Civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip

I know you really wanted to say "Jew scum".

If you are going to accept the estimates of the Palestinian authorities, then you need to put credence in Israeli estimates too.
Let's be accurate . ' Zionist scum' refers to Zionists. There are more Christian Zionists than there are Jews. ' Sub-human Jewish scum ' refers to genocidal Israeli Jews. ' Jews ' refers to non-Israeli Jews living decent lives elsewhere.
' Antisemitism ' is an outdated smear used by Zionists against anti-Zionists. ' Righteous antisemitism ' is a modern term relating to the loathing felt- almost universally- for the sub-human , Nazi-emulating Jewish scum of Israel who have gleefully murdered over 20,000 Palestinian children along with over 22,000 other civilians , mostly women.
There will be a reckoning.

I don't hold children responsible for Hamas, and I've never accepted Hitler's theory of collective responsibility.
Me either but I do hold their supposed "caretakers" responsible for hamas. There are reasons I never left my kids in the middle of the street.
Why are we so unwilling to accept that Jewish Israelis and Muslim Palestinians BOTH want to win a war of genocide,
such is one's hatred for the other?

It's a war of genocide, and genocide includes innocents like women and children.

Instead of clutching our pearls at the inhumanity of it all,
and instead of accepting that there are clearly no good guys to be found in this conflict,
we should simply decide which side winning is in our own best interests.

Jihadist Islamists knocked down the World Trade Center.
Before that, Jihadist Islamists of another denomination took people hostage from our Iranian Embassy.
We haven't had an organized Zionist attack on America to this point.

The parties involved decided on a war of genocide, not us.
Instead of wringing our hands over alleged "innocents,"
we should be helping Israel win.

And here I'll admit that members of my own party,
including people who will be receiving my vote due to other, more important to me issues,
are among the offenders.
There's a lot of innocent people in Gaza who don't deserve this.

On the other hand, it seems like it is just widely assumed that the reports of 40,000 dead people in Gaza are all innocent civilians who all died at the hands of Israel. That is a misuse of statistics.
Genocide is binary. There is no gray. Either you're humane or you're insane.

Islam is more of a way of life than a religion. Palestinians, Lebanese and Yemenis, are willing to sacrifice their life to stop the psychopaths in the US. The world as a whole sees the courage of these martyrs and are preparing a revolt against the great Satan.

Anyone who doubts this is WW3 doesn't understand history. Millions--possibly 10s or even 100s of millions--will die because of US and Israeli exceptionalism.

Don't count the casualties until the Samson Option is used.
The Palestinian Ministry of Health (PMH) report 40,000 Palestinians dead.

That estimate comes with two caveats:
PMH reporting does not discriminate between dead civilians and dead Hamas fighters or collaborators.
PMH does not discriminate between deaths caused by Israel, or deaths caused by friendly fire from Hamas or by their use of civilians as human shields.

As of August 2024 Israel claims 17,000 Hamas fighters killed. Assuming the reliability of that estimate brings the number of innocent civilian deaths down to 23,000.... but we still don't know how many were killed by Israel, and how many deaths are attributable to Hamas.

It's possible 40,000 deaths are an underestimate because of unidentified bodies still buried in rubble.

On the other hand, it's possible 40,000 deaths are an overestimate because people who are just missing have been reported by relatives as dead.

Given the scale of uncertainties, we probably will not have a clear picture on the number of civilian deaths probably for years to come.

The Voice of Hamas Speaketh...
Let's be accurate . ' Zionist scum' refers to Zionists.
Let's be accurate. Ever since the early 20th century, Zionist refers to anyone, primarily Jewish, who supports an independent Jewish state centered roughly on the biblical lands of Judea.

The fact also remains that you compared Zionists, aka Jewish citizens of Israel to 'pollution' and filth.
You Antisemites might find Hamas "reliable," we decent folk have a different view.
The UN considers them reliable, but even if you ignore the UN the estimate seems plausible. Once you subtract out the Israeli estimate of Hamas fighter deaths, there seems to be about 23k civilian deaths. That's only about one percent of the population of the Gaza strip, and given the scale of destruction seen in photos that estimate passes the smell test.
Since Hamas executes or 'dissapears' all their political opponents, I don't think we have a firm idea of how many Gazans oppose Hamas, and I'm sure some Gazans would like to peacefully exist.
IMO, it's better to look at the culture, not the individuals when looking at group behavior.

A culture well known for screaming "Death to America!" and "Death to Israel!" for decades is operating on emotion, not logic. Ergo, they cannot be reasoned with. Again, there's a reason why no other Muslim nations want to give them refuge.