Civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip

LIARforSATAN post: 6154527 said:
Not interested in the bitch ass opinion of an atheist cunt like yourself
You're free to lie about me, LIARforSATAN. I expect it from satanists and others who are anti-Christian.
^^ That's a lotta hate for someone who claims to be a slave for Jesus
Agreed, which is why I think he's not what he claims to be. There's a major disconnect between what he claims and his behavior on JPP.

IMO, it's typical MAGAt behavior. He could be a sock for another JPP MAGAt.

Notice his reply to me when I called him on it:
Not interested in the bitch ass opinion of an atheist cunt like yourself
How is that a comparison?

Cripes. Gaza is not a threat to the free world.
hmmm.....lets consider some of the conduct we see among extremists in the ME........homosexuals tossed from rooftops........,women barred from schools, from driving, from even being seen in buses attacked by suicide bombers.......shucks, no threat to the free world there, right?.......
No comments the first time so I'll try once more.

Why are we so unwilling to accept that Jewish Israelis and Muslim Palestinians BOTH want to win a war of genocide,
such is one's hatred for the other?

It's a war of genocide, and genocide includes innocents like women and children.

Instead of clutching our pearls at the inhumanity of it all,
and instead of accepting that there are clearly no good guys to be found in this conflict,
we should simply decide which side winning is in our own best interests.

Jihadist Islamists knocked down the World Trade Center.
Before that, Jihadist Islamists of another denomination took people hostage from our Iranian Embassy.
We haven't had an organized Zionist attack on America to this point.

The parties involved decided on a war of genocide, not us.
Instead of wringing our hands over alleged "innocents,"
we should be helping Israel win.

And here I'll admit that members of my own party,
including people who will be receiving my vote due to other, more important to me issues,
are among the offenders.
All those war games you played yet choose to ignore the fall of the US empire. There's no way the US can recover from this. We're witnessing the beginning of a nuclear WW3.
It's always fun to watch you change your socks, CO/goat. LOL