Covid Follies #8

OMG are you really that stupid? its hot in urban areas because they are all concrete.
While I appreciate your attitude, the temperature of urban areas is unknown. The temperature of suburbs is unknown. It cannot be measured. We don't have enough thermometers, and the boundaries of said areas is unspecified.
There is no more CO2 in the atmosphere today than when we could first measure it.
We can't measure it. CO2 is not uniformly distributed in the atmosphere. There are not enough measuring stations, and the Mauna Loa station is compromised by volcanic activity around it. They are cooking their data. It's quite useless.
.039% and its been that for hundreds, possibly thousands, of years.
You are guessing.
Ice core samples
Mean nothing. Direct measurements only please, the way it's done in science. Proxies are not used in science because they require much more interpretation, using assumed conditions. You will find that data, the result of an observation, is not a proof of any kind. All observations are subject to the problems of phenomenology.
and fossils confirm that.
Proxy data means nothing.
Besides, without CO2 there would be no plant life on earth, and therefore no animal(human) life.
This is quite true. CO2 is absolutely essential for life on Earth. Indeed, some greenhouses add CO2 to enhance plant growth. Plants do better in higher concentrations of CO2.
but as with all liberals, you ignored my question: Why isn't it enough to ight pollution for the simple reasons that everyone understands, pollution makes animal and plant life die on earth.
CO2 is not pollution. It's a naturally occurring gas. The biggest problem here is defining what 'pollution' means.
You don't need the fake climate religion to fight pollution,
The Church of Global Warming stems from the Church of Green. They BOTH stem from the Church of Karl Marx (otherwise known as the Church of Plato).
and if you are correct that pollution causes climate change, then you win both.
He can't define either 'pollution' nor 'climate change'.
But its not really about that is it? Its about controlling the activities of your fellow humans because you, as a liberal, know more than everyone else and are qualified to tell everyone else how to live.
BINGO! You nailed it!
GFY and take your prophet algore with you.
Al Gore, the Holy Son of the Church of Global Warming, put to death by Hanging Chad, rises from the dead from time to time to say something stupid.

You have the right conclusion, but you will tend to fall into the trap of Data Wars and Holy Link Wars. There really is no data. It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth, nor any nation or State, nor any city or suburb. The temperatures you see on weather reports are the temperature as measured at the weather station, nothing more. Temperature can vary as much as 20 deg F per mile. We just don't have enough thermometers to even begin a sensible statistical analysis of this type. The margin of error for measuring the temperature of the Earth is so high that it exceeds the highest and lowest temperatures ever measured on the surface of Earth. Mathematically, anyone that tries to describe the temperature of the Earth is guessing.

Yes, that includes NASA and NOAA.
In UK you don't have to take the vaccine as long as you do the certification - SO THATS FINE THEN. VACCINES ARE MEANINGLESS.

It's meaningless anyway.
What's to prevent someone from forging said certificate? Nothing. Why should a vaccine be required for someone that already has had covid19? The vaccine wouldn't do anything.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Umm, Red? the air and water and land DIRECTLY AFFECT CLIMATE. They affect the natural pattern of climate change on earth. Taking care of pollution takes care of climate. Do a little honest research into how a discovered hole in the ozone layer (and what that means to climate) lead to the first international effort in pollution control. (I really tire of doing homework for the willfully ignorant).

Trees, flora and fauna are critical to the exchange of CO2 and oxygen in the atmosphere, which is conducive to climate changes. Ever wonder why it's "hot" in totally urbanized areas but degrees cooler in the suburbs where there are more trees and such? Or how smog can envelope a sprawling city surrounded by farmland and a shoreline? Or why we are seeing increased extreme weather patterns across the globe in the last 20 years? But obviously, YOU need to be educated on the subject. And also, did you realize that the oceans and lakes provide oxygen/co2 exchange....if polluted, you have a reduction of such and an addeded detriment to the climate.

Here are some primers warming. amazon.pdf

I know this is a detour from the OP, but your willfully ignorant myopia on the subject lends credence the fears I express regarding gov't rules/suggestions in dealing with Covid.

OMG are you really that stupid?

Red's projecting again, folks. Sad.

its hot in urban areas because they are all concrete.

No shyte, Sherlock....that's my point....not enough trees, plants, grass and earth to absorb the industrial pollutants spewed into the air by cars and factories...that affects the atmosphere for some radius of these large cities. Again, educate yourself on "acid rain", what it does and where it comes from.

There is no more CO2 in the atmosphere today than when we could first measure it. .039% and its been that for hundreds, possibly thousands, of years. Ice core samples and fossils confirm that.

