Covid Follies #8

the chronology of the posts clearly shows YOU commenting on a response I made to STY. So my previous statement stands. If all you've got is this moronic troll tactics, then you're just taking up space and time.

You had to resort to double posting? OK.

Do you want this conversation or not?
Well, you keep an eye on that for us, won't you? Meanwhile, the rest of us will concern ourselves with dealing with things that actually are threatening: COVID. Climate change. War. Famine. Infectious morons.


LOL--------climate change???????????? are you a complete moron? The climate of planet earth has been changing for hundreds of millions of years, man has never had anything to do with it, and never will short of all out nuclear war, and even then the earth would eventually recover. our lives are insignificant in the life of the planet we live on.
LOL--------climate change???????????? are you a complete moron? The climate of planet earth has been changing for hundreds of millions of years, man has never had anything to do with it, and never will short of all out nuclear war, and even then the earth would eventually recover. our lives are insignificant in the life of the planet we live on.

Hmm. How shall I respond to this shrill silliness? With this?


or with this?


Both work. :laugh:
Quote Originally Posted by ThatOwlWoman View Post
Well, you keep an eye on that for us, won't you? Meanwhile, the rest of us will concern ourselves with dealing with things that actually are threatening: COVID. Climate change. War. Famine. Infectious morons.

LOL--------climate change???????????? are you a complete moron? The climate of planet earth has been changing for hundreds of millions of years, man has never had anything to do with it, and never will short of all out nuclear war, and even then the earth would eventually recover. our lives are insignificant in the life of the planet we live on.

Tell me something you actually believe that the massive urbanization, industrialization and deforestation around the world in just the last 250 years has no effect on the planets climate patterns? Ever hear of acid rain? California Smog? Seriously, give me a straight answer.
Tell me something you actually believe that the massive urbanization, industrialization and deforestation around the world in just the last 250 years has no effect on the planets climate patterns? Ever hear of acid rain? California Smog? Seriously, give me a straight answer.

Yes, those things have contributed/caused pollution of our air and water. BUT there is no proven link between pollution and climate--that is what you AGW advocates cannot seem to grasp. Why isn't fighting pollution enough for you? Everyone would be on board with that. Why do you think you need to tie it to climate? Acid rain has been stopped, Cal smog has been reduced significantly. We have reduced the emissions of pollutants and have made great progress, unlike China and India who continue to pollute on a massive scale.

So try to answer honestly: why isn't fighting pollution enough? why do you need the climate link?
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Tell me something you actually believe that the massive urbanization, industrialization and deforestation around the world in just the last 250 years has no effect on the planets climate patterns? Ever hear of acid rain? California Smog? Seriously, give me a straight answer.

Yes, those things have contributed/caused pollution of our air and water. BUT there is no proven link between pollution and climate--that is what you AGW advocates cannot seem to grasp. Why isn't fighting pollution enough for you? Everyone would be on board with that. Why do you think you need to tie it to climate? Acid rain has been stopped, Cal smog has been reduced significantly. We have reduced the emissions of pollutants and have made great progress, unlike China and India who continue to pollute on a massive scale.

So try to answer honestly: why isn't fighting pollution enough? why do you need the climate link?

Umm, Red? the air and water and land DIRECTLY AFFECT CLIMATE. They affect the natural pattern of climate change on earth. Taking care of pollution takes care of climate. Do a little honest research into how a discovered hole in the ozone layer (and what that means to climate) lead to the first international effort in pollution control. (I really tire of doing homework for the willfully ignorant).

Trees, flora and fauna are critical to the exchange of CO2 and oxygen in the atmosphere, which is conducive to climate changes. Ever wonder why it's "hot" in totally urbanized areas but degrees cooler in the suburbs where there are more trees and such? Or how smog can envelope a sprawling city surrounded by farmland and a shoreline? Or why we are seeing increased extreme weather patterns across the globe in the last 20 years? But obviously, YOU need to be educated on the subject. And also, did you realize that the oceans and lakes provide oxygen/co2 exchange....if polluted, you have a reduction of such and an addeded detriment to the climate.

