Civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip


Will work for Scooby snacks
The Palestinian Ministry of Health (PMH) report 40,000 Palestinians dead.

That estimate comes with two caveats:
PMH reporting does not discriminate between dead civilians and dead Hamas fighters or collaborators.
PMH does not discriminate between deaths caused by Israel, or deaths caused by friendly fire from Hamas or by their use of civilians as human shields.

As of August 2024 Israel claims 17,000 Hamas fighters killed. Assuming the reliability of that estimate brings the number of innocent civilian deaths down to 23,000.... but we still don't know how many were killed by Israel, and how many deaths are attributable to Hamas.

It's possible 40,000 deaths are an underestimate because of unidentified bodies still buried in rubble.

On the other hand, it's possible 40,000 deaths are an overestimate because people who are just missing have been reported by relatives as dead.

Given the scale of uncertainties, we probably will not have a clear picture on the number of civilian deaths probably for years to come.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health (PMH) report 40,000 Palestinians dead.

That estimate comes with two caveats:
PMH reporting does not discriminate between dead civilians and dead Hamas fighters or collaborators.
PMH does not discriminate between deaths caused by Israel, or deaths caused by friendly fire from Hamas or by their use of civilians as human shields.

As of August 2024 Israel claims 17,000 Hamas fighters killed. Assuming the reliability of that estimate brings the number of innocent civilian deaths down to 23,000.... but we still don't know how many were killed by Israel, and how many deaths are attributable to Hamas.

It's possible 40,000 deaths are an underestimate because of unidentified bodies still buried in rubble.

On the other hand, it's possible 40,000 deaths are an overestimate because people who are just missing have been reported by relatives as dead.

Given the scale of uncertainties, we will not have a clear picture on the number of civilian deaths probably for years to come.

Oh well. If you throw a fist you have to be an idiot to think one won't be thrown back at you.
Oh well. If you throw a fist you have to be an idiot to think one won't be thrown back at you.
There's a lot of innocent people in Gaza who don't deserve this.

On the other hand, it seems like it is just widely assumed that the reports of 40,000 dead people in Gaza are all innocent civilians who all died at the hands of Israel. That is a misuse of statistics.
There's a lot of innocent people in Gaza who don't deserve this.

On the other hand, it seems like it is just widely assumed that the reports of 40,000 dead people in Gaza are all innocent civilians who all died at the hands of Israel. That is a misuse of statistics.
Thats true and maybe they don't but it's a direct result of choices hamas has made and many of the "innocent people" support those choices. This isnt Israel's fault alone.

Assumption is the fuel of the main stream media.
October 7th 2023
In total, 1,139 people were killed
695 Israeli civilians (including 38 children)
71 foreign nationals, and 373 members of the security forces
364 civilians were killed and many more wounded at the festival
At least 14 Israeli civilians were killed by the IDF's use of the Hannibal Directive.

The figure of 1,139 dead is a figment provided by the Zionist scum themselves.
Of the supposed 364 civilians killed at the music festival many were armed squatter militia that the Zionists term ' civilians '
The reprisal attack was aimed at the Zionist military and killed many more than the 373 soldiers that the Zionist scum admit to.
The IOF killed many more Israelis themselves than the 14 they admit to murdering under their insane ' Hannibal Directive'.

No babies were beheaded, nor burned- and Hamas reports that none of its resistance fighters engaged in rape.

We will never know the true figures as the Zionist scum refused independent evaluations and banned foreign press reports from Israel

The true figure of over 42,000 dead in Gaza is supported by the United Nations - and it is to the utter shame of Israel's lickspittles that they believe that shaving a few thousand dead kids off the total can make an iota of difference to the moral outrage that the world perceives.
The Palestinian Ministry of Health (PMH) report 40,000 Palestinians dead.

That estimate comes with two caveats:
PMH reporting does not discriminate between dead civilians and dead Hamas fighters or collaborators.
PMH does not discriminate between deaths caused by Israel, or deaths caused by friendly fire from Hamas or by their use of civilians as human shields.

As of August 2024 Israel claims 17,000 Hamas fighters killed. Assuming the reliability of that estimate brings the number of innocent civilian deaths down to 23,000.... but we still don't know how many were killed by Israel, and how many deaths are attributable to Hamas.

It's possible 40,000 deaths are an underestimate because of unidentified bodies still buried in rubble.

On the other hand, it's possible 40,000 deaths are an overestimate because people who are just missing have been reported by relatives as dead.

Given the scale of uncertainties, we probably will not have a clear picture on the number of civilian deaths probably for years to come.

Agreed on all points. Another factor is how many "got out of Dodge" and headed south.

There's a reason why no other Arab nations nor Iran have offered to take in thousands of Gazans; they all know the Gazans are a death cult with only one agenda; the destruction of Israel.
Agreed on all points. Another factor is how many "got out of Dodge" and headed south.

There's a reason why no other Arab nations nor Iran have offered to take in thousands of Gazans; they all know the Gazans are a death cult with only one agenda; the destruction of Israel.
For its emulation of Nazism Israel has forfeited the moral right to exist. This is becoming the world view, not only that of the millions of indigenous Arabs that the sub-human Jews are attempting to liquidate.
There's a lot of innocent people in Gaza who don't deserve this.