An erroneous conclusion by a relative minority of scientist (a percentage funded by corporations and the oil industry). Here, for your education: Climate myths: Ice cores show CO2 increases lag behind temperature rises, disproving the link to global warming

Read more:

Besides, without CO2 there would be no plant life on earth, and therefore no animal(human) life.

Again, a fantastically moot point by which no scientist or folk like me have stated otherwise. To allude to such is a typical failed ploy by industry parrots like Red. The discussion deals with man's artificial addition to the planet's CO2 level coupled with urbanization and deforestation in the last 2 centuries.

but as with all liberals, you ignored my question: Why isn't it enough to ight pollution for the simple reasons that everyone understands, pollution makes animal and plant life die on earth.

Another foolish statement by Red, because as the chronology of the posts shows Red thinks that pollution ONLY affects one aspect of the environment. Someone he trusts should explain to Red that if you kill off a predator species in a lake due to pollution, the plant life it consumed (and/or the animals that consumed that plant life) runs rampant, kills off the oxygen in that lake. the lake dies, and whatever it meant to any water table or surrounding animal life in the food chain in the area dies with it....chain reaction that over time results in a dead zone and less co2/oxygen exchange. Or you have trees and the lake die due to acid rain from industry smoke stacks. Multiply this the nth degree across the planet, and you see a market change in climate intensity and duration.

You don't need the fake climate religion to fight pollution, and if you are correct that pollution causes climate change, then you win both.

Here Red is babbling, as he contradicts himself from intitial contentions.

But its not really about that is it? Its about controlling the activities of your fellow humans because you, as a liberal, know more than everyone else and are qualified to tell everyone else how to live.

Pure supposition and conjecture based on the erroneous beliefs regarding climate change. Typical right wing/corporatist dodge techniques ....create a false narrative and extrapolate from it as if it's legit. A "red herring" to be sure.

GFY and take your prophet algore with you.

A childish, ignorant retort

See how I deconstruct Red's blather.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
picayune and bitchy much?

Please look up the definition and history of fascism. The closest we've come is with Dump and his Executive centrist approach to the Presidency.

Oh? What about Biden with the most "Decrees" coming down from the Oval Office in the 1st 2 months ever?

As opposed to the Shrub's signing statement records? Or Dump's? And since the "decrees" as you erroneously call them, are merely reversal of "decrees" by your Orange faced hero, you ignorant wailings of "fascim" are just that....ignorance. Carry on.
As opposed to the Shrub's signing statement records? Or Dump's? And since the "decrees" as you erroneously call them, are merely reversal of "decrees" by your Orange faced hero, you ignorant wailings of "fascim" are just that....ignorance. Carry on.

The double standard is LARGE with this one! :laugh:

How much you wanna bet the one that made beltway insiders wait 5 years after leaving gov position to become lobbyists got trashed day 1? :palm:

Why, though? :dunno:
The double standard is LARGE with this one! :laugh:

How much you wanna bet the one that made beltway insiders wait 5 years after leaving gov position to become lobbyists got trashed day 1? :palm:

Why, though? :dunno:

First you project your own stupidity, the then you put supposition and conjecture out there like its fact.

Why? It's not factually or logically sound. But that's never stopped you before. Carry on.
First you project your own stupidity, the then you put supposition and conjecture out there like its fact.

Why? It's not factually or logically sound. But that's never stopped you before. Carry on.

Oh it's factually sound..incoming link, bitchboi.

Oops, it was 2 years.


Requires all government appointees to sign an ethics pledge prohibiting the acceptance of gifts from registered lobbyists and lobbying for at least two years after exiting the government."
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Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
See my answer to Red, you chuckle headed confederate failure.

About that.. you failed with that.


Really? Can you prove that in a critical analysis and not with some silly meme, because your personal opinion is of little value in the discussion. I took Red's rhetoric apart piece by piece. If either he or you can't logically or factually disprove or refute what I put forth, then don't waste everyone's time trying to blow smoke up their butts.
Really? Can you prove that in a critical analysis and not with some silly meme, because your personal opinion is of little value in the discussion. I took Red's rhetoric apart piece by piece. If either he or you can't logically or factually disprove or refute what I put forth, then don't waste everyone's time trying to blow smoke up their butts.

You posted a couple links and called it good, DoucheMaster 9000.

For man to think he can effect weather is the epitome of arrogance and stupidity.

It's not about that, though. It's about wealth redistribution.

Answer me this, cupcake: Is grass included in their lists of plants that absorb CO2? Show me where it is.

