"Conservatve" Democrats?

and he should be what the republican party is.

You guys have so sullied its name and direction that its now a shell of sham instead of a real party
"Conservatism" in any traditional classical sense would indicate the promoting of and loyalty to the strict construction of the very "Individually liberal" Bill Of Rights. Neither right or left fit that definition. Both are authoritarian BIG FUCKING GOVERNMENT Sons-Of-Bitches and bastards.

You should meet Anti-Party.
Judging from the posters here, no such animal exists. All I see from that party are whacked out Leftists and Communists hell bent on distorting the USofA.

Trust me when I type this; forums like these do not constitute the real world. Many on these forums are fanatics and, wierd as this may seem, more politically informed than the average person on the street.

I think you would be shocked how truly ignorant the average American voter really is; even those with higher education.
you teabaggers have gone so far to the corporate right that the middle looks like the far left to you. You should realize that you are not conservatives but fascists. You believe in corporate control of the govt. and that alone would make Benito proud.

Another brain dead lefttard who thinks corporations are "right wing" and that anyone who wants smaller Government must be a Fascist. How does someone who grows up in the country become so incredibly stupid and ignorant? I'm inclined to believe one has to work at it; what's your excuse

It's like I tell my kids; you just have to show up and do your homework to get a "C" in highschool. You have to really go put of your way and try to get an "F".

If you're against it why do you vote and advocate for it? Why have you let international corporate propaganda control you.

To answer your question, capitalism must be controlled by govt, not the other way around or the fascism you back becomes too powerful.

Now answer mine

Another incredibly stupid statement from a dunce lefttard; capitalism must be controlled by Government. Our founders are spinning in their graves.

You epitomize what our founders feared the most; clueless idiots like you voting.
Another incredibly stupid statement from a dunce lefttard; capitalism must be controlled by Government. Our founders are spinning in their graves.

You epitomize what our founders feared the most; clueless idiots like you voting.

you don't speak for them
we don't have to go anywhere. the demographics are in OUR favor

They won't be forever. Peoples' opinions and outlooks change as they mature.

When young people have to start paying taxes, they may decide smaller government is better than the Democrat disaster.

At any rate, you'll be dead soon, along with the other guilty liberal boomers.

The historically-failed ideas of the Democrats like slavery, the KKK, opposition to Civil Rights and Jim Crow laws already died.
They won't be forever. Peoples' opinions and outlooks change as they mature.

When young people have to start paying taxes, they may decide smaller government is better than the Democrat disaster.

At any rate, you'll be dead soon, along with the other guilty liberal boomers.

The historically-failed ideas of the Democrats like slavery, the KKK, opposition to Civil Rights and Jim Crow laws already died.

the facts do not point to what you claim will happen.

there is a reason your party has to cheat to win elections
They won't be forever. Peoples' opinions and outlooks change as they mature.

When young people have to start paying taxes, they may decide smaller government is better than the Democrat disaster.

At any rate, you'll be dead soon, along with the other guilty liberal boomers.

The historically-failed ideas of the Democrats like slavery, the KKK, opposition to Civil Rights and Jim Crow laws already died.

I dunno.... demographic trends tend to show a different story.

And you know that you've got the GOP on the run when they bring up actions of the democrats prior to 1968. Here's a clue: NOBODY that was once damaged by slavery, the KKK, or Jim Crow hold that against the new democratic party anymore. That's just a fact. The only people who keep tossing those old chestnuts into the fire are the republicans. You NEVER hear a black man say, "I'm not voting for the democrat because their party used to be racist 75 years ago." Blacks vote for democrats overwhelmingly. Obviously, the stigma of what we once were has long since rubbed of as far as any minorities are concerned. They all know about the GOP southern strategy and they know what that means.