'Closing This Thread With Mistaken Information In The Title'

You deliberately misled with your title. You are a liar.

Awww... Now comes the Type 3 Leftist response that happens when changing the subject (eg., making this thread about me), insults and ad hominem don't work, so all that's left is to throw a final insult and storm away mad...

LOL You're a liar, Chief, a fucking scumbag liar who is also a hypocrite; you sling insults and ad hominems then whine about it being done to you.

Did you become pussified after retirement or were you, like Stone, one of those "in the rear with the gear" types with a shiny fat ass from flying a desk for 20 years?
Pussyboy fallacy. You are a pussyboy,....therefor everything you say or post is tainted and not to be believed because it comes from the perspective of a pussyboy.

You finally did in Dutch,....you are finally internet famous. You now have a debate fallacy named after you.

:rofl2: I bet your militia friends laugh at you behind your back, fat boy. :laugh:

Maybe even in front of you? "Don't worry, fat boy! We're just joking!" LOL
Our little pussyboy dutch is cracking up. Going a little wild tonight. Poor little fucker from Bumfuck. Like I said Dutchie,....just get yourself a pair of those elevator cowboy boots and a big old ten gallon hat. Worth a try for a hopeless sap like you. Better than nuthin......

Oh,..and Dutchie,....wasnt one of our threads that got moved and the author made a jackass of on the main board now was it? :cool: Times are changing. We KNOW what you did. Time to pay up.
Fat little Dutchie and his gay fantasies AGAIN. Bring back memories of old times for you fatboy?

You're the militia traitor, fat boy. You're the one supporting overthrowing the US government and shredding our Constitution even though you took an oath to support and defend it.

Quote Originally Posted by AProudLefty View Post
In other words, it wasn't massive. And a portion of them exhibited mild symptoms. So the title is misleading.

so basically, you're saying its like all the Omicron surges that the demmycunts have been crying about....
It was a mistake. Why not correct the title instead of closing a thread?

Speaking of lies; these thread titles are lies:

Congress' newest Conservative! The title is a lie because the linked article is about a Democrat being mugged.

I shouldn't be surprised that you were too dumb to catch the tongue in cheek humor of that thread title. I hadn't noticed that thread, thanks for pointing it out.

The obvious point the OP was making is that democrats love being soft on crime, until they are the victim. Then they suddenly find getting tough on crime to be a good idea. (The conservative position).