Climate change is pure bullshit!!

Thank you for proving once again what a bloviating garbage bag of shit you are.
The laws of thermodynamics is not a bloviated garbage bag of shit.
I don't claim to be a scientist myself, but I know who the real scientists are and those are the experts whose words I believe.
'Expert' worship. Science isn't 'experts'. Void reference fallacy.
You go ahead and keep regurgitating the shit spewed by your right-wing manure spreaders.
Science has no politics.
And BTW, I have lived in Central Florida my entire life. I grew up in Central Brevard County, in the shadow of the Kennedy Space Center. Half the kids I went to school with had fathers (and mothers) who worked for NASA. I don't need some sub-moronic redneck hillbilly from some shithole redneck state telling me about what they do and don't do.
Science is not a government agency.
They are still integrally involved in every space flight that launches from THEIR FACILITIES.

UBDaFuckingMoron alright.
So NASA knows how to position a rocket and push a button. Meh.

Nothing to do with weather or climate.

Climate cannot change. It has no temperature.
Weather changes. There is no such thing as global weather. There is no such thing as global climate.

No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. You cannot create energy out of nothing. Not even NASA has the ability to create energy out of nothing. You still ignore the 1st law of thermodynamics:

E(t+1) = E(t) - U where 'E' is energy, 't' is time, and 'U' is work (force applied over time). No gas or vapor by it's mere presence is work, therefore E(t+1) = E(t).
Your dumbass question is irrelevant to your dumbass pal's assertion that Sweden is not to the east of the UK.
Your second dumbass question merely consolidates your dumbassery.

I am dumbass intolerant.
Poor Moonbat. Doesn't know where Sweden is. He can't even tolerate himself, so he says.
And Alex is full of shit, as I noted,
How did you make that assessment without understanding any of his positions?

an obscure nobody bloviating an opinion,
... except that you regurgitate bloviation from the nameless. You believe anything that you are told "comes from NASA." You allow yourself to be manipulated in that way and you are gullible in that regard. Maybe you should actually listen to the positions and ignore from whom they come.

just like my barber, I’ll go with those that have a proven track record knowing something about climate change
There isn't anyone who knows anything about Climate Change. There are only obedient slaves who believe a ridiculous religious dogma as ordered by their clergy. Every single such believer is characterized by extreme scientific illiteracy, mathematical incompetence and logical ineptitude.

Why are all Climate worshipers too ashamed to their faith to debate it publicly? If it's not a venue such that they cannot be cross-examined (e.g. YouTube video, controlled presentation, etc.), they won't have any part of it.
Thank you for proving once again what a bloviating garbage bag of shit you are.
Too funny. You think that spanking you back to last Tuesday is "bloviating."

I don't claim to be a scientist myself,
... yes you do. Yes, you state "I'm no scientist *BUT* " ... and then you proceed to presume that you are some sort of science genius.

but I know who the real scientists are
Nope. You don't even know what science is. You are a completely scientifically illiterate and mathematically incompetent bungler of even simple thought processes. The bottom line is that your religion has forced you into being a science denier who embarrasses himself every time he breaches this topic.

If I were to ask you to explain the fundamental precepts of your dogma, you would instantly flee in terror. You clearly aren't operating on the basis of having any answers. Let's put this point to rest. Refute my signature. Feel free to get all the help you want.

Too funny.

and those are the experts whose words I believe.
... and those are the clergy you are obligated to OBEY!

You go ahead and keep regurgitating the shit spewed by your right-wing manure spreaders.
I regurgitate science and math. That's a huge problem for you. You and your religion are going to lose every time.

And BTW, I have lived in Central Florida my entire life.
Under which rock? There are many of them.

I grew up in Central Brevard County, in the shadow of the Kennedy Space Center.
So you have no excuse for being the science denier that you are.

Half the kids I went to school with had fathers (and mothers) who worked for NASA.
... or they were contractors who didn't work for NASA but worked for contracting firms. NASA employs bureacrats who manage contracts. Contracting firms employ scientists and engineers. You should have learned this long ago.

