraise the standards of one era in history by those of another, but that doesn't mean we have to accept the existing version of history if it obviously contradicts the actual facts

I can understand removing the Columbus statue, it offends a lot of people, Chris didn't discover the Americas, he kinda ran into them, and what resulted afterwards negatively reshaped the lives of generations to follow.

Confederate flag should go, initially it was just a banner flag, but since the days of Jim Crow it took on a newer meaning and has been closely associated with racism, there just isn't any need for it, says little about the Civil War

So your next question would be what is acceptable, to which I would respond there is no absolute, no predetermined judgement, it often comes down to a case by case examination
Go to Germany, you won't see a single Nazi flag being waved about, but every German knows who the Nazis were and are.

Because they are prohibited (now who is being lazy?).

The U. S. does not allow such fascist restrictions on freedom and liberty.

Should we also close down the Civil War battleground museums that the South won?

You want to lead us to a Fahrenheit 451 society.
Should we also close down the Civil War battleground museums that the South won?

Sure! Why not? Or maybe those sites should have only monuments to Union soldiers. How's that for a compromise? We can still have monuments and flags, but they are monuments to the Union soldiers and flying above them are Union flags.

You have a problem with that?

You want to lead us to a Fahrenheit 451 society.

OMG! If we remove Confederate monuments, dumb old Flash here will completely forget the outcome of the Civil War.

Someone help him...his memory is really bad. He can't remember things unless there are monuments to them. Maybe you have brain damage?
A flag teaches lessons? Nope, it a symbol for slavery and the army of the south that tried to destroy the USA.

Other than the lesson that the flag is used as a tool by aggrieved insecure whites to intimidate the descendants of those whose freedom was won defeating the people who flew that dumb flag, there is no lesson to be learned.
No, it's about the logo of the Civil War museum.

And you went completely off topic to monuments and flags in public places unrelated to museums.

Don't worry Flash, you can jack off to all the Confederate flags *in* that dumb museum you'd like.

Resorting to insults attacking the poster when you can't admit you are a Nazi that would restrict the freedoms of those you disagree with. Try to stay on topic for once.
And you went completely off topic to monuments and flags in public places unrelated to museums.

Because it's the same themes...and the reason for them taking it off their logo falls within those same themes. You are lazily trying to compartmentalize because if you looked at it as a whole, you couldn't make the case that those monuments or flags serve the teaching of history at all.

Instead, you can just look at things like the Articles of Secession. There's your history. But I think you're too lazy for that because they're not bright and colorful, and it involves reading and critical thinking...not your strong suits.
Resorting to insults attacking the poster when you can't admit you are a Nazi that would restrict the freedoms of those you disagree with. Try to stay on topic for once.

Calling a Jewish person a Nazi is antisemetic, and serves as a perfect example of the extent of the effort you put in here.
Why did they not want to stay in the union? Because of slavery.

You see how it keeps coming back to slavery? You want to be content with leaving things at half the truth. Pretty obvious why.

what are you not understanding? LINCOLN didn't start the war over slavery. YES, the south seceded because of slavery. DEMOCRATS are trying to erase the history of Democrat slavery by tearing down or burning confederate flags/symbols.........

that wasn't too hard to follow, right?