Here are some primers,degradation contribute to global warming. Malhi_CC, Deforest fate of amazon.pdf

I know this is a detour from the OP, but your willfully ignorant myopia on the subject lends credence the fears I express regarding gov't rules/suggestions in dealing with Covid.
Umm, Red? the air and water and land DIRECTLY AFFECT CLIMATE. They affect the natural pattern of climate change on earth. Taking care of pollution takes care of climate. Do a little honest research into how a discovered hole in the ozone layer (and what that means to climate) lead to the first international effort in pollution control. (I really tire of doing homework for the willfully ignorant).

Trees, flora and fauna are critical to the exchange of CO2 and oxygen in the atmosphere, which is conducive to climate changes. Ever wonder why it's "hot" in totally urbanized areas but degrees cooler in the suburbs where there are more trees and such? Or how smog can envelope a sprawling city surrounded by farmland and a shoreline? Or why we are seeing increased extreme weather patterns across the globe in the last 20 years? But obviously, YOU need to be educated on the subject. And also, did you realize that the oceans and lakes provide oxygen/co2 exchange....if polluted, you have a reduction of such and an addeded detriment to the climate.

Here are some primers,degradation contribute to global warming. Malhi_CC, Deforest fate of amazon.pdf

I know this is a detour from the OP, but your willfully ignorant myopia on the subject lends credence the fears I express regarding gov't rules/suggestions in dealing with Covid.

OMG are you really that stupid? its hot in urban areas because they are all concrete. There is no more CO2 in the atmosphere today than when we could first measure it. .039% and its been that for hundreds, possibly thousands, of years. Ice core samples and fossils confirm that. Besides, without CO2 there would be no plant life on earth, and therefore no animal(human) life.

but as with all liberals, you ignored my question: Why isn't it enough to ight pollution for the simple reasons that everyone understands, pollution makes animal and plant life die on earth. You don't need the fake climate religion to fight pollution, and if you are correct that pollution causes climate change, then you win both. But its not really about that is it? Its about controlling the activities of your fellow humans because you, as a liberal, know more than everyone else and are qualified to tell everyone else how to live.

GFY and take your prophet algore with you.
Yep, you're just being a moronic troll. Adios for now.

Why Trump? Because you're an asshole, thats' why.

No, you're being the troll. You asked a question, I answered, and all I've received from you is word salad not at all related to the question you asked.

If you don't want a conversation don't ask for it.
picayune and bitchy much?

Please look up the definition and history of fascism. The closest we've come is with Dump and his Executive centrist approach to the Presidency.

Oh? What about Biden with the most "Decrees" coming down from the Oval Office in the 1st 2 months ever?
Umm, Red? the air and water and land DIRECTLY AFFECT CLIMATE. They affect the natural pattern of climate change on earth. Taking care of pollution takes care of climate. Do a little honest research into how a discovered hole in the ozone layer (and what that means to climate) lead to the first international effort in pollution control. (I really tire of doing homework for the willfully ignorant).

Trees, flora and fauna are critical to the exchange of CO2 and oxygen in the atmosphere, which is conducive to climate changes. Ever wonder why it's "hot" in totally urbanized areas but degrees cooler in the suburbs where there are more trees and such? Or how smog can envelope a sprawling city surrounded by farmland and a shoreline? Or why we are seeing increased extreme weather patterns across the globe in the last 20 years? But obviously, YOU need to be educated on the subject. And also, did you realize that the oceans and lakes provide oxygen/co2 exchange....if polluted, you have a reduction of such and an addeded detriment to the climate.

Here are some primers,degradation contribute to global warming. Malhi_CC, Deforest fate of amazon.pdf

I know this is a detour from the OP, but your willfully ignorant myopia on the subject lends credence the fears I express regarding gov't rules/suggestions in dealing with Covid.

Let's see you prove the bolded. LOL!
So, exactly how is it going to be determined that people are "fully vaccinated" to go to a bar, restaurant, etc., without a mask? Do we carry stickers or badges? Geez, did the #CDC realize how many people this is going to piss off, much less validate extremist and nut jobs?


