Are you a pedo?They're setting us up for internal passports you fucking nazi moron.
Are you a pedo?They're setting us up for internal passports you fucking nazi moron.
One would suspect the iteration and intonation evolving from your daily posts, devoid of context yet endowed with vitriol to indicate some problem you have with your tendency to gameplay by use of insults.
That I am retarded or not is a matter of your deflection. That your comments have no link whatsoever to the subject matter in a thread except your desire to dish out vitriol is a matter for you alone.
I simply like to test the "fucking Nazi moron" slur. One among hundreds of your weekly slurs. Even with no provocation.
I like to throw in the PEDO name calling to see how you lefties can take it when you so readily dish it out.
Most get angry.
Only if you promise NEVER to post on any of my threads or comment/respond on any of my posts after I put you on IA. If you do, I'll just point out to everyone again what a wussy little poser you truly are. Let's see how long you can do this, because only someone with a screw loose keeps hounding after people they claim are not saying anything of worth. Buh-bye coward.
So, exactly how is it going to be determined that people are "fully vaccinated" to go to a bar, restaurant, etc., without a mask? Do we carry stickers or badges? Geez, did the #CDC realize how many people this is going to piss off, much less validate extremist and nut jobs?
The Satanic Left will likely implement some sort of "vaccine card" system (in violation of HIPAA). It will likely, at first, feel like walking into a Costco (where a dude stands at the entrance and makes sure that you have a membership card before entering into the store). I'm sure that it will only snowball from there (once that idea gets "legitimized"), as that is how the Satanic Left operates...
More like showing ID to enter a bar. We have survived with that terrible communistic fascistic requirement for many years. Rightys can sure cry.
Segregation is becoming popular again, but now it's just "leftists" and "rightists" instead of blacks and whites...More like showing ID to enter a bar. We have survived with that terrible communistic fascistic requirement for many years. Rightys can sure cry.
Bingo.then we should also be able to survive with voter IDs, shouldn't we?
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Awww, is em's upset because I outed your little buddy for the bogus POS that he is?
No. I don't even know who you're talking about.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
picayune and bitchy much?
Please look up the definition and history of fascism. The closest we've come is with Dump and his Executive centrist approach to the Presidency.
OK. you wrote the OP wondering why the CDC said what they said.
I'm not confused when fascists act like fascists you are though so that says a lot about you. You don't understand the world around you.
The Satanic Left will likely implement some sort of "vaccine card" system (in violation of HIPAA). It will likely, at first, feel like walking into a Costco (where a dude stands at the entrance and makes sure that you have a membership card before entering into the store). I'm sure that it will only snowball from there (once that idea gets "legitimized"), as that is how the Satanic Left operates...
So either you have SmarterThanYou on IA, or you're a liar or you're just obsessed with trolling me and ignore all else.
Logic and the chronology of the posts points to the second option. Carry on.
Nothing is sadder than the proud ignorance that folk like display. But hope springs eternal. For your education from Merriam-Webster:
1: often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
early instances of army fascism and brutality
— J. W. Aldridge
Segregation is becoming popular again, but now it's just "leftists" and "rightists" instead of blacks and whites...
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Nothing is sadder than the proud ignorance that folk like display. But hope springs eternal. For your education from Merriam-Webster:
1: often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
early instances of army fascism and brutality
— J. W. Aldridge
Yep. Seems about right. You disagree?
Why do you disagree?
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
So either you have SmarterThanYou on IA, or you're a liar or you're just obsessed with trolling me and ignore all else.
Logic and the chronology of the posts points to the second option. Carry on.
What does STY have to do with anything? You have a problem with him then go call him out. My point to you was that you shouldn't be shocked when fascists say fascist things. Your deflection and subsequent retreat has been noted.
The chronology of the posts shows you asserting that IF the cdc or such entities would issue vaccination cards as a form of pass without masks to various public gathering spots, it's "fascism". Please explain to the reading audience how YOU determine such actions fit the above definition. We'll wait.