It is not because it absorbs 400% more CO2 than the highest plant they have listed.

I've been bitchslapping global warming retards for a long time, boy.

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Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
First you project your own stupidity, the then you put supposition and conjecture out there like its fact.

Why? It's not factually or logically sound. But that's never stopped you before. Carry on.

Oh it's factually sound..incoming link, bitchboi.

Oops, it was 2 years.


Requires all government appointees to sign an ethics pledge prohibiting the acceptance of gifts from registered lobbyists and lobbying for at least two years after exiting the government."

FOCUS, Matthew, FOCUS. You originally said, " Oh? What about Biden with the most "Decrees" coming down from the Oval Office in the 1st 2 months ever?"

which to date you have NOT explained how that equates into fascism, as a fascist gov't would NOT be limited to signing statements regulations: For your education:

As to the lobby pipeline from public service, I agree that should be stopped. But again, that is NOT the definition of fascism, no matter how bad you want it to be.

Capice? I hope so, because I tire of the insipidly stubborn parroting by you right wing flunkies.
FOCUS, Matthew, FOCUS. You originally said, " Oh? What about Biden with the most "Decrees" coming down from the Oval Office in the 1st 2 months ever?"

which to date you have NOT explained how that equates into fascism, as a fascist gov't would NOT be limited to signing statements regulations: For your education:

As to the lobby pipeline from public service, I agree that should be stopped. But again, that is NOT the definition of fascism, no matter how bad you want it to be.

Capice? I hope so, because I tire of the insipidly stubborn parroting by you right wing flunkies.

STFU you fucking arrogant asshat pussy motherfucker!

You're not much smarter than a dog turd, bitch!

Biden is "ruling from top down" like a fascist, retardo.

Are you totally oblivious that policy should be originating in the House?

Of fucking course you are! You probably never even had a Civics class.

Allow me to find where that is in The Constitution and post it for you to see, boy.

Article 1, sections 7-8
"Section 7

All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.

Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States; If he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his Objections to that House in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the Objections at large on their Journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If after such Reconsideration two thirds of that House shall agree to pass the Bill, it shall be sent, together with the Objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two thirds of that House, it shall become a Law. But in all such Cases the Votes of both Houses shall be determined by yeas and Nays, and the Names of the Persons voting for and against the Bill shall be entered on the Journal of each House respectively. If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law.

Every Order, Resolution, or Vote to which the Concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question of Adjournment) shall be presented to the President of the United States; and before the Same shall take Effect, shall be approved by him, or being disapproved by him, shall be repassed by two thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, according to the Rules and Limitations prescribed in the Case of a Bill.

Section 8

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;

To establish Post Offices and post Roads;

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;

To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Nations;

To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy;

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;–And

To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof."
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You posted a couple links and called it good, DoucheMaster 9000.

For man to think he can effect weather is the epitome of arrogance and stupidity.

It's not about that, though. It's about wealth redistribution.

Answer me this, cupcake: Is grass included in their lists of plants that absorb CO2? Show me where it is.

It is not because it absorbs 400% more CO2 than the highest plant they have listed.

I've been bitchslapping global warming retards for a long time, boy.


You're a legend in your own mind, Matty. You haven't provided one shred of scientific evidence to disprove the content of my links, let alone the undeniable references to what happens to an environment when inundated with pollution, let alone regional & global climate changes. I already debunked Red's stupidity regarding the ice core/co2 myth. You'd know that if you actually read the material. You didn't, as the sheer lack of subject understanding in your response shows.

And For your education grass is on the list...mind you its not a heavy contributor, but it does contribute and is a vital part of the environment.

Bottom line: the majority of my skewering of Red's rhetoric left you with lame attempts and self aggrandizing baloney as a response. Once again, Matty, you're just a delusional confederate failure. Carry on.
You're a legend in your own mind, Matty. You haven't provided one shred of scientific evidence to disprove the content of my links, let alone the undeniable references to what happens to an environment when inundated with pollution, let alone regional & global climate changes. I already debunked Red's stupidity regarding the ice core/co2 myth. You'd know that if you actually read the material. You didn't, as the sheer lack of subject understanding in your response shows.

And For your education grass is on the list...mind you its not a heavy contributor, but it does contribute and is a vital part of the environment.

Bottom line: the majority of my skewering of Red's rhetoric left you with lame attempts and self aggrandizing baloney as a response. Once again, Matty, you're just a delusional confederate failure. Carry on.
Hey fucktard: The burning of fossil fuels produces Carbon Monoxide, not Dioxide. :D
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
FOCUS, Matthew, FOCUS. You originally said, " Oh? What about Biden with the most "Decrees" coming down from the Oval Office in the 1st 2 months ever?"

which to date you have NOT explained how that equates into fascism, as a fascist gov't would NOT be limited to signing statements regulations: For your education:

As to the lobby pipeline from public service, I agree that should be stopped. But again, that is NOT the definition of fascism, no matter how bad you want it to be.

