Coffee snobs vs. Beer snobs

I agree with Low, I have never understood the appeal of Earl Grey. There is nothing to match a good English Breakfast tea in the morning. I'll send you some if you like, you'll never drink hot perfumed water again.

I'm game. One of my sons swears by Irish Breakfast tea, but I haven't tried it yet.

I drank tea exclusively when in England and got used to it, but reverted right back to coffee after returning home.

Btw, is the board running slow for you this morning?
I agree with Low, I have never understood the appeal of Earl Grey. There is nothing to match a good English Breakfast tea in the morning. I'll send you some if you like, you'll never drink hot perfumed water again.

Have you ever wondered why we drink tea and America and the rest of Europe drink coffee? Interesting if you have time.
M&S Fairtrade strong is as good as any. We have a chippy here (the only one this side of the other one) which sells steaming mugs of Yorkshire tea. It's a multi use tea. If you dont want to drink it you can use it to fix the road!
And the ultimate coffee snobs are the ones who pay BIG money for coffee made from beans from Civic Cats poop. :clink:

Ahhhhh yes, coffee from beans that travel through the Civit. One of the local networks just did a story on the "special brand" of coffee they help produce.


No thanks, just give me a plain ol cup a Java.
Pabsts is actually on my 'wall of beer'

But the fact that I even have a wall of beer should say that I am a bit of a.... well sure beer snob.

And I can't stand coffee if it doesnt have Baileys and Jameson.
I used to love coffee and drank far too much every day but in the last two years I have rediscovered the superior taste of a good tea. It is a shame that Americans, in the main, appear ignorant to tea's benefits over coffee. Most notably its antiseptic and antioxidant properties and the fact that it more refreshing and doesn't leave an aftertaste like coffee.

Interestingly enough, many of tea's benefits are also found in beer.
don't get me wrong, I love the fresh ground stuff on occasion, but when I'm running late in the morning, A steaming pot of Folgers gets me moving just as good as any fancy fresh ground "snoffee".

Did I just come up with a new name for coffee snobs?
Rock Music snobs are way more obnoxious.
my retirement goal is to become a ghanja snob,
ie get my third degree black belt in Bonghitsu!!!
You're parents must have been real strict. I got that stuff out of my system in high school and college. But what the hell Topper, the world definately needs more old hippies! :clink:
You're parents must have been real strict. I got that stuff out of my system in high school and college. But what the hell Topper, the world definately needs more old hippies! :clink:

Hey, you got your "end of the day attitude adjustment" and he's got his.

Plus, the world's got enough old drunks already...
You're parents must have been real strict. I got that stuff out of my system in high school and college. But what the hell Topper, the world definately needs more old hippies! :clink:

I'm prob way older than you. I burned tree more in HS than college, but it was back in the 70's when red bud columbian was the tops.