On the other hand, it seems like it is just widely assumed that the reports of 40,000 dead people in Gaza are all innocent civilians who all died at the hands of Israel. That is a misuse of statistics.
Anyone who supports Hamas is not innocent. When the antisemites talk about "children killed in Gaza", that means anyone under 18 and neglects to mention that Hamas trains children to seek martyrdom, even if only as a meat shield.
Anyone who supports Hamas is not innocent. When the antisemites talk about "children killed in Gaza", that means anyone under 18 and neglects to mention that Hamas trains children to seek martyrdom, even if only as a meat shield.
You are simply a prosemitic brainwashed pimp. Begone. You have the moral authority of a kapo.
October 7th 2023
In total, 1,139 people were killed
695 Israeli civilians (including 38 children)
71 foreign nationals, and 373 members of the security forces
364 civilians were killed and many more wounded at the festival
At least 14 Israeli civilians were killed by the IDF's use of the Hannibal Directive.

The figure of 1,139 dead is a figment provided by the Zionist scum themselves.
Of the supposed 364 civilians killed at the music festival many were armed squatter militia.
The reprisal attack was aimed at the Zionist military and killed many more than the 373 soldiers that the Zionist scum admit to.
The IDF killed many more Israelis themselves than the 14 they admit to murdering under their insane ' Hannibal Directive'.

No babies were beheaded, nor burned- and Hamas reports that none of its resistance fighters engaged in rape.

We will never know the true figures as the Zionist scum refused independent evaluations and banned foreign press reports from Israel

The true figure of over 42,000 dead in Gaza is supported by the United Nations - and it is to the utter shame of Israel's lickspittles that they believe that shaving a few thousand dead kids off the total can make an iota of difference to the moral outrage that the world perceives.
My wife was on a jury oncee where a little shrimpy guy got beat to within an inch of his life by a giant man boy. The many boy was found not guilty for two reasons. The shrimpy guy was drunk when it happened and on the night of the incident the beating happened the 2nd time the two men met. The first time they met that night the shrimpy guy attacked the giant man boy but all the witnesses said the giant man boy just grabbed the shrimpy guy and told him to go home. Well the shrimpy guy left alright but after procuring a gun, went looking for the giant man boy because he was no longer at the place they first met. Well their second meeting ended with the shrimpy guy spending the next two months in the hospital. Hamas is the little shrimpy guy looking for trouble and just like the shrimpy guy, they found it. So sad too bad.
There's a lot of innocent people in Gaza who don't deserve this.

On the other hand, it seems like it is just widely assumed that the reports of 40,000 dead people in Gaza are all innocent civilians who all died at the hands of Israel. That is a misuse of statistics.
Well they can run out Hamas and Hezbollah
The figure of 1,139 dead is a figment provided by the Zionist scum themselves.
I know you really wanted to say "Jew scum".

If you are going to accept the estimates of the Palestinian authorities, then you need to put credence in Israeli estimates too.
My wife was on a jury oncee where a little shrimpy guy got beat to within an inch of his life by a giant man boy. The many boy was found not guilty for two reasons. The shrimpy guy was drunk when it happened and on the night of the incident the beating happened the 2nd time the two men met. The first time they met that night the shrimpy guy attacked the giant man boy but all the witnesses said the giant man boy just grabbed the shrimpy guy and told him to go home. Well the shrimpy guy left alright but after procuring a gun, went looking for the giant man boy because he was no longer at the place they first met. Well their second meeting ended with the shrimpy guy spending the next two months in the hospital. Hamas is the little shrimpy guy looking for trouble and just like the shrimpy guy, they found it. So sad too bad.
Yakety yak
The Palestinian Ministry of Health (PMH) report 40,000 Palestinians dead.

That estimate comes with two caveats:
PMH reporting does not discriminate between dead civilians and dead Hamas fighters or collaborators.
PMH does not discriminate between deaths caused by Israel, or deaths caused by friendly fire from Hamas or by their use of civilians as human shields.

As of August 2024 Israel claims 17,000 Hamas fighters killed. Assuming the reliability of that estimate brings the number of innocent civilian deaths down to 23,000.... but we still don't know how many were killed by Israel, and how many deaths are attributable to Hamas.

It's possible 40,000 deaths are an underestimate because of unidentified bodies still buried in rubble.

On the other hand, it's possible 40,000 deaths are an overestimate because people who are just missing have been reported by relatives as dead.

Given the scale of uncertainties, we probably will not have a clear picture on the number of civilian deaths probably for years to come.

Itis also possible that Hamas is inflating the numbers for political reasons.
Agreed on all points. Another factor is how many "got out of Dodge" and headed south.

There's a reason why no other Arab nations nor Iran have offered to take in thousands of Gazans; they all know the Gazans are a death cult with only one agenda; the destruction of Israel.
Since Hamas executes or 'dissapears' all their political opponents, I don't think we have a firm idea of how many Gazans oppose Hamas, and I'm sure some Gazans would like to peacefully exist.