Climate change is pure bullshit!!

You're becoming ever-more desperate, maggot- and it's embarrassing to see a grown man acting like a spoiled kid.
Pull yourself together or fuck off.

P.S. Several dams have cracked already. Get a bandage for that foot.

He's a far right goofball who shills for the John Birch Society.

Nothing he says can be taken seriously!!!



Anyone who takes this crackpot seriously needs their head examined!!!
The dam is finally cracking."

Award-winning journalist Alex Newman breaks down how the "man-made global warming" narrative is finally crumbling.

"Three new peer-reviewed papers, published in major prestigious scientific journals... completely undermine the alleged scientific consensus on man-made global warming."
What dam?

Science does not use consensus. There is no voting bloc in science. Science is not a magazine, journal, book, paper, pamphlet, website, or 'peer review'.

No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth.
The dam is finally cracking."

Award-winning journalist Alex Newman breaks down how the "man-made global warming" narrative is finally crumbling.

"Three new peer-reviewed papers, published in major prestigious scientific journals... completely undermine the alleged scientific consensus on man-made global warming."

View attachment 27591
It would help if we knew what the three papers were and where they were published...
You mean those islands that are STILL THERE? :laugh:
Says the attention-seeking half-wit who denies that Sweden is east of the UK-
-..and that there is no such science as paleoclimatology.

Haw, haw......................................haw.
Says the attention-seeking half-wit who denies that Sweden is east of the UK-
-..and that there is no such science as paleoclimatology.

Haw, haw......................................haw.
I already know you know very little, Moonbat. You don't have to keep proving it.
It would help if we knew what the three papers were and where they were published...

It would help if we knew what the three papers were and where they were published...
One of the big hitters is John Clauser and another is Richard Lindzen. Clauser received a Nobel for his work on quantum entanglement, which a disbelieving Einstein referred to as "spooky action at a distance". Entanglement is probably one of the most difficult concepts to understand. Scientific minnows like that fat fraud Michael Mann have no chance getting their heads around it. McMoonshi'ite has no chance either, I doubt if he's even heard of it. Suffice to say, quantum computers most definitely exist and will completely revolutionise the world of computing.
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