'Closing This Thread With Mistaken Information In The Title'

"Suffers" - Who were suffering?
"Massive" - What exactly does that even mean? What percentage of those tested positive would be considered "massive"?
"Outbreak" - It just simply means an introduction of a virus into a group.

So in other words the title is misleading. It's an alarmist title.

And again, "alarmist title" is your opinion. The story is not the opposite of what the title says. This is why I don't make most folks moderators. One man's "alarmist" is another man's "truth". The facts in the story can fit either opinion. That you think it is "alarmist" is clear, but "opposite" it is not.
How many times do we beat T.A Gardner over the head with his thread titles?

Not very often... Although mine are generally meant to be humorous rather than misleading. The one that's the topic of this thread claims the shooter was a Trump supporter and voter when right in the article cited it says he said he voted for Hillary Clinton and became upset because he was teased and ridiculed for this shooting, presumably, someone who supported Trump.
What tells you in the article that it was "massive" or "significant"?

Hyperbole isn't an outright lie, nor is it a reversal of the facts as presented. Exaggeration is often used here by everyone. All Trump voters are... Well, it is very unlikely ALL are anything that is consistent 100% of the time. That's mild exaggeration. Massive is in the eye of the beholder. That's different from saying, something like There was no outbreak among the unvaccinated on the USS Milwaukee which would be a lie by omission because the ship's crew was 100% vaccinated, as an example.
Hyperbole isn't an outright lie, nor is it a reversal of the facts as presented. Exaggeration is often used here by everyone. All Trump voters are... Well, it is very unlikely ALL are anything that is consistent 100% of the time. That's mild exaggeration. Massive is in the eye of the beholder. That's different from saying, something like There was no outbreak among the unvaccinated on the USS Milwaukee which would be a lie by omission because the ship's crew was 100% vaccinated, as an example.

So your title was an exaggeration? That would be accurate.
So your title was an exaggeration? That would be accurate.

So what if it was? I can exaggerate some. There are plenty of others who do it here regularly. One of the best current examples would be, how many posters call the Jan 6 riot and "Insurrection?" Massive exaggeration and hyperbole there.
So what if it was? I can exaggerate some. There are plenty of others who do it here regularly. One of the best current examples would be, how many posters call the Jan 6 riot and "Insurrection?" Massive exaggeration and hyperbole there.

It is misleading. There is no rule about creating threads with misleading or mistaken titles.

So what is the difference? I think you know the difference.
Evince's thread is closed because of misleading/mistaken thread title.

Have you ever seen TIA's threads being closed due to misleading titles?

I've never seen a thread closed because the title was misleading. There are dozens, if not hundreds of them on this forum.

Why didn't a mod simply change the title?
I've never seen a thread closed because the title was misleading. There are dozens, if not hundreds of them on this forum.

Why didn't a mod simply change the title?

I registered here in 2006, and do not ever recall seeing a thread closed for this reason
It is misleading. There is no rule about creating threads with misleading or mistaken titles.

So what is the difference? I think you know the difference.

The thread that was locked we're discussing here didn't have a misleading title. The title was an outright lie as proven by the article cited. The murdered was attributed as a Trump supporter when the article clearly stated he supported Hillary Clinton. That isn't exaggerated, or misleading, it is an outright lie.

I would assume it was made on the basis that the poster wasn't expecting anyone to bother to read the article and just accept the title as accurate.

Evince did start another thread with a correction admitting the mistake in the original one. I want add that here, because it's only fair to note evince tried to fix the mistake once it was pointed out.
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The thread that was locked we're discussing here didn't have a misleading title. The title was an outright lie as proven by the article cited. The murdered was attributed as a Trump supporter when the article clearly stated he supported Hillary Clinton. That isn't exaggerated, or misleading, it is an outright lie.

I would assume it was made on the basis that the poster wasn't expecting anyone to bother to read the article and just accept the title as accurate.

It was a mistake. Why not correct the title instead of closing a thread?

Speaking of lies; these thread titles are lies:

USS Milwaukee with 100% vaccination suffers massive outbreak There wasn't a massive outbreak. You lied.

Congress' newest Conservative! The title is a lie because the linked article is about a Democrat being mugged.

Another police shooting you won't hear about Another lie since posted an MSNBC link. Here's more links proving you are a liar: https://www.azfamily.com/news/phoen...cle_68307520-61b4-11ec-95a4-37a3d15b12e2.html
It was a mistake. Why not correct the title instead of closing a thread?

Speaking of lies; these thread titles are lies:

USS Milwaukee with 100% vaccination suffers massive outbreak There wasn't a massive outbreak. You lied.

Congress' newest Conservative! The title is a lie because the linked article is about a Democrat being mugged.

Another police shooting you won't hear about Another lie since posted an MSNBC link. Here's more links proving you are a liar: https://www.azfamily.com/news/phoen...cle_68307520-61b4-11ec-95a4-37a3d15b12e2.html

What do you consider massive? Has Fauci plague been a massive outbreak in the US when there's been like 57 million or so cases nationwide?
We're talking about a Navy ship with a compliment of like 100 sailors. If I am wrong, correct me.

And there was a massive outbreak among the crew. 25% tested positive. To date, there have been nationwide, in about two years of this crap, about 57 million cases or 16% of the population getting a case. That's about a third higher than the percentage of total cases in the US. I'd call that pretty "massive."
What do you consider massive? Has Fauci plague been a massive outbreak in the US when there's been like 57 million or so cases nationwide?

You're a liar....and you know how I feel about both liars and oath-breakers. Can you lose your pension if you go to prison for terrorism? Treason?

Here's another one: Biden packed NLRB overturns Amazon union election Another title that's a lie; only two of the board members were appointed by Biden. The other three served under Trump: https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/who-we-are/the-board