Obviously, it can't be. :laugh:
Well, first step is we would like to see rates go to close to zero, and then we can talk about opening bars without masks. We do not know what the future will bring, so it is unwise to remove precautions based on possible future success.

Random numbers are not data. Closing some businesses as 'non-essential' is a violation of the 14th amendment.
LOL--------climate change???????????? are you a complete moron? The climate of planet earth has been changing for hundreds of millions of years, man has never had anything to do with it, and never will short of all out nuclear war, and even then the earth would eventually recover. our lives are insignificant in the life of the planet we live on.

The Church of Global Warming cannot define 'climate change' or 'global warming'. They believe a Magick Holy Gas is somehow capable of adding additional energy to the Earth, and ignore the 1st law of thermodynamics, the 2nd law of thermodynamics, and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.

No gas or vapor is capable of warming the Earth.
Yep, you're just being a moronic troll. Adios for now.

Why Trump? Because you're an asshole, thats' why.

You keep saying adios, but you're still here. I guess you don't know what 'adios' means either.
Try learning English. Liberal doublespeak has no meaning for many of it's words. It's a very strange language.
In UK you don't have to take the vaccine as long as you do the certification - SO THATS FINE THEN. VACCINES ARE MEANINGLESS.
Tell me something you actually believe that the massive urbanization, industrialization and deforestation around the world in just the last 250 years has no effect on the planets climate patterns? Ever hear of acid rain? California Smog? Seriously, give me a straight answer.

The straight answer:

Urbanization areas cover less than 1% of the land area. They are of little consequence.

Industrialization is not weather nor climate. You have to define 'pollution' first.

Deforestation is not occurring. Thanks to folks like Weyerhauser, Georgia-Pacific, and others, we have more trees than ever now. They are farmed. All paper in the States comes from farmed trees. Same with lumber products. Deforestation is a myth.

'Climate pattern' is an undefined phrase. Buzzword fallacy. There is no such thing as a global climate. Climate has no quantitative value. There is nothing to change. Climate is a subject description, nothing more.

Rain is naturally slightly acid. This is not caused by any pollution. It is normal and natural. The water becomes alkaline as is flows across the ground, picking up calcium deposits and the like. 'Acid rain' is a localized problem that occurred when it rained through sulfur dioxide (generally emitted from inefficient coal plants). No coal plants emit sulfur dioxide in the States anymore, since they now all capture the sulfur dioxide as sulfur and sell that chemical to industry.

Smog is not limited to California (now the SOTC). It was caused by high temperature burns that nevertheless didn't consume all the fuel, releasing nitrogen compounds (typically called NoX compounds by government), ozone (a product of any fire), and unburned gasoline or other oil based fuel. Private industry solved the problem by designing way to recirculate exhaust gases back into the induction system. This lowers the temperature of the burn and gives another chance to burn unburned fuel. This simply device, involving nothing more than some plumbing and a valve, solved the problem. FADEC engines are also much more efficient than the old carburetors and mechanical fuel injectors. Both designs are part of every modern car. Both designs were developed by private industry, not government. Today, smog is nowhere near the problem it was in the past.

Los Angeles is a city on the coast, subject to marine fog despite the desert climate. This is often mistaken for smog by illiterates in Los Angeles, including many of those in government. Smog testing is a holdover from the days of carburetors and mechanical fuel injectors. Government sees no need to remove them, since they are source of revenue. Between FADEC engines and EGR, testing is no longer necessary.

Smog was never a worldwide problem. Neither was acid rain. These are localized problems, and they have been solved by private industry.

Places like China, of course, use older and inefficient coal burning plants, putting out a lot of soot and sulfur dioxide. They don't need to. Such is one of the results of communism. Government has no fucking clue how to run industry.

