'Closing This Thread With Mistaken Information In The Title'


This boy is protected from COVID-19.

I closed it long ago, then someone named Top asked me to reopen it. However, what news story is the opposite of what was in the OP?

Why didn't a mod simply correct the title. I believe evince screwed up, that it wasn't a deliberate distortion of the truth as in so many other threads like those of Gardner's I posted.
What is a "beach ball looking midget"? :rofl2:

A little short fat guy like our boy Dutchie. Its the reason he acts the way he does around here. IMO he would be much better off getting himself a little size 9 pair of elevator cowboy boots.

Hes in here.....:laugh:

Not very often... Although mine are generally meant to be humorous rather than misleading. The one that's the topic of this thread claims the shooter was a Trump supporter and voter when right in the article cited it says he said he voted for Hillary Clinton and became upset because he was teased and ridiculed for this shooting, presumably, someone who supported Trump.

You lied just like the asshole who, when caught telling a racist or misogynistic joke, says "I was just joking".

You misled with your titles, presumably to stir people up, piss them off, etc, because you are a liar. By giving evince shit about it, you're also a hypocrite.
Hyperbole isn't an outright lie, nor is it a reversal of the facts as presented. Exaggeration is often used here by everyone. All Trump voters are... Well, it is very unlikely ALL are anything that is consistent 100% of the time. That's mild exaggeration. Massive is in the eye of the beholder. That's different from saying, something like There was no outbreak among the unvaccinated on the USS Milwaukee which would be a lie by omission because the ship's crew was 100% vaccinated, as an example.

Now you're quibbling, liar. Not an "outright lie"? It's just a simple lie?

Now you've proved how pussified you are by using the ol' "everyone is doing it" argument. I'd buy it if you hadn't already shit all over evince for mistakenly doing what you and other liars do deliberately.
The thread that was locked we're discussing here didn't have a misleading title. The title was an outright lie as proven by the article cited. The murdered was attributed as a Trump supporter when the article clearly stated he supported Hillary Clinton. That isn't exaggerated, or misleading, it is an outright lie.

I would assume it was made on the basis that the poster wasn't expecting anyone to bother to read the article and just accept the title as accurate.

Evince did start another thread with a correction admitting the mistake in the original one. I want add that here, because it's only fair to note evince tried to fix the mistake once it was pointed out.

Misleading is a lie. Not as bad as a deliberate lie but still a lie. It's not a mistake. It's a lie. Do you even understand honor anymore, Chief?
Are you admitting you deliberately lied in the title with "massive outbreak"? What about the other lying titles of yours that I posted as examples?

Simply go to your user profile and click on Find latest started threads to see how you deliberately post misleading titles AKA lying titles.

Complex question fallacy. My use of "massive" wasn't off base at all. A quarter of the crew got Fauci plague all at once. I gave statistics here to back that up as "massive." End of discussion. In any case, it wasn't a "lie" as you keep insisting without merit.
Said the pussy who made terrorist threats right in this room.

Fatboy, I'm still waiting for the quote. Why can't you find it? Is it because it never existed? Or are you lying? Lot's of fucking scumbag liars among your kind, eh Oath-Breaker?
The title was a lie. A deliberate lie, not a mistake.

Pussyboy fallacy. You are a pussyboy,....therefor everything you say or post is tainted and not to be believed because it comes from the perspective of a pussyboy.

You finally did in Dutch,....you are finally internet famous. You now have a debate fallacy named after you.
It IS the point you little beach ball looking midget! People are sick to death of the hackory and LIES. Like I said before,....I actually hope you goofballs continue on. You are going to hand us DC on a silver platter! :laugh:

Fatboy; is it your weight that prevents you from being part of your militia's combat team or are you yellow-livered?
Fatboy, I'm still waiting for the quote. Why can't you find it? Is it because it never existed? Or are you lying? Lot's of fucking scumbag liars among your kind, eh Oath-Breaker?

YOU calling ME fat? Bwaaaaa ha ha ha.....:laugh:
Complex question fallacy. My use of "massive" wasn't off base at all. A quarter of the crew got Fauci plague all at once. I gave statistics here to back that up as "massive." End of discussion. In any case, it wasn't a "lie" as you keep insisting without merit.

You deliberately misled with your title. You are a liar.
Fatty fatty 2x4 ...cant fit thru the shithouse door. Yep.....thats our little beachball Dutchie. :laugh:
You're a liar and a disgrace to the Navy. Fuck off, liar.

Awww... Now comes the Type 3 Leftist response that happens when changing the subject (eg., making this thread about me), insults and ad hominem don't work, so all that's left is to throw a final insult and storm away mad...
I routinely point out thread titles that are lies, there is far too much of that going on here, and I am sadly almost the only one who stands up and requests better.