Coffee snobs vs. Beer snobs

Beer is served cold to mask its taste or lack of. Same reason that people shove various pieces of fruit into the neck of the bottle. Beer should be a little below room temperature, bitter, darker than the chemmy crap that we are almost forced to consume and, of course, cheap. It is a cheap drink and was consumed by everyone before water purification.
Coffee? I'm no longer allowed to drink it, but when I did it was plain old Nescafe with sugar.
Starbucks is the biggest con going. WTF is 'Grande'? I can't imagine myself ever saying the words 'a latte grande please'! What the bejasus does it mean? I do not want to have to learn Italian before I get a coffee.
Wine snobs have not been mentioned. Wine, of any pedigree, should be poured long and drunk good. Like most, I guess, I have attended 'wine tasting classes' but in the end I want it with my dinner to clean and freshen my palate. Dont get me wrong, I can tell crap from brilliant, but most of the time just get the bloody cork out and pour the stuff.
Beer is served cold to mask its taste or lack of. Same reason that people shove various pieces of fruit into the neck of the bottle. Beer should be a little below room temperature, bitter, darker than the chemmy crap that we are almost forced to consume and, of course, cheap. It is a cheap drink and was consumed by everyone before water purification.
Coffee? I'm no longer allowed to drink it, but when I did it was plain old Nescafe with sugar.
Starbucks is the biggest con going. WTF is 'Grande'? I can't imagine myself ever saying the words 'a latte grande please'! What the bejasus does it mean? I do not want to have to learn Italian before I get a coffee.
Wine snobs have not been mentioned. Wine, of any pedigree, should be poured long and drunk good. Like most, I guess, I have attended 'wine tasting classes' but in the end I want it with my dinner to clean and freshen my palate. Dont get me wrong, I can tell crap from brilliant, but most of the time just get the bloody cork out and pour the stuff.
I love it!
I bought my wife one of these:


The Jura Impressa F9. It stores the beans, grinds them on a per cup basis, then brews the freshly ground beans for what the Mrs says is the best coffee, ever.

I'm still waiting for her to buy me a micro-brewery...
I bought my wife one of these:


The Jura Impressa F9. It stores the beans, grinds them on a per cup basis, then brews the freshly ground beans for what the Mrs says is the best coffee, ever.

I'm still waiting for her to buy me a micro-brewery...
Oh, you are a very nice hubby!
So as I read with growing concern about WM's potential poisoning, I noted many posts touting how much better fresh ground is over pre-ground from a can, and it got me wondering...

Who is more annoying, coffee snobs and their "whole bean/grind it fresh/latte sipping" snootiness, or beer snobs and their "microbrew/Pabst sucks" attitude?

I'm a coffee Philistine. Any old brew does it for me, except Starbucks.
My folks have Folgers' every morning for the last 65 years. I know my roots! I will have a cup of Joe, but my girlfriend, it is Starbucks or nothing. We were in the Antique Capital of the World in California and went into this coffee shop and she watched the girl make the drink and then she didn't want to order anymore! I drank mine, it was just what I needed and I was great! She was grumpy till we got to a town with a Starbucks!

I am at home in the morning, so I have all the time I need! The grands help make it!

I am getting tired of one friend who bemoans my coffee drinking, but my folks have drank over a pot a day for most of their lives and they are older than most folks, so I tell her, it is my elixir!

From the sublime to the banal. Folger's, Maxwell House, even Chase & Sanborn! It's all* good.

*Except Starbucks.
EXACTLY...when you're facing conditions like that, the only prerequisite is that the beer needs to be C-O-L-D!

Likewise when I'm visiting the inlaws in the mountains of Colorado. ANY coffee tastes great when you're just waking up, it's 30-40 degrees outside and you're standing on the deck w/a mug of H-O-T coffee, greeting the sun.

Sounds like heaven.
Let's not forget to trash dog snobs. Mine's a mutt. Speaking of, where did she go? Hey get back here!


Prediction: some sick bastard will post a sexual comment.
Beer is served cold to mask its taste or lack of. Same reason that people shove various pieces of fruit into the neck of the bottle. Beer should be a little below room temperature, bitter, darker than the chemmy crap that we are almost forced to consume and, of course, cheap. It is a cheap drink and was consumed by everyone before water purification.
Coffee? I'm no longer allowed to drink it, but when I did it was plain old Nescafe with sugar.
Starbucks is the biggest con going. WTF is 'Grande'? I can't imagine myself ever saying the words 'a latte grande please'! What the bejasus does it mean? I do not want to have to learn Italian before I get a coffee.
Wine snobs have not been mentioned. Wine, of any pedigree, should be poured long and drunk good. Like most, I guess, I have attended 'wine tasting classes' but in the end I want it with my dinner to clean and freshen my palate. Dont get me wrong, I can tell crap from brilliant, but most of the time just get the bloody cork out and pour the stuff.

oh the irony....the anti snot is actually a great of a person to utter "grande"......:)
I can't speak for anyone else, but on my part it's not snobbery, I just like my coffee a certain way -- strong, aromatic, full flavored, and unadulterated. The only way to get it that way is to grind it myself and make the strength as I want. I have no opinion as to whatever someone else might like, and don't judge that either.

It is, however, common knowledge that unlike teapots, coffee paraphernalia must be absolutely clean when you start or the result can be disastrous.

Well said, Thorn. You sound like my kind of coffee snob.
Let's not forget to trash dog snobs. Mine's a mutt. Speaking of, where did she go? Hey get back here!


Prediction: some sick bastard will post a sexual comment.

Ahh, the dog. A device into which you put money and out of which you get shit.
Intelligent creatures, too. What better way of really getting to know someone than sticking your nose up their arse.
May suit some here, I guess!
I'm a coffee Philistine. Any old brew does it for me, except Starbucks.

Pretty much the same with me. A few are pretty bad though.
I just brew Maxwell house from the vacuum bag at home.
It gets dumped into a sealed cannister after opening the bag. Not many cans anymore.
I have the bitter gene so I have to use a lot of sugar to drink coffee.

Some nutz even like McDonalds coffee.
Ahh, the dog. A device into which you put money and out of which you get shit.
Intelligent creatures, too. What better way of really getting to know someone than sticking your nose up their arse.
May suit some here, I guess!

There's one dog snob. Not the reaction I expected, but a snob nonetheless.
I may be a Seattleite, but I am not a coffee snob. If I go to a coffee place, my order is usually a White Chocolate Mocha. Otherwise I will drink the shittiest coffee (according to actual snobs) at the Sunday social, and so long as its got sugar and perhaps creme, I can't tell that its shitty. I do like to buy the French Vanilla Cafe mix from the store.

As for beer, Pabst SUCKS, and I love my amber micobrews you effing plebes!!!!!