The straight answer. I know you won't like it. But there it is. The Church of Green is just that...a religion. A fundamentalist style religion at that.
Umm, Red? the air and water and land DIRECTLY AFFECT CLIMATE.
Nope. Not at all. Climate is a subjective word. It has no quantitative value. A desert climate is always a desert climate. A marine climate is always a marine climate.
They affect the natural pattern of climate change on earth.
Buzzword fallacies. Define 'natural pattern of climate change'. For that matter, define 'climate change'.
Taking care of pollution takes care of climate.
Define 'pollution'. Buzzword fallacy.
Do a little honest research into how a discovered hole in the ozone layer (and what that means to climate)
The ozone layer is created and destroyed by the action of sunlight on an atmosphere containing oxygen (such as ours). UV-C light (the highest frequencies) destroy ozone. They are thus completely blocked from reaching the surface (thankfully! This is an extremely dangerous band of light!). The destroyed ozone is converted back to oxygen. This is an exothermic reaction, heating the atmosphere around it. Lower down, ozone is created by UV-B light acting on oxygen. This blocks most, but not all of the UV-B light from reaching the surface. Exposure to this light can produce sunburn and 'snow' blindness. As ozone is built up during each day, more UV-B light is blocked. This is an endothermic reaction, cooling the atmosphere around it. This takes place in the lower stratosphere and is why this region is so cold. Ozone destruction by UV-C heats the atmosphere and occurs higher up (high frequency light is blocked more quickly by the atmosphere) leaving a temperature inversion in the stratosphere. Thermal energy, however, still declines with altitude however, as the air thins.

Ozone is an unstable molecule. It naturally decays into oxygen again after a period of time. Ozone can be produced by anything that shoves energy into oxygen, such as lightning, fire (including internal and external combustion engines), sunlight, mechanical impact, anything. It's that 'fresh rain' smell you get before the onset of a storm. People put ozone generators in their houses to act as air fresheners (ozone reacts with smoke and air also, breaking it down and removing the stink).

In other words, as long as there is sunlight and oxygen, you WILL have ozone. There is no way to stop it. We couldn't destroy the ozone layer even if we wanted to.

Why a hole at a pole? The ozone 'hole' was first noticed in the Arctic when scientists were firing old sounding rockets into the Auroras to try to figure out how they worked. These rockets carried instruments that happened to measure ozone, since that was one theory they were operating on at the time. This project was done in the winter in the Arctic, and a noticeable lack of ozone was detected at that time. A kind of 'hole' in the ozone layer. It was later discovered a similar 'hole' appears in the Antarctic during it's winter.

Winter in polar regions mean no sunlight. ozone. Big deal. The size of this 'hole' varies with the upper air winds circulating at the poles.

CFC's do not destroy ozone. You could put CFC's into a tank of ozone and nothing will happen. CFC's are heavier than air. They are like propane. They go down. They do not get up to the ozone layer.
Why were CFC's targeted? The refrigerant R-12, manufactured by the DuPont corporation under a patent, was losing that patent. It was expiring. A new patent on another refrigerant, R134a, would still keep manufacturing under exclusive DuPont license. It's easy to make R12, and many other companies were gearing up to make it. DuPont was facing a major loss of revenue.

So they went whining to the government. They created the whole 'ozone scare' story to justify banning R12. The ban had to be worldwide, because many of these companies were outside the United States. Fortunately, the United States itself was the biggest market for this chemical. Banning it meant destroying that market. A classic case of a monopoly STAYING a monopoly with government help...the only way a monopoly can survive.

You really should look up the Chapman cycle. It describes how ozone is created and destroyed in the stratosphere (the ozone layer).

So much for the Church of the Ozone Layer.

lead to the first international effort in pollution control.
You have to define 'pollution' in order to fight it. Private industry does tend to solve it's own 'pollution' problem, such as sulfur dioxide in the air. So much for the Church of Green.
(I really tire of doing homework for the willfully ignorant).
You are willfully ignorant. You deny science. You deny engineering. You deny mathematics. You deny economics. You do it out of religious fervor.
Trees, flora and fauna are critical to the exchange of CO2 and oxygen in the atmosphere, which is conducive to climate changes.
Fauna are animals, dude. They produce CO2 just like us. Trying to get fancy and you screwed up?

