France is going to tax companies 50% in 2014, aren't they?
Maybe liberals would like it there.![]()
I can predict how that is going to work out for France just as I could predict what a disaster Obama was and is.
France is going to tax companies 50% in 2014, aren't they?
Maybe liberals would like it there.![]()
we don't have to go anywhere.
the demographics are in OUR favor
And yet, historically they indicate the opposite. But you're a clueless dunce who parrots DNC talking points like a trained circus monkey.
you don't speak for them
I dunno.... demographic trends tend to show a different story.
figurative versus literal is a difficult concept for you, isn't it?
You sure about that? When corporations give millions to a candidate, they have voted.
tap dancing and obfuscation are my forte, aren't they?
I dunno.... demographic trends tend to show a different story.
And you know that you've got the GOP on the run when they bring up actions of the democrats prior to 1968. Here's a clue: NOBODY that was once damaged by slavery, the KKK, or Jim Crow hold that against the new democratic party anymore. That's just a fact. The only people who keep tossing those old chestnuts into the fire are the republicans. You NEVER hear a black man say, "I'm not voting for the democrat because their party used to be racist 75 years ago." Blacks vote for democrats overwhelmingly. Obviously, the stigma of what we once were has long since rubbed of as far as any minorities are concerned. They all know about the GOP southern strategy and they know what that means.
who did you predict would win the white house in 2012, oh great swami who can see the future?
but please DO keep waving the Jim Crow/KKK flag in front of black voters.
I would agree completely. The nuance of language has always intrigued me.... and seeming to say things without actually saying things can be entertaining, don't you think?
on what basis do you claim the demographics shift favors the right wing historically failed ideas?
yes. they do.
but please DO keep waving the Jim Crow/KKK flag in front of black voters. It has been such an effective strategy for your party so far!
and the democrats dominated the senate for six decades prior to '95?
Senators Taft, Knowland, Baker and Dole might tend to disagree with that assessment.
Looks like YOU are the one who needs a history lesson!
How amusing, an uninformed dunce who seldom uses any facts to support his dimwitted canards claiming someone like me needs a history lesson.
Here you go dunce; you're more than welcome to refute my facts:
From 1940 until 1994, that would be 54 years for liberal dunces who are mathematically challenged, Democrats controlled BOTH houses of Congress for 46 of those years. During that same time, Republicans controlled BOTH houses for TWO of those years. Now I don't know about a dunce like you, but the evidence would indeed suggest a DOMINANCE of political power in the Congress by Democrats over the last six decades.
Now correct me if I am wrong, but the FACTS suggest that I am correct and you are, again, an insufferable clueless moron. Now please discuss this trend towards dimwitted Democratic Party politics since 1994; I can wait.