Civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip

That hog Hassan Nasrallah breathed his last piggy breath after leading the terrorist sandniggers of Hezbollah since the 90s

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Proves once again that he does not follow in the footsteps of Christ but, instead, follows Satan. Sad.
Proves once again that he does not follow in the footsteps of Christ but, instead, follows Satan. Sad.
God commanded the obliteration of the Amalekites. Israel of the past failed to follow through and now we see (via their descendents, the Muslim sourge) the results. Now they get a second chance.
God commanded the obliteration of the Amalekites. Israel of the past failed to follow through and now we see (via their descendents, the Muslim sourge) the results. Now they get a second chance.
More proof you follow the Old Testament and not the New, SlaveForSatan.