you stated that democrats had controlled the senate for six decades prior to 1994. I merely suggested that the four republican senate MAJORITY leaders I listed would take issue with that.
The nuance of language has always intrigued the Commander.... and his seeming to say things without actually saying things can be entertaining, don't you think?
I didn't say that democrats had controlled the senate for six decades prior to 1994. And I didn't even seem to say it either.
Here were your exact words: "prior to 1995, the Democratic Party dominated the House and Senate for nearly six decades."
I pointed out four republican senate majority leaders during that time and suggested they would disagree with that statement. If you speak imprecisely, don't whine when others call you on it.
demographic trends which show the old white bloc getting smaller and the hispanic voters and the black voters and the asian voters, not to mention the young voters are all blocs that are getting larger and those blocs are fairly solid in the democrat's camp. and we didn't even talk about the gender gap. trends don't look rosy for the GOP heading forward.... methinks your glory days are beginning to wane. Enjoy them while you can, I guess. But hey... it's all just idle speculation at this point... we'll talk about again... maybe ten years from now... and see how the GOP has either adapted or withered... I'm just saying' that the trend lines make it clear your party has got to do more than the same old same old or it will be merely a white southern regional power incapable of winning nationally.... sooner or later.
Because people never change their political affiliations as they mature and age?
I seem to recall hearing something about "The Solid South", a reliable Democrat voting bloc.
P.S. I hope you're still alive a decade from now...what are the odds?
Another incredibly stupid statement from a dunce lefttard; capitalism must be controlled by Government. Our founders are spinning in their graves.
You epitomize what our founders feared the most; clueless idiots like you voting.
but it takes seismic events... the GOP needs to create such a momentum changer to stem the demographic tide, yet they seem to be convinced that if they just keep screaming the same message louder and louder, that people will all of a sudden start to like it.