Capice? I hope so, because I tire of the insipidly stubborn parroting by you right wing flunkies.

STFU you fucking arrogant asshat pussy motherfucker!

You're not much smarter than a dog turd, bitch!

Biden is "ruling from top down" like a fascist, retardo.

Are you totally oblivious that policy should be originating in the House?

Of fucking course you are! You probably never even had a Civics class.

Allow me to find where that is in The Constitution and post it for you to see, boy.

Article 1, sections 7-8
"Section 7

All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.

Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States; If he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his Objections to that House in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the Objections at large on their Journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If after such Reconsideration two thirds of that House shall agree to pass the Bill, it shall be sent, together with the Objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two thirds of that House, it shall become a Law. But in all such Cases the Votes of both Houses shall be determined by yeas and Nays, and the Names of the Persons voting for and against the Bill shall be entered on the Journal of each House respectively. If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law.

Every Order, Resolution, or Vote to which the Concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question of Adjournment) shall be presented to the President of the United States; and before the Same shall take Effect, shall be approved by him, or being disapproved by him, shall be repassed by two thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, according to the Rules and Limitations prescribed in the Case of a Bill.

Section 8

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;

To establish Post Offices and post Roads;

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;

To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Nations;

To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy;

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;–And

To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof."

Nice recitation, does this change the FACT that the signing statements are and have been a LEGAL PART of the government apparatus LONG before you or I were born....much less that FACT that the Congressional Senate can take steps to curtail the legislative effects of such statements (via the SCOTUS, for example). You'd know this if your read the information in my link....which you obviously didn't.

Unlike vetoes, signing statements are not part of the legislative process as set forth in the Constitution, and have no legal effect. A signed law is still a law regardless of what the President says in an accompanying signing statement. In 1972, after President Nixon in a signing statement indicated that a provision in a bill submitted to him did not "represent the policies of this Administration" and was "without binding force or effect," a federal district court held that no executive statement, even by a President, "denying efficacy to the legislation could have either validity or effect." DaCosta v. Nixon External, 55 F.R.D. 145, 146 (E.D.N.Y. 1972).

Signing statements have been used since the early 19th century by Presidents to comment on the law being signed. Such comments can include giving the President's interpretation of the meaning of the law's language; asserting objections to certain provisions of the law on constitutional grounds; and stating the President's intent regarding how the President intends to execute, or carry out, the law, including giving guidance to executive branch personnel.

Signing statements have played a role in conflicts between the Executive and Legislative branches in the past. For example, President Franklin Roosevelt indicated in a signing statement in 1943, during World War II, that he felt Section 304 of the Urgent Deficiency Appropriations Act of 1943 (ch. 218, 57 Stat. 431, 450 (1943)) was unconstitutional, but that he had no choice but to sign the bill "to avoid delaying our conduct of the war." He indicated that he would enforce the law, but if the law was attacked in court, the Attorney General was to side with the plaintiff and attack the statute rather than defend it. When such a lawsuit did occur, Congress had to appoint a special counsel to defend the statute in court. The matter ultimately went to the Supreme Court, which agreed with President Roosevelt and struck down the provision, citing his signing statement in the Court's opinion (United States v. Lovett, 328 U.S. 303 (1946)).

Fascist gov't don't require or incorporate signing statements. If you have a past or recent example that they do, then produce it.

Keep it coming, my confederate clown. Your delusion of expertise and deductive reasoning is most entertaining.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
You're a legend in your own mind, Matty. You haven't provided one shred of scientific evidence to disprove the content of my links, let alone the undeniable references to what happens to an environment when inundated with pollution, let alone regional & global climate changes. I already debunked Red's stupidity regarding the ice core/co2 myth. You'd know that if you actually read the material. You didn't, as the sheer lack of subject understanding in your response shows.

And For your education grass is on the list...mind you its not a heavy contributor, but it does contribute and is a vital part of the environment.

Bottom line: the majority of my skewering of Red's rhetoric left you with lame attempts and self aggrandizing baloney as a response. Once again, Matty, you're just a delusional confederate failure. Carry on.

Hey fucktard: The burning of fossil fuels produces Carbon Monoxide, not Dioxide. :D

Here stupid, learn something release heat, which we use for energy.