"Conservatve" Democrats?

There are plenty of conservative democrats. When I was working for the democrats in the state legislature in Maine, the executive secretary to the president of the senate was fervently pro-life... it did not stop her from supporting democrats because she knew that they were with her on a LOT more issues than the republicans were.
All I can say is, that if their screen name was moderate democrat, one has to assume that they were one.
Wouldn't you think?

Although, your screen name would suggest that you have "big money" and I, for one, find that very hard to believe.
All I can say is, that if their screen name was moderate democrat, one has to assume that they were one. Although, your screen name would suggest that you have "big money" and I, for one, find that very hard to believe.

Assumptions can be foolish. Wouldn't you think?
Since the South created the Democratic Party, and used it to fuck over America for 150 years, I hope that the Dems completely destroy the Southern economies and structures. It would be like Kim Jong Un nuking Beijing.
"Conservatism" in any traditional classical sense would indicate the promoting of and loyalty to the strict construction of the very "Individually liberal" Bill Of Rights. Neither right or left fit that definition. Both are authoritarian BIG FUCKING GOVERNMENT Sons-Of-Bitches and bastards.