People and animals breath in oxygen and put out carbon dioxide. This the same as any fire. We use carbohydrates, water, and oxygen for fuel, and convert that to carbon dioxide. This is an exothermic reaction, which we use to heat our own bodies and to produce mechanical movement (and thought). Plants convert carbon dioxide and water to manufacture carbohydrates. This is food for the plant (and us!). This also release free excess oxygen from this reaction. This is an endothermic reaction, requiring outside energy to power (sunlight).

Fast growing plants, like grass, create the most carbohydrates in a given time, over a given bit of acreage. Fast growing trees are also good, like scrub alder. Most people consider this a weed. It is, however, farmed, since it makes great paper. Algae is also fast growing, and can float at sea, covering 7/10ths of the Earth. All convert CO2 to oxygen and carbohydrates.
If, for some reason, there is more CO2, it only helps plants to grow better. Some greenhouses add CO2 to the greenhouse to help plants grow faster and healthier.

CO2 has absolutely no capability to warm the Earth. No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. You cannot create energy out of nothing.

Don't worry about CO2.

Ever wonder why it's "hot" in totally urbanized areas
Argument from randU fallacy. The temperature of a city is unknown.
but degrees cooler in the suburbs where there are more trees and such?
Argument from randU fallacy. The temperature of a suburb is unknown.
Or how smog can envelope a sprawling city surrounded by farmland and a shoreline?
Already described. RQAA.
Or why we are seeing increased extreme weather patterns across the globe in the last 20 years?
Argument from randU fallacy. It is not possible to measure the total storm activity on Earth. The number and intensity of storms is unknown.
But obviously, YOU need to be educated on the subject.
Obviously, you are illiterate on statistical and probability mathematics as well as the laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
And also, did you realize that the oceans and lakes provide oxygen/co2 exchange.
They don't. Algae and plankton do that.
...if polluted, you have a reduction of such
Define 'pollution'.
and an added detriment to the climate.
Climate is a subjective word. Define 'detriment of climate'.
This is nothing more than scripture from the Church of Green and the Church of Global Warming.
I know this is a detour from the OP, but your willfully ignorant myopia on the subject lends credence the fears I express regarding gov't rules/suggestions in dealing with Covid.
The covid19 virus is the mildest virus of the Covid/SARS series so far discovered. Like any virus of this series, it can induce pneumonia, a dangerous infection, but can be treated if caught early by the use of aggressive antibiotics. The virus itself does not kill.
Governments are paid to pad Covid numbers. The data is therefore nothing more than manufactured random numbers.

The infection rate is unknown. The death rate from Covid related causes is unknown.

Masks do not stop a virus. The holes are far too large. You might as well try to empty a pool with a tea strainer. See the N95 specification. These masks are dust masks. They are designed to limit 95% of particles greater than 3 microns (that's what the '95' in N95 means). A virus is only 0.2 microns in size (and that's for the BIG ones!).
6 feet does not stop an airborne virus. It is airborne, drifting with the slightest breeze.
Plastic shields do not stop an airborne virus. It is airborne, drifting easily around such shields.
Covid is everywhere in the air and on every surface. It can be destroyed by alcohol, hypochlorites (bleach), or UV light (such as from sunlight).
Rain washes this virus out of the air.

Edicts from governors requiring masks is unconstitutional. Governors are not kings.
Closing some businesses as 'non-essential' also violates the 14th amendment of the Constitution of the United States.

It is obvious that you are a religious nut. You believe in the Church of Green, the Church of the Ozone Hold, the Church of Global Warming, and the Church of Covid. All of these are fundamentalist style religions. All of them stem from a parent religion; the Church of Karl Marx (otherwise known as the Church of Plato).
You deny science. You deny mathematics. You deny logic. You deny history. You do not recognize the Constitution of the United States nor any State constitution. You are a fascist. You want to have government manipulate markets, the very definition of fascism.

Fuck you.