I don't need some sub-moronic redneck hillbilly from some shithole redneck state telling me about what they do and don't do.
You need someone to teach you about NASA, and you definitely need someone to teach you some math and science.

As it stands, you gullibly embraced a WACKY religion that requires you to deny science ... and you OBEY because you don't understand any of the science (and math) that you are denying.

They are still integrally involved in every space flight that launches from THEIR FACILITIES.
Your religion is still WACKY and requires you to deny science to a humiliating extent.

UBDaFuckingMoron alright.
... and you are going to show that I am the moron, and not you, by refuting my signature post haste.

Bring it on. I'm going to enjoy every moment of your squirming.
Too funny. You think that spanking you back to last Tuesday is "bloviating."

... yes you do. Yes, you state "I'm no scientist *BUT* " ... and then you proceed to presume that you are some sort of science genius.

Nope. You don't even know what science is. You are a completely scientifically illiterate and mathematically incompetent bungler of even simple thought processes. The bottom line is that your religion has forced you into being a science denier who embarrasses himself every time he breaches this topic.

If I were to ask you to explain the fundamental precepts of your dogma, you would instantly flee in terror. You clearly aren't operating on the basis of having any answers. Let's put this point to rest. Refute my signature. Feel free to get all the help you want.

Too funny.

... and those are the clergy you are obligated to OBEY!

I regurgitate science and math. That's a huge problem for you. You and your religion are going to lose every time.

Under which rock? There are many of them.

So you have no excuse for being the science denier that you are.

... or they were contractors who didn't work for NASA but worked for contracting firms. NASA employs bureacrats who manage contracts. Contracting firms employ scientists and engineers. You should have learned this long ago.

You need someone to teach you about NASA, and you definitely need someone to teach you some math and science.

As it stands, you gullibly embraced a WACKY religion that requires you to deny science ... and you OBEY because you don't understand any of the science (and math) that you are denying.

Your religion is still WACKY and requires you to deny science to a humiliating extent.

... and you are going to show that I am the moron, and not you, by refuting my signature post haste.

Bring it on. I'm going to enjoy every moment of your squirming.

How funny that I forced you to spend all afternoon cooking up those lies and bullshit responses and nobody is even going to read them.


Least of all me.

I read about the first three, saw it was all nonsense and said "fuck this".

🖕🏼Lying POS.
I've got 97% of the top climate scientists on Earth including NASA - the best of the best - who are proponents of the theory of human induced climate change.

You've got a handful of self serving right-wing goofballs who are either being paid by special interests or are trying to garner attention for themselves, on your side.

Nomad: 97% of climate scientists including the ones who launch spacecraft through our atmosphere.

IBDaMoron: Alex Nutjob Newman and the idiots who take his garbage seriously = NOTHING.
The mistake we make in America is giving equal time to crazy conspiracy nuts. Having a show with serious climate experts and allowing conspiracy nuts to the same time, results in anti-vaxxers, climate change deniers, election deniers, and other rightys insanity to linger and seem reasonable, when they are not.
Newman, a journalist who seeks to “glorify God in everything he does.” (From his Foundation for Christian Education bio). He writes for Breitbart, WND and Fox.

Nothing he has to say carries any weight or credibility. Just like you.
You don't get to declare 'credibility' for everyone. Omniscience fallacy.
The mistake we make in America is giving equal time to crazy conspiracy nuts. Having a show with serious climate experts and allowing conspiracy nuts to the same time, results in anti-vaxxers, climate change deniers, election deniers, and other rightys insanity to linger and seem reasonable, when they are not.
Climate cannot change.
You denied the election of 2016, even though an electoral college formed and voted.
There was no election in 2020, since no electoral college formed. Too many States never chose their electors due to election fraud by Democrats.

The Democrat party is a conspiracy.

