Civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip

IMO, it's better to look at the culture, not the individuals when looking at group behavior.

A culture well known for screaming "Death to America!" and "Death to Israel!" for decades is operating on emotion, not logic. Ergo, they cannot be reasoned with. Again, there's a reason why no other Muslim nations want to give them refuge.
What is the culture of US marines?
There's a lot of innocent people in Gaza who don't deserve this.

On the other hand, it seems like it is just widely assumed that the reports of 40,000 dead people in Gaza are all innocent civilians who all died at the hands of Israel. That is a misuse of statistics.
Let's just go low and say that 10,000 innocents are dead. The IDF has been a rogue element for decades. There are confirmed reports of individuals murdering reporters, care workers, and even the celebrity cooks that were dispatched.

In the West Bank, they shoot Palestinians for sport.
What is the culture of US marines?
Kill terrorists and enemies of the Constitution. :)

What is your culture, CO/goat?


no reply in: 10...9...8.....
Let's just go low and say that 10,000 innocents are dead. The IDF has been a rogue element for decades. There are confirmed reports of individuals murdering reporters, care workers, and even the celebrity cooks that were dispatched.

In the West Bank, they shoot Palestinians for sport.
Just like all those "innocents" on 9/11? December 7th? October 7th?

Why do you attack the "rogue" IDF but not the terrorism financed by Iran, Althea? Who is the real instigator of violence here, in your opinion, Althea?

IMO, it's Iran, not Israel.
The Palestinian Ministry of Health (PMH) report 40,000 Palestinians dead.

That estimate comes with two caveats:
PMH reporting does not discriminate between dead civilians and dead Hamas fighters or collaborators.
PMH does not discriminate between deaths caused by Israel, or deaths caused by friendly fire from Hamas or by their use of civilians as human shields.

As of August 2024 Israel claims 17,000 Hamas fighters killed. Assuming the reliability of that estimate brings the number of innocent civilian deaths down to 23,000.... but we still don't know how many were killed by Israel, and how many deaths are attributable to Hamas.

It's possible 40,000 deaths are an underestimate because of unidentified bodies still buried in rubble.

On the other hand, it's possible 40,000 deaths are an overestimate because people who are just missing have been reported by relatives as dead.

Given the scale of uncertainties, we probably will not have a clear picture on the number of civilian deaths probably for years to come.

don't give a fuck. raze it to the ground and let god sort them out.
Let's just go low and say that 10,000 innocents are dead. The IDF has been a rogue element for decades. There are confirmed reports of individuals murdering reporters, care workers, and even the celebrity cooks that were dispatched.

In the West Bank, they shoot Palestinians for sport.
If the question is that IDF has problems with rogue soldiers, the answer is yes.

The US and Great Britain have problems with rogue soldiers too. Lots of examples from Iraq.

If the assertion is the IDF is a lawless criminal organization comprised of mercenary militia forces, I disagree.

Unlike Hamas, Israel, USA, and Great Britain will generally at least investigate allegations of rogue soldiers and sometimes prosecute them.

I have never heard of Hama launching an investigation of its soldiers for war crimes.

I think because Israel is a democracy, its IDF soldiers should be held to a high standard. But I don't think of them as a lawless band of cutthroat mercenaries.
If the question is that IDF has problems with rogue soldiers, the answer is yes.

The US and Great Britain have problems with rogue soldiers too. Lots of examples from Iraq.

If the assertion is the IDF is a lawless criminal organization comprised of mercenary militia forces, I disagree.

Unlike Hamas, Israel, USA, and Great Britain will generally at least investigate allegations of rogue soldiers and sometimes prosecute them.

I have never heard of Hama launching an investigation of its soldiers for war crimes.

I think because Israel is a democracy, its IDF soldiers should be held to a high standard. But I don't think of them as a lawless band of cutthroat mercenaries.
Given that every Israeli except for Haredi are forced into the military, it's not a surprise that many are criminals. I didn't say that they all are, and I doubt that the majority are. But if 5% are, that's a problem.

I have not heard one case of a murderer of innocent Palestinians being brought to justice in Israel. Or innocent Americans for that matter.

Upon her death on May 11, 2022, Israel denied responsibility and blamed Palestinian militants. However, it gradually changed its narrative until admitting she was likely "accidentally" killed by Israeli fire, but refused to undertake a criminal investigation.

The admission came after several independent investigations were conducted by international media outlets, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the United States Department of State. Forensic Architecture refuted Israel's findings on September 20 and said Abu Akleh was deliberately targeted and denied medical aid after she was shot

In November 2022, the United States Department of Justice opened a separate investigation into the killing, in a move that Israel condemned and refused to cooperate with.

The IDF does it for sport, or to cover up crimes. More than 100 journalists have been murdered in Gaza so far.
Kill terrorists and enemies of the Constitution. :)

What is your culture, CO/goat?

no reply in: 10...9...8.....
Smedley Butler said marine culture is to dispatch indigenous people all over the globe from their land so that western corporations can move in to steal their natural resources.

Last I heard, marines were guarding the poppy fields in Afghanistan so the CIA can sell the heroin to big time drug dealers.
Let's be accurate. Ever since the early 20th century, Zionist refers to anyone, primarily Jewish, who supports an independent Jewish state centered roughly on the biblical lands of Judea.

The fact also remains that you compared Zionists, aka Jewish citizens of Israel to 'pollution' and filth.

You left out the call to clear Palestinians from their country by " brutal compulsion ", in the words of ben Gurion.

ANYBODY that murders 20,000 children- in their own country- along with at least 22,000 other Palestinians, predominantly women, can accurately be compared to pollution and filth, Moses.
Let's just go low and say that 10,000 innocents are dead. The IDF has been a rogue element for decades. There are confirmed reports of individuals murdering reporters, care workers, and even the celebrity cooks that were dispatched.

In the West Bank, they shoot Palestinians for sport.
They had a culture of head-shots for Palestinian children- until it was publicized and went undercover.
Their ' One shot, two kills ' T-shirts for pregnant women is infamous;


Those that supply them with the means to commit genocide are equally guilty.
Those that support them are equally obscene.
Don't start a war if you can't finish the war.

Israel was invaded by Hamas. More than 1000 Israelis were killed, children burned alive and be-headed. Hostages taken.

The sewer rats in Hamas hide behind women and children.