Into the Night
Verified User
While I appreciate your attitude, the temperature of urban areas is unknown. The temperature of suburbs is unknown. It cannot be measured. We don't have enough thermometers, and the boundaries of said areas is unspecified.OMG are you really that stupid? its hot in urban areas because they are all concrete.
We can't measure it. CO2 is not uniformly distributed in the atmosphere. There are not enough measuring stations, and the Mauna Loa station is compromised by volcanic activity around it. They are cooking their data. It's quite useless.There is no more CO2 in the atmosphere today than when we could first measure it.
You are guessing..039% and its been that for hundreds, possibly thousands, of years.
Mean nothing. Direct measurements only please, the way it's done in science. Proxies are not used in science because they require much more interpretation, using assumed conditions. You will find that data, the result of an observation, is not a proof of any kind. All observations are subject to the problems of phenomenology.Ice core samples
Proxy data means nothing.and fossils confirm that.
This is quite true. CO2 is absolutely essential for life on Earth. Indeed, some greenhouses add CO2 to enhance plant growth. Plants do better in higher concentrations of CO2.Besides, without CO2 there would be no plant life on earth, and therefore no animal(human) life.
CO2 is not pollution. It's a naturally occurring gas. The biggest problem here is defining what 'pollution' means.but as with all liberals, you ignored my question: Why isn't it enough to ight pollution for the simple reasons that everyone understands, pollution makes animal and plant life die on earth.
The Church of Global Warming stems from the Church of Green. They BOTH stem from the Church of Karl Marx (otherwise known as the Church of Plato).You don't need the fake climate religion to fight pollution,
He can't define either 'pollution' nor 'climate change'.and if you are correct that pollution causes climate change, then you win both.
BINGO! You nailed it!But its not really about that is it? Its about controlling the activities of your fellow humans because you, as a liberal, know more than everyone else and are qualified to tell everyone else how to live.
Al Gore, the Holy Son of the Church of Global Warming, put to death by Hanging Chad, rises from the dead from time to time to say something stupid.GFY and take your prophet algore with you.
You have the right conclusion, but you will tend to fall into the trap of Data Wars and Holy Link Wars. There really is no data. It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth, nor any nation or State, nor any city or suburb. The temperatures you see on weather reports are the temperature as measured at the weather station, nothing more. Temperature can vary as much as 20 deg F per mile. We just don't have enough thermometers to even begin a sensible statistical analysis of this type. The margin of error for measuring the temperature of the Earth is so high that it exceeds the highest and lowest temperatures ever measured on the surface of Earth. Mathematically, anyone that tries to describe the temperature of the Earth is guessing.
Yes, that includes NASA and NOAA.