Your repetitive chanting gains you nothing, Sybil.
Poor Moonbat. Doesn't know where Sweden is. He can't even tolerate himself, so he says.
Haw, haw............................haw. You know that I know . That's the gist.
Have a good wriggle.
Haw, haw.........................................haw.
The mistake we make in America is giving equal time to crazy conspiracy nuts.
Your mistake is being a crazy conspiracy nut who denies science, math and logic because it's all too much work.

Having a show with serious climate experts
There is no such thing. You would know this if you were educated.

and allowing conspiracy nuts to the same time, results in anti-vaxxers, climate change deniers, election deniers, and other rightys insanity to linger and seem reasonable, when they are not.
Your answer is not to seek refuge in your own safe space. Your answer is to outlaw all differing views, period.
How funny that I forced you to spend all afternoon
You didn't force anything. I enjoyed taking about five minutes to make you squirm.

bullshit responses and nobody is even going to read them. Least of all me.
Your response indicates that you read my entire post. Knowing that you know that I know that you are as dumb as a post makes my post worth the while.


You don't speak for any thmart perthonth, although I know you believe you speak for all of them. Way too funny.
Newman, a journalist who seeks to “glorify God in everything he does.” (From his Foundation for Christian Education bio). He writes for Breitbart, WND and Fox.
How much does he make? He must be good at what he does. It seems that every leftist on JPP is scared shitless of Newman.

Nothing he has to say carries any weight or credibility. Just like you.
Houston, we have a problem. Nothing you have to say carries any weight or credibility. Ergo, Alex Newman must carry weight and/or credibility.
How did you make that assessment without understanding any of his positions?

... except that you regurgitate bloviation from the nameless. You believe anything that you are told "comes from NASA." You allow yourself to be manipulated in that way and you are gullible in that regard. Maybe you should actually listen to the positions and ignore from whom they come.

There isn't anyone who knows anything about Climate Change. There are only obedient slaves who believe a ridiculous religious dogma as ordered by their clergy. Every single such believer is characterized by extreme scientific illiteracy, mathematical incompetence and logical ineptitude.

Why are all Climate worshipers too ashamed to their faith to debate it publicly? If it's not a venue such that they cannot be cross-examined (e.g. YouTube video, controlled presentation, etc.), they won't have any part of it.
Wait a minute, I don’t “understand” a journalist, a journalist with zero expertise in climate change other than bloviating on it, and at the same time, I am a “gullible” for taking NASA’s, who have to know climate change to operate successfully, view on climate change?

And proclaiming no one “knows anything about climate change” is like no one knows why the sun rises and sets every day

The mistake we make in America is giving equal time to crazy conspiracy nuts. Having a show with serious climate experts and allowing conspiracy nuts to the same time, results in anti-vaxxers, climate change deniers, election deniers, and other rightys insanity to linger and seem reasonable, when they are not.
As I said, it is all part of an effort to create a false paradigm, one usually funded or promoted by energy interests
You didn't force anything. I enjoyed taking about five minutes to make you squirm.

Your response indicates that you read my entire post. Knowing that you know that I know that you are as dumb as a post makes my post worth the while.


You don't speak for any thmart perthonth, although I know you believe you speak for all of them. Way too funny.
Five minutes my ass.

You do nothing but lie your dumb fucking ass off in every post.

No wonder you're a Trumpsucker.

And no, I did not read your entire post and yes, you worked on it for hours.

Wait a minute, I don’t “understand” a journalist, a journalist with zero expertise in climate change other than bloviating on it, and at the same time, I am a “gullible” for taking NASA’s, who have to know climate change to operate successfully, view on climate change?

And proclaiming no one “knows anything about climate change” is like no one knows why the sun rises and sets every day

IBDaMoron is just another obnoxious, low IQ Trumpsucker with delusions of grandeur.
Wait a minute, I don’t “understand” a journalist, a journalist with zero expertise in climate change other than bloviating on it, and at the same time, I am a “gullible” for taking NASA’s, who have to know climate change to operate successfully, view on climate change?

And proclaiming no one “knows anything about climate change” is like no one knows why the sun rises and sets every day

Climate cannot change. NASA cannot change climate either. NASA is a government agency pushing a religion.