'Closing This Thread With Mistaken Information In The Title'

Where have I posted a thread that literally said that some lefty had done something that a Libertarian did then pretended that I had no recourse that would actually inform folks that the information in the thread was bad or pretended that moderators that would help didn't exist? If you can give me an example we can find some form of "hypocrisy" in which I participated.

The point is other posters have posted misleading or mistaken thread titles and you haven't done anything about it.
I think he was referring to the actual closing.

If 'mistaken' information in the title were a criteria for thread closings, you would be busy every day doing just that.

I think you are incorrect. Most threads are not mistakenly posted with literally the opposite of what happened in the title of the thread. I think what you are thinking of is folks with differing opinions than yours and posts from sources you dislike. That is an entirely different animal. Folks using Slate get to post what they want, folks using some rightwing site also get to.

In this case it was a story about some guy who killed folks because they laughed at him when he admitted to voting for Hillary, and instead of telling the truth of what happened the poster said it was about a "Trumper" who killed folks.

That isn't a "source" issue, that is deliberately posting the opposite of what happened.
The point is other posters have posted misleading or mistaken thread titles and you haven't done anything about it.

Again, I think you are mistaking sources you don't like for "mistaken" information. However, if you find a thread where the story is about a rightwinger doing something that the OP title insists was a democrat and report it, I will take the same action.
Again, I think you are mistaking sources you don't like for "mistaken" information. However, if you find a thread where the story is about a rightwinger doing something that the OP title insists was a democrat and report it, I will take the same action.
Nope. We're used to that. I'm talking about exactly what Evince did by mistake. A title with a link that states the exact opposite of what the title claims.

I'll point them out when I see them.
Nope. We're used to that. I'm talking about exactly what Evince did by mistake. A title with a link that states the exact opposite of what the title claims.

I'll point them out when I see them.

Do that. If I don't see them there is little I can do.
Oh now you are back to claiming I lied?

To tell the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, I think you assumed it had to be a "Trumper" when you read the headline and posted it without reading it, then when you saw that it was a HillBillary fan who shot folks, then realized you couldn't delete a whole thread even if you are the OP. Instead of simply telling someone that could fix things for you, you thought you could let it ride and post a quick "oopsy" in the OP.

I thought this because in the past you posted new threads when you made a mistake so I know you can do that, yet this one you wanted that title refreshing itself as folks talked about it.

While I don't think you deliberately posted a title with the opposite of the story I think that once you found out you treated it differently than your mistaken posts of the past and that the difference in how you dealt with it as opposed to the past was where you were being just a little dishonest.
I don't expect you to. Honestly? We don't care. We just point out the glaring irony in those threads.

If it is bad enough (not Woke enough) we can get banned from Twitler for idiots posting bad information. I hate it when Twitler temp bans the site's account. It's annoying.
Well we can start with this one.

USS Milwaukee with 100% vaccination suffers massive outbreak


So where is this "massive" outbreak being stated in the article?

Mind you this is just an example.

The story is about an outbreak of Covid on the ship, it was not the "opposite". In this case it is the difference between your opinion of what is "massive" and his.
The story is about an outbreak of Covid on the ship, it was not the "opposite". In this case it is the difference between your opinion of what is "massive" and his.

In other words, it wasn't massive. And a portion of them exhibited mild symptoms. So the title is misleading.
In other words, it wasn't massive. And a portion of them exhibited mild symptoms. So the title is misleading.

In other words, your opinion on what is massive is different than the OP's. In reality the ship was sidelined because enough of the ship's compliment were infected, I can see the OP thinking of that as "massive" even if you don't.

My personal opinion: If this is Omicron and they are vaccinated, as the story clearly notes, treat them as if they are simply sick and let's get moving.
In other words, your opinion on what is massive is different than the OP's. In reality the ship was sidelined because enough of the ship's compliment were infected, I can see the OP thinking of that as "massive" even if you don't.

My personal opinion: If this is Omicron and they are vaccinated, as the story clearly notes, treat them as if they are simply sick and let's get moving.

"Suffers" - Who were suffering?
"Massive" - What exactly does that even mean? What percentage of those tested positive would be considered "massive"?
"Outbreak" - It just simply means an introduction of a virus into a group.

So in other words the title is misleading. It's an alarmist title.
ATS has a very, very strict rule about posting current events news with the same titles from the articles.

There is a reason for that.
Quote Originally Posted by AProudLefty View Post
There is a time limit to editing your OP and your title. Once you're past that time limit, you can ask a mod to alter it.

Perhaps Evince will learn his lesson?

Will Damocles learn his own hypocrisy?
I've seen those requests before. Truthfully, some nutter already posted that story

you are both hopeless fuckwits.....