Climate change is pure bullshit!!

The dam is finally cracking." Award-winning journalist Alex Newman breaks down how the "man-made global warming" narrative is finally crumbling.
Nope. The dam cracked decades ago. Why are you speaking as though the dishonest, Marxist nature of the Climate religions is somehow only now being revealed?

Global Warming and Climate Change are two fanatical Marxist religions that resonate with the less-than-fully-educated which is why recruiters for such religions target the scientifically illiterate, the mathematically incompetent and the logically inept, i.e. those who would never in a million years be able to call boooooolsch't on any of the egregious violations of physics, math or logic.

As such, Climate clergy order their congregations to dogmatically believe that the religion is thettled thienth, ... an order that the stupid, mindless congregation OBEYS with nary a question (because asking questions, performing independent research and applying critical reasoning are also absolutely prohibited). At this point, the Climate clergy demands that the congregation refer to them as Climate Scientists ... and the congregation OBEYS with nary a question, for the same reason.

Show me a believer in Global Warming, Climate Change or greenhouse effect and I will show you a scientifically illiterate moron who thinks he's a science genius *AND* who gullibly believes that all the world's thmart perthonth believe as he does, because that's what he was ORDERED to believe, and he OBEYED.

"Three new peer-reviewed papers, published in major prestigious scientific journals... completely undermine the alleged scientific consensus on man-made global warming."
I'm going to advise you against making any mention of "peer reviewed" anything, and to avoid referring to "scientific journals" (or any publications for that matter). Doing so makes you sound like you are totally uneducated yourself ("peer review" has nothing to do with science, but the world's morons think it does). Also, when discussing science, stick to science, not what any journal has to say. If the jounal is publishing new science then great, refer to that science and only that science, not to what the journal says. If the journal is asserting what science says, then don't get anywhere near it, and certainly don't cite it or quote it.

Also, if it is English text and not a lot of math (or formal symbology), it likely isn't science.

Stick with science and only science. No journals. No "experts." No news articles. Only science.
ALEX NEWMAN IS PURE BULLSHIT!!! He's a far right goofball who shills for the John Birch Society. Nothing he says can be taken seriously!!! Anyone who takes this crackpot seriously needs their head examined!!!
But he's entirely correct that you don't have any science or any valid datasets to support any part of your WACKY Climate religion.

Those who can't support their claims are relegated to hurling baseless dispersions in their complete humiliation.

Alex Newman: 1
Nomad: 0
Alex Newman is a high class journalist, a rare commodity in this day and age. ⁸
I'm going to give you a friendly recommendation to avoid embarking on any "credibility wars" because you can't win, you can only lose. It's also unnecessary. Much of what Alex Newman says on the matter is correct, but he makes a few bonehead errors, and your opposition will simply EVADE whatever he got right and hammer away at whatever he got wrong.

This is why I recommend you stick with science and science alone ... because then you win outright.
I guess we can't even confirm if these 3 papers exist.
Let's say for the sake of discussion that there was a goof and these papers haven't been completed (i.e. they don't exist yet). Does it matter? Everybody recognizes that the Climate religions aren't science as the religions claim to be, so why should anyone be concerned about any papers that simply highlight what everybody already knows?

Now, we could very well debate whether Global Warming or Climate Change is the WACKIEST religion to have ever existed, but any discussion of either being science would set the world record for history's shortest discussion, i.e. [start the stopwatch] ... No ... [stop the stopwatch] ... Wow! Olympic gold medal!

I suggest that instead of worrying about these supposed articles, that we instead enjoy the weekend. What do you say?
Says the attention-seeking half-wit who denies that Sweden is east of the UK-
-..and that there is no such science as paleoclimatology.
So, you deny that Sweden is north of the UK?

Why do you believe that there is such a thing as paleoclimatology? Did you totally believe this without even insisting on an unambiguous definition of the global climate, knowing that someone like me would ask you for the paleoclimatological definition of the global climate?
moon, I was just wondering about your beliefs. Do you believe in:

1. Global Warming?
2. Climate Change?
3. Greenhouse Effect?
4. Ocean Acidification?
5. Disappearing Polar Ice?

I was just wondering.
Wonder away, dumbass.
You're becoming ever-more desperate, maggot- and it's embarrassing to see a grown man acting like a spoiled kid.
Pull yourself together or fuck off.

P.S. Several dams have cracked already. Get a bandage for that foot.
fuck th anti-human green agenda pack of lies.
So, you deny that Sweden is north of the UK?

Why do you believe that there is such a thing as paleoclimatology? Did you totally believe this without even insisting on an unambiguous definition of the global climate, knowing that someone like me would ask you for the paleoclimatological definition of the global climate?
Your dumbass question is irrelevant to your dumbass pal's assertion that Sweden is not to the east of the UK.
Your second dumbass question merely consolidates your dumbassery.

I am dumbass intolerant.
I suggest that instead of worrying about these supposed articles, that we instead enjoy the weekend. What do you say?
Whatever PRS says- I say that you're a dumbass. Think about it over your dumbass weekend.
Wonder away, dumbass.
Actually, that was the information I was really seeking.

You believe everything that I listed, OBEDIENTLY so, because you have been ordered to believe it, and to preach it. However, you are wholly ashamed of your faith and just don't want to ever talk about it. If I were to ask any Christian if he believes that he has a soul, and that Jesus died for our sins, and that God loves each and every one of us unconditionally, he would proudly give an immediate and resounding "Yes!" Warmizombies, such as you, just want to escape to a safe space whenever the topic arises, to avoid the imminent embarrassment. All I need to do to find this out is to simply ask any particular leftist in what aspects of Climate he believes. If he ducks his tail between his legs and flees, I have my complete answer.

So, thanks for your candor.
Your dumbass question is irrelevant to your dumbass pal's assertion that Sweden is not to the east of the UK.
I get it. You don't know where Sweden is. Big deal. It's not like that's any sort of requirement to post on JPP.

Your second dumbass question merely consolidates your dumbassery.
I apologize for asking this first instead of waiting for you to confide your discomfort in your religion. I could have spared you the inconvenience. I'll just drop it.
Dumbass- your only hope is to believe that the crap you dump here has meaning for anybody but yourself.
Let's call you ' hopeless '

Haw, haw.............................................haw.
C'mon- serve up some more crap. You'll soon become the next JPP moronic focal point. ITNsoil will be relieved.
Whatever PRS says- I say that you're a dumbass. Think about it over your dumbass weekend.
I apologize for you being butt-hurt over your personal shame. I didn't mean to be insensitive to your plight; I just didn't realize that you were in that bad a perdicament. All I can recommend is not bending over so easily for your thought-masters to ream you, especially when they bring in power tools.

I know it's not easy abandoning a cult religion, but you need to try. You don't have many other options.
I apologize for you being butt-hurt over your personal shame. I didn't mean to be insensitive to your plight; I just didn't realize that you were in that bad a perdicament. All I can recommend is not bending over so easily for your thought-masters to ream you, especially when they bring in power tools.

I know it's not easy abandoning a cult religion, but you need to try. You don't have many other options.
That's better- you've identified yourself as a limited vocabulary sycophant .
Don't broadcast your homosexuality quite so flagrantly though- there are